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Anyone familiar with this site knows I’m a big fan of geoarbitrage. When done correctly, it’s a great way to lower your housing costs and free up a lot of money for investing. For example, Mrs. Groovy and I lowered our housing costs to roughly 3% of our household income by relocating to Charlotte. Had we remained on Long Island, our housing costs would have gobbled up close to 25% of our household income.

For financial reasons, I’m very glad I left Long Island. Had I stayed on that freaky but lovable New York City appendage, there’s no way I would have achieved financial independence at age 53.

But I’m also glad I left Long Island for non-financial reasons. Relocating to Charlotte made me a better person. It allowed me to be the person I wanted to be, not the person I was expected to be. Let me explain.

Creating an Encore Persona

When I was a younger man, I was very into politics and very partisan. It didn’t matter what my party said or did, I had its back. If it said ketchup was a vegetable, ketchup was a freakin’ vegetable damn it. And any scoundrel who said otherwise had best be ready for a fight.

To say I drank the party Kool-Aid was a gross understatement. I was a classic my-mother-drunk-or-sober fool.

Being a partisan ass wasn’t very becoming. It also wasn’t very honorable. Fortunately, though, as I neared my mid 30s, I realized how profoundly ignoble my behavior was, and I effectively retired from partisan politics. But here’s the problem. How do you get family, friends, and co-workers to forget the previous two decades of your existence? To them, regardless of what I professed, I was still a partisan ass, and they simply couldn’t resist the urge to talk politics with me and get my take on whatever controversy was roiling the media.

It was maddening. I was so one dimensional for so long, I was scarcely even human anymore. Everyone saw me as some mindless drone who could only be understood and reached through the prism of partisan politics.

Ah, but then I moved to Charlotte.

The people I’ve met in Charlotte don’t know I was a partisan ass back in New York. To them, I’m just a happy-go-lucky guy with a weird accent who is totally apolitical. And that’s just the way I like it.

In the ten years I worked in Charlotte before I retired, you know how often I discussed politics with my co-workers? Maybe a half dozen times. You know how many times I initiated those discussions? Zero.

When I talked to my co-workers, it was mainly about work. And if it wasn’t about work, it was about their lives—their kids, their pets, or their latest smartphones. Anything but politics. It was pure heaven.

I Don’t Give a Crap About the Dallas Cowboys Either

When I was growing up, I was a big time Dallas Cowboy and New York Islander fan. But just as with partisan politics, something clicked when I hit my mid 30s. My devotion to professional sports in general and these two teams in particular began to strike me as increasingly foolish. “Who are these guys?” I asked myself. “Do they give a crap about me? And if they don’t, which is perfectly understandable, why am I wasting so much time, energy, and money watching them throw a football and whack a puck?”

Had I remained on Long Island, my new-found disdain for professional sports and the Cowboys and Islanders would have required a lot of explaining. After all, being a sports fanatic and a rabid Cowboy and Islander fan was a big part of “who I was.”

But there was no explaining necessary down in Charlotte.

Another thing that didn’t require any explaining down in Charlotte was my spending prerogatives.

It’s hard to articulate, but there was always this unstated pressure back on Long Island to spend and behave like an upper-class person. And this unstated pressure came from family and friends as well. Of course, no one would ever call you a “loser” to your face. But you got this unmistakable sense that people would think less of you if you lived in a working-class town, or drove a “bottom-of-the-line” car, or shopped at Walmart, or—heaven forbid—had a job that actually required you to get dirty.

This Long Island “attitude” is precisely why I gave up a promising car-washing career. It’s also why I dreaded being seen by anyone I knew when I was picking up litter at my highway job.

But Mrs. Groovy and I don’t have upper-class tastes. We don’t need fancy cars and clothes to feel fulfilled. Nor do we need exquisite restaurants and vacation destinations. We’re perfectly happy with the mundane—driving a 2004 Camry, outfitting our wardrobes from Walmart, celebrating Valentine’s Day at Sonic, and vacationing in Birmingham, Alabama.

