Why Aren’t You Married?

“Some men want their hell before death.” When I was in my 20s and 30s, this was my explanation for why men got married. As you can probably surmise, I had some issues back then. But fortunately for me, I worked through those issues. In 2002, I married Mrs. Groovy. And it’s been a rollicking …

Are You Ignoring the Key Gauges on Your Financial Dashboard?

When driving a car, the car’s dashboard comes in pretty handy. With just a quick glance, you can see how fast you’re traveling, how much fuel is in the gas tank, and how hot the engine is running. Absent a dashboard, driving a car would become a lot more challenging. Believe it or not, your …

Eight rather than Ten Reasons Not to Get a Bachelor’s Degree

Special Note In the comments section, James from RetirementSavvy called me out on reasons 6, 7, and 8. Here’s his exact rebuke. Also, reasons 6-8 strike me more as an attempt to make political points and not real points about the value of attaining a college degree. I respect James a lot, so I naturally …