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I’m into fitness—frugal fitness, that is. A while back I wrote a post about how I set up a home gym in my garage for under $100. I also added a $15 chin-up bar to my indoor regimen of free YouTube workouts, bear crawls and planks. To say I’m cheap about fitness is putting it mildly. So when my blogging friend Amy over at Life Zemplified told me how she’s training at home for an obstacle race, I jumped on the opportunity to feature her story as a guest post. Amy’s frugal routine beats mine by a long shot—she even does squats when she brushes her teeth.
So with out further ado, here’s a real frugal way to get super fit. Take it away, Amy.
Looking to get in better shape, increase your strength, gain muscle, or train for an obstacle race? Well, I’ve got some fun and frugal outdoor exercise ideas for you.
Because I’m in Michigan and a cold weather wimp, my opportunities to exercise outdoors are limited. So when the warm weather arrived and the realization that the obstacle race I signed up for in February was now only four months away, my butt got outside to train.
I fell in love with the idea of an obstacle race while watching American Ninja Warrior and the Spartan Ultimate Team Challenge, both on NBC. I’d love to be a Ninja, but being a 49-year-old female, I think my attempts at the Salmon Ladder and Warped Wall will remain in my dreams.
A small obstacle race, however, seemed a possibility. Quite a few organized obstacle races exist in the U.S. and worldwide. The Spartan Race, Tough Mudder, Warrior Dash, and Savage Race are some of the more popular ones.
Approximately one year ago I convinced my husband, John, to do the Spartan Race. But even after he finally submitted to my gentle prodding, it still took us months to firmly commit to one. I pored over event schedules and opportunities for saving on entry fees for months. Then in February, they ran a special for Valentine’s Day and the Spartan schedule finally included an event in Michigan for September 2017. The die was cast. I signed us both up.
Since this is the first obstacle race for us both, we opted for the Sprint event, a 3 to 5 mile course with 20 to 23 obstacles. Other races in the Spartan series include the Super (8-10 miles, 24 to 29 obstacles), the Beast (12-14 miles, 30 to 35 obstacles) and the Ultimate Beast (2 laps of the Beast). While we both completed a 1/2 marathon in 2013, the idea of battling 24 or more obstacles was just too intimidating for me. I know. I’m a wimp.
Frugal Strength and Endurance for Everyone
Although John and I are training for an obstacle race, the training we’ve developed is great for just about anyone looking to build strength and endurance. The training we’ve developed is also easy on anyone who is particularly cost sensitive. Our training uses items and equipment you’re sure to find around your home and in your local parks. Yes, with a bit of creativity you can frugally hone your muscles and increase your aerobic capacity.
Okay, before we dive into the “frugal exercises” that comprise our training, I need to throw a couple of things at you. The first thing I’m throwing at you is a disclaimer. Here it is.
Obligatory Disclaimer: Please consult a doctor before embarking on any exercise program. Do not attempt any exercise you do not understand how to perform without trained supervision. The activities I describe are not a prescribed exercise program.
This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is provided to inform you about exercise and nutrition, and as a self-help tool for your own use. It is not medical or dietetic advice. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. For my full Disclaimer, please view here.
The second thing I’m throwing at you is some preliminaries. Here they are.
- In order to get the most out of the exercises below, you’re going to need some space. We are fortunate to live on 3 acres, so our yard is quite large to move around on. If you have a smaller yard, you can still perform these exercises. You’ll just be doing more laps. If you live in an apartment, on the other hand, you’ll need to hit a local park.
- Perform these types of exercise 2-3 times per week. You can do them all in one day or split the list into two days. Warm-up for approximately 5 minutes with an easy activity such as walking, slow jogging, jumping jacks, jumping rope, or burpees. Don’t dive into the below exercises right away.
- Base the weight, distance, and repetitions used for these exercises on your current fitness level and goals. Don’t be a Superman or a Wonder Woman. Start with less or fewer and build up over time.
- Finally, remember to have plenty of water on hand. You’re able to push yourself more when you’re well-hydrated.
For personal and specific recommendations, feel free to contact me at my site –
Frugal Exercises Requiring Equipment
Note: We did not pose for the pictures (they were taken during activity), and we are nowhere near professional models or photographers. So please excuse any amateurishness in the shots below.
