Which Costs the Consumer More: Profits or Politics?

Socialists firmly believe that business profits are the bane of the consumer. If capitalists weren’t greedy bastards trying to maximize profits, consumer goods and services would be much more affordable. It is, therefore, in the mind of a socialist, preferable to shift production toward the government. Politicians aren’t chasing profits, so profits aren’t baked into …

FIRE Is Not for You

The biggest reason I think Robert Kiyosaki is a conman is that his real estate sales portal doesn’t exclude anybody. As long as you have a pulse, you’re welcome to join his real estate “seminars.” It doesn’t matter what your income is, what your credit score is, or what blue-collar skills you bring to the …

“You Didn’t Earn That!”

Senator Warren definitely has a bee in her bonnet when it comes to billionaires, especially Elon Musk. It galls her that most billionaire wealth is in the form of unrealized capital gains and can’t be taxed under the current tax code. So Senator Warren wants to change that, and her effort to sway public opinion …

Perfect Conditions Versus Hospitable Conditions

I didn’t get married until I was 40 years old. If I were a complete narcissist, I could easily blame that futility on women. After all, there wasn’t perfect neutrality in my dating world. Many women weren’t looking for a mate (they were already married), many women weren’t looking for a white mate (they preferred …

I Have a Dream

I have a dream that one day the lives of blacks killed by other blacks will matter as much as the lives of blacks killed by white cops. Here are some of the black lives that didn’t matter to our Woke Overlords because their murders didn’t bolster the woke narrative that blacks are oppressed by …