The “Stop It” Guide to Personal Finance: Part Two

This is part two of my “Stop It” guide to personal finance. If you don’t know the origin of the “Stop It” guide, here’s the link to the part one post that explains it. Now on with the show. Check out this inspiring mail carrier, and make particular note of his pointed self-assessment at the …

The “Stop It” Guide to Personal Finance: Part One

Mrs. Groovy stumbled upon a very amusing Bob Newhart skit on YouTube last week. Check it out: Bob Newhart shows the secret to mental health: stop doing the things that compromise your mental health. Now, Bob’s “Stop It” therapy was tongue-in-cheek, of course. If only fixing one’s mental health were so easy! But fixing one’s …

Ten Keys to Making a Sucky Job Less Sucky

For twenty-one years I toiled at a sucky government job. Management cared more about enriching the coffers of the Republican Party than providing the taxpayers with great service. Union officials cared more about its members getting more pay than becoming more productive. And my typical co-worker cared more about dodging work than being a hero …

Thirteen Reasons Not to Invest Time and Money into Professional Sports

On November 15, 2017, I published a post questioning the merits of being a sports fan. It has turned out to be my most popular post by far. Right now it has 230 comments. The last one was submitted this past July—more than three and a half years after the post was published! That’s pretty …