- Sled Drag and Sled Pull: For these exercises, we use a toboggan that we weigh down with old truck tires and 40-pound salt bags. If you lack a sled or toboggan, try an old tarp. You can attach a rope through the eyelets. Or use anything that can be weighted down and pulled with an attached rope or cable. A child in a storage tub perhaps? And if you don’t have a spare child or two, you could use large rocks, sandbags, cement blocks, or heavy tools to weigh down your “sled.” For the first exercise, the sled drag, we secure both ends of a rope to the toboggan so that we can place it around our waists and drag the sled behind us. The weight on the sled should be enough to challenge you but not so much that you cannot move it 20 yards or more.
The sled pull exercise involves securing a long rope to the toboggan so that we can pull it to us from a distance. We use a 10-foot rope now but will be getting a longer one. We pull the sled back and forth across the lawn multiple times. We’ll increase the weight and repetitions as we go too. Use your upper and middle back, not just your arms, to pull the sled towards you.
- Walking Lunges: Holding a heavy rock, dumbbells, or another heavy object, perform alternating lunges walking across the yard. Step forward with one leg and lunge down until your thigh is parallel with the ground, ensuring your front knee does not go out over your toes and your back knee does not touch the ground. I perform 15 lunges on each leg in one direction, pause, and then perform 15 lunges on each leg back the other way. Again, as your training continues and you become stronger, increase the repetitions and the sets.
- Step Ups: We perform these on our front porch, our back deck, or a bench at the local park. The idea is to use a surface that is approximately knee high. If that is too high for you, start with a lower surface and work up to it.
- Bucket Carry and Salt Bag Carry: For these two exercises, we use a 5-gallon bucket loaded with rocks and two 40 lb salt bags (feel free to substitute the salt bags with sandbags, dog food bags, or any heavy bags you have handy). We are currently trying to do both carry exercises for 1/4 of a mile. John’s doing great. I’m not even close yet.
For the salt bag carry, I put one bag on my shoulder. John carries 2, one on each shoulder.
For the bucket carry, I place a salt bag in the bucket and bear hug the bucket. John places additional rocks in the bottom of the bucket to increase the weight for him.
- Pull-ups: For this exercise, monkey bars, a sturdy tree limb, or any other structure you can suspend yourself from would work. Since we have none of those at home, we use a homemade pull-up bar John installed on a steel beam in our basement and then attached some plumbing pipe to it (see picture below). When we are at a park, we do use the various equipment there.
Before this year, I could never perform a forward-facing-grip pull-up. But I was determined my day would come. To make it happen, I started doing back strengthening exercises such as dumbbell rows, seated rows, and the sled pull. Then I started doing underhand grip pull-ups. Finally, the day came when I was strong enough to do one forward-facing-grip pull-up. I can now do 3, and I’m working on more.
- Stair Climb: I’m using my basement stairs for this. You could use any interior or exterior stairs you like. Bleachers at a stadium would also work. To do this exercise, I put on a weighted backpack (I’m using 15 pounds of books), and then I walk up and down the stairs 10 times. I started with 5 and have worked myself up to 10. You could also hold dumbbells, a bowling ball, or a laundry basket full of clothes.
Frugal Exercises Requiring No Equipment
In addition to the above exercises, we perform push-ups, planks, and wall sits. Burpees and bear crawls are other exercises we will soon be adding. None of these require any equipment and can be performed just about anywhere.
We also walk 5 miles a day for at least six days during the week. In the near future, we hope to increase our distance and pace for at least two out of the six days.
Finally, I love what squats do for me. So I also perform 15 bodyweight squats every night while brushing my teeth.
Final Thoughts
Whatever exercises you choose to engage in, have fun with it! You won’t keep doing something if you don’t enjoy it. After all, why torture yourself with any exercise? Many frugal exercises exist, and with a little help from Google, you’re sure to find something you enjoy.
Please reach out with any questions. Share your own frugal exercise tips or obstacle race experience in the comments below. I’d love to hear them.
Thank you, Mr. & Mrs. Groovy, for the opportunity to engage with your Groovy Freedomists!
In Wellness,
Mr. Groovy here again. Are Amy and John inspiring, or what? I don’t know what scares me more. Doing lunges with a big rock? Walking with two 40 lb bags of salt on my shoulders for a quarter of a mile? Or walking 5 miles a day, six days a week? But wait, there’s more! Amy and John’s training regiment is as frugal as it is challenging. It costs them nothing to hone their strength and endurance. And who in the personal finance community can’t appreciate that?
I for one can’t wait to here how Amy and John do on their Spartan Race in September. I’m sure they’ll make us proud. By the way, Claudia and Garrett over at Two Cup House might be doing a Tough Mudder next year. Perhaps we can rally the northeast personal finance community and orchestrate a twisted meet up? We can call it, “FinCon Meets Full Metal Jacket!”
