Are You Overtaxed?

It’s almost April. And the taxman will expect you to reconcile your tax bill soon. Have you overpaid or underpaid on your 2015 tax obligation? If you overpaid, you gave the taxman an interest-free loan. If you underpaid, you better have the money to make the taxman whole. Ah, the price we pay for civilization! …

Oh, The Joys of Blogging with a Spouse

(A Play in One Act)  Characters: Mr. Groovy         Mid 50s, blogger, husband to Mrs. Groovy Mrs. Groovy       Mid 50s, blogger, wife to Mr. Groovy Setting:                The play takes place in Mr. and Mrs. Groovy’s home office.   Act I, Scene 1 It’s late at night. Mr. Groovy sits alone hunched over computer, typing. Groovy …