Finally, I just want to tell you a little more about Amy. Amy is in office and project management by day, and is a certified nutrition coach and blogger in her spare time. She writes about food, fitness, personal finances, and fun at her site She believes wellness is more than just eating right and exercising, but also effectively managing your finances, connecting with others, and growing yourself a little every day. She enjoys a variety of outdoor activities and, as you well know, is currently training for her first Spartan Race in September of 2017.
In addition to her site, you can also find Amy at:
people write so many articel about health and fitness but your post is really interesting
Thanks for sharing
It’s very necessary in our fitness life
Malcolm Shabazz recently posted…7 Best Pull Up Bar for Apartment Workout : Cheap, Affordable and Durable
That’s so awesome that you guys are tackling a spartan race – it sounds intense! Thanks for the awesome tips on frugal fitness. Now that I’ve got a bit more free time on my hands, fitness is something I need to get back into my routine.
We do lots of walking naturally and I’m biking for errands around town, but I could definitely use something a bit more structured. This post has my brain running with some ideas
Thanks, Chris! Oh yeah, you can get the whole family active now.
We’re talking about a PF crew obstacle course race in 2018; perhaps you can join us! And that goes for anyone else reading who might be interested.
I love the home exercises. I am going to have to try to rig up a sled pull like the one you mentioned.
I have long wanted to try my hand at completing a Spartan, but they don’t have one local this year. I am thinking of signing up for a “Warrior Dash”, which is similar (but easier). Looks like a ton of fun!
Hey, Jefferson, thank you. Yes, give it a try it’s great exercise.
Go for it! I don’t think you can go wrong with the right attitude, and it sounds like you’ve got it. Have fun!
Mr. Groovy’s done a Warrior Dash. He had a blast. And came home quite muddy.
Nice! Lots of good suggestions here. And that’s coming from a certified personal trainer and licensed corrective exercise specialist =) My friends and I did one of those spartan ones too. Very fun. I’d say cardio is pretty important. I’d like to do some tough mudders in the future. I’ve heard great things about it. Although I’m not looking forward to the cattle prods or whatever they are, the dangling electric lines over muddy water. Something about that just doesn’t jive for me
Glad I passed! I’m a former personal trainer but it’s been a few years.
Someone was just telling me about the shocking you can get in that race. I’m with you in that it doesn’t sound appealing at all. Thanks for the comments Tim!
Love these kinds of posts. We’re an active family and have created our own garage gym with equipment we’ve accumulated over the years. We also have quite a bit of DIY equipment too. Love the sled you created. Such a great idea.
That’s good to hear OurFI. So much better than sitting on the couch all the time together. There are some Spartan Race events for kids too, and I suppose the other events may also have family events. Thank you for the kind words!
What a nice surprise. I clicked the link to check out what Mr. Groovy had to write about frugal fitness and there was a guest post from one of my other favorite bloggers Amy from Life Zemplified. I enjoyed this post emencly. Thanks for sharing how you can create an effective workout at home without having to spend much money. I bet those sled drags are not as easy as they look.
What a nice surprise this comment was. Why yes, they are a bit…the first time I tried to move the weighted sled it was pretty funny.
Thanks much, Dave!
Okay Amy, you’re AMAZING. When I think of frugal exercise, I think of running around the neighborhood and renting an exercise DVD from the library. This is inspiring me to get off my behind and think outside the box to get more exercise.
Kathryn, thank you! And you can use those kids of yours too!
Home gyms a lot more fun because it takes creativity as well as determination. I think some people think paying a lot of money for the gym will make them adhere to it better – well that sounds pretty risky to bet your money on your determination.
We purchased a 3 story townhouse partly because we have a lot of stairs. Everyday is a leg day at our house! I run up stairs better than I run on horizontal ground now thanks to AirBnB!
I giggled at some of the photos. OH goodness that lawn is ridiculously lush!!! Is there a frugal guide for lawn care?
I think you’re right Lily, some people believe the paid membership will also buy them motivation. That sometimes works if you are paying a trainer as well but not always.
Go you! Stairs are a great exercise.
I think it’s called goats, but we don’t have any
Nope, just rain and a riding lawn mower. Thanks, Lily!
How fun that you guys are doing the Spartan Race together, and I love how you’ve used normal, everyday items into workout tools.
I ditched my gym membership over a year ago and have found a lot of good resources on YouTube. I like having a video to follow and doing so in the comfort of my own home for free is perfect! Thanks for the tips Amy, and good luck in the race!
Thanks, Sarah, we are having fun with it! That’s awesome you’ve got some YouTube channels you like that keep you active and save you money too.
Great post, Amy! I love all the suggestions! And to the Groovy’s – we’d love to do a Tough Mudder or Spartan (or just hang out) with the northeast PF crew! I love that you can do these at your house with minimal cost too. I’m reading a book Ms. Montana sent me Amy. It’s called “Younger Next Year” – have you read it?
Hey, if PoF and Fritz could get the Drawdown Chain going, perhaps Claudia and Amy can arrange a northeast PF obstacle course challenge in 2018. It could be the social event of the year.
We’re there! I think Claudia mentioned this one (and I just saw your reply Mr. G!)
Or maybe this one in Charlotte (Concord actually – where my aunt lives!)
Thanks, Vicki! I have not read that book you mentioned…is that a recommendation for it?
We’d so be in for a PF Crew event! That would be such a blast!
YES! Great book so far! Ms. Montana sent it to me as a gift – I’d love to “pay it forward” if you are interested. And let’s get the PF crew obstacle event going. We’d definitely join!
Yes, Vicki, I’d love to read it and then do the same!
Sounds good to me!
Love it! Funny that ANW influenced me to sign up for another obstacle course run in Nov…that was discounted…of course! I’ve actually done Warrior Dash twice and really enjoyed it! It’s nice that you have all that space to do that too!
Thanks, Tonya! Glad to hear you enjoy these types of events so much and are jumping into another one. ANW pumps me up lol Go, Jessie!
Hey, Tonya. I did a Warrior Dash a few years ago and failed miserably. Couldn’t even run to the first obstacle. Basically walked the whole course. Hopefully I can redeem myself next year if Mrs. Groovy allows me to do a Tough Mudder.
While I agree the money that I use for a gym could be saved, there are a few things that I like to do that I use the gym for (swimming, universal weightlifting, etc.)
We have a bike and a treadmill, so I am already going fewer times than I use to. When I retire, I will probably drop the gym membership.
Hi, Kevin! Swimming is definitely something many of us can’t do at home. I think if you can afford the gym, find value in the membership and it gets you to exercise then great. I wouldn’t tell you to give it up. Glad you are being active!
Good point, Kevin. Tough to swim at home. And there is something to say for free weights. Perhaps the best overall body exercise is the dead lift. It could be done at home, of course. But once you start flirting with some real heavy weight (i.e. more than 300 lbs), you’re probably best off at a gym.
Now that is getting creative. I’m sure you guys are going to kill it at your race. Find a place to practice rope climbs. They aren’t hard if you can do a pull up but require some technique.
And get good at burpees. Any obstacle you mess up you get punished with a set of burpees.
Why are you doing this again
Thanks for the words of encouragement, Grant! As a matter of fact, I’m working on the burpees because the rope climb might do me in lol
HA, I’ve asked myself that a couple of times. Something about being a 50-year-old BadAss!
Whoa! Didn’t know about the burbee penalty. That’s good to know.
Oh wow, this looks exhausting! Lol. I work out using a home exercise DVD, it works great for me for fitting around my little one. I also play hockey which is only £3 a match – such a good way of getting fit and having fun!
HA, Francesca! I’m definitely tired by the end of it. I bet chasing your little one can be an exercise in itself. Hockey sounds fun too! I always enjoyed playing field hockey in school…but that’s been years ago. Thanks for commenting!
Francesca! I love it. I think chasing after a little one counts as working out too. And my eyes were popping out of my head at the thought of £3 ice hockey. But then Amy cleared things up when she mentioned field hockey in her reply. Heck, if I could play ice hockey for £3, I think I’d have to spend half the year in London.
I love the sled and rowing equipment you made! Great job making fitness equipment frugally. There’s no financial reason not to stay fit.
I was in Michigan earlier this year for Toughmudder, which we do every year (not necessarily in MI) This September Em and I are doing our local Toughmudder, which will be her first. Looks like you will be ready for your event without a problem at all.
Mike, thank you for the kind comments!
Good for you doing all those races. Here’s to all of us having fun this fall! Thanks!
Hey, Mike. The toboggan was a fantastic idea. And the pull up bar was one of the best home pull up bars I’ve ever seen. Love the plumbing pipe. Industrial chic meets Yankee ingenuity.
Thanks for sharing your routines with our readers, Amy! It’s so inspiring to know there are simple ways to train frugally for a race.
How long does it take you to walk 5 miles and will you continue with that once the race is over?
It takes us app. 50 minutes to walk app. 3 miles daily. I’m thinking it takes you at least an 1-1/4 hours to do 5 miles. How and when do you make the time for that 6 days a week?
Thank you, Mrs. Groovy! It is my pleasure.
We don’t do the 5 miles all at once sorry I should have made that more clear. Here’s how it usually goes:
John and I actually work for the same employer, and we are lucky to have a one-mile sidewalk loop right outside our work door. So we are able to walk that 2 or 3 times a day – during lunch hour and sometimes before we start the work day. Then we walk the other 2 – 3 miles in the evening at a state park about 5 mins from our home. My mom typically takes part in that walk as well.
One weekend day per week we get to the park early and get about 4-5 miles in, then catch the rest if needed in the evening with a walk in the neighborhood or a quick jump on the treadmill.
Bad weather days/times are spent on the treadmill as well. Not nearly as much fun.
Thanks for clearing that up, Amy. I was getting nervous.
Amy, you’re a Goddess. Creative ideas, and impressive results! I couldn’t help but wonder how your neighbors must be trying to figure out what kind of lawn work you and John are doing with that toboggan! (a low-cost alternative to a lawn roller!?). Great ideas, think I’ll try a few in our yard!
Good luck in the Spartan, look forward to reading about it!
Fritz, you are too kind! Luckily our yard is surrounded by trees but my mom does chuckle at us some.
Why yes, I think your yard could handle these for sure. Just no more falling off the roof okay?
Thank you!
THANK YOU for sharing these! It hurts my heart to see people pay for gym fees when you have everything you need to get fit already in your home. I started my own freeish exercise regimen. Every morning I wake up and dance along with free dance workout videos on YouTube. Afterwards I lift some weights, or some days I run on our elliptical (which we bought on firesale at Walmart years ago).
I also have the great opportunity to work from home, so I also work at a standing desk for half of my day.
Thanks, Mrs. P! Yay for starting your own routine! Dancing is great and strength training is super important too, glad to hear you’re getting some in.
Oh yes, I’ve got a stand-up desk at my work as well! I do a couple hours of standing in the morning and a couple in the afternoon as well most days.
I love the stand-up desk, ladies. I wonder if they take a little getting used to.
The best thing about working out at or around home is I can’t find an excuse for not doing it.
Hey, Mrs. PP. I’ve always wondered how those stand-up desks were. For some reason, I always thought it would be hard to type from a standing position. But I guess it isn’t. And it’s amazing how easy it is to get a great workout routine just by watching YouTube. Mrs. Groovy does a lot of shoulder workouts from YouTube. I watch this guy over at Athlean-X. Great bodyweight workouts. I had no idea how hard a plank, planche, or a bear crawl was. No reason to pay hundreds of dollars at a gym to destroy your body when you can do it at home for free.
That looks like fun…kind of! Glad to see you were able to make the work out equipment so cheaply. I am always amazed how expensive exercise equipment can be.
Watching America Ninja Warrior last night made me want to build an obstacle course. Those contestants are fun to watch, especially as they get older (and nearer my age).
Keep fit America!
So fun!
Yes, that show is just fun. You could do a course for your son too! I wish the women had a better advantage on the course, but some of them are really kicking butt on it now. #GirlPower
Thanks, Dads!
Hey, Triple-D. I love American Ninja Warrior. It’s one of the few things I watch in which I’m really pulling for the contestants. Just started doing some one-arm hangs today. Brutal. I was able to hold on for 10 seconds. Perhaps by the end of the year I’ll be at the Ninja Warrior level.
Awesome! I love both of these sites and I’m so excited to see the two of you working together!
Amy – thanks for sharing these workouts! The best part is that these can really be done anywhere without equipment, so there’s no limitations!
Thank you for the kind words, Lance! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. You got it exactly, be a bit creative and you can get some great exercise in.
Amy’s great. We were pleased as punch when she agreed to share her workout routine. And we certainly weren’t disappointed. Love the creativity. Love the dedication.
There’s just some enjoyable about home gyms. Great way to be creative with workouts.
So true K.P., home gyms can fun. Thanks!
Agreed, KP. It’s like old-school Rocky training vs. high-tech, fancy-pants Ivan Drago training. Here’s to Amy, John, and all the home gym people out there.
This is an awesome post, Amy! I trained for a Tough Mudder a few years ago and had a blast with the event. I love your creativity- finding ways to train and incorporate the different obstacles in your own backyard! Good luck with the race!
Thanks, Mrs. AR! Good to hear you had fun with your event!