And God damn it, I like picking up litter.

Charlotte, for all its faults, is a lot less snooty than Long Island. There’s no unstated pressure to be refined. We can live like the great unwashed we are and not feel like second-class citizens.

Final Thoughts

Up until this post, I’ve only considered the financial benefits of geoarbitrage. But what if the main benefit of geoarbitrage isn’t financial? What if the main benefit of geoarbitrage is that it allows you to cast off the yoke of expectations? To free yourself from the attitudes and sympathies that no longer suit you but because of family, friends, and co-workers are stuck to you like barnicles? Would geoarbitrage still be worth it?

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. What say you? Is geoarbitrage a great way to reinvent yourself? Or is using geoarbitrage to create an encore persona overkill? Shouldn’t one have the courage to reinvent oneself without having to escape family, friends, and co-workers and moving to another part of the country? Let me know what you think when you get a chance. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Peace.

83 thoughts on “Geoarbitrage Is a Great Way to Reinvent Yourself

  1. I found a similar change available when I changed jobs.
    In trying to be a ‘people pleaser’ a wonderful person in my life showed me, managers had no idea who I was, which made them unsure how to interact with me. This added tension. I’d resorted to trying different tactics to deal with someone I was having issues communicating with too.
    This job, I’ve let my work ethic and integrity shine. This office also people change their appearance (hair clothing styles) with more fluidity, that I think other have learned to see past that and to the person. I’ve been much happier here, because I am aligned with my values inside and out and it’s respected by those around me.

  2. Thought-provoking post as always, my friend. My challenge right now is to reinvent myself in place. I don’t mind being contrarian and swimming upstream by community standards, but I do find that I genuinely like where I live and who I know in our community.

    I wonder at times if I couldn’t just be happy anywhere, although each uprooting means starting anew to connect with people, and that gets more difficult with time.

    Another aspect to consider each time you uproot as a couple is that those important friendships outside of the two of you are more difficult to establish. Having just walked alongside a family member made a widow this past week after a 51 year marriage where they did everything together, you need to nurture those friendships that are exclusively yours. Those seeds are harder to plant and take longer to grow each time to move.

    My apologies for these jumbled thoughts intended to say that I love how your posts make me think in different and challenging ways.

    Always grateful,


    1. “Another aspect to consider each time you uproot as a couple is that those important friendships outside of the two of you are more difficult to establish.”

      So true. And I was always cognizant of this. When we moved to Charlotte, Mrs. G worked from home. I got a classic cubicle job and had much greater opportunities to make friendships. But I didn’t want to be the one with a lot of new friends. That wouldn’t have been fair to Mrs. G. So I just forged casual work friends and always tried to include Mrs. G in our outings. You got a keen mind, my friend. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. 100%, Mr. Groovy. I’ve had about 4 times in my life starting anew, in a different city where I knew not a soul.

    I’ve had the same experience as you, in that your new friends and acquaintances have no idea who you are, and you can be who you want, without their notions of who you were. Like you say, you don’t feel that pressure to fit the mold you think they have of you.

    I’ve even seen that for brief moves (like a tour-group trip somewhere), you can actually “try out” some personality changes to see how they work. Not like being manipulative, but making changes you might’ve been reluctant to try at home (like being more talkative, less shy, or even a new hairdo, etc.).

    I’ve always found moves to be very liberating, with a bit of a challenge thrown in.


    1. “Not like being manipulative, but making changes you might’ve been reluctant to try at home (like being more talkative, less shy, or even a new hairdo, etc.).”

      Nailed it, my friend. It’s not about trying to fool people. It’s about trying to be a better you.

    1. Exactly, Angela. It’s all about creating a wonderful life. And sometimes that wonderful life is best achieved by staying put.

  4. Mr G you hit the nail on the head as usual!

    I used my move to London as my first geoarbitrage exercise. 🙂 I studied there for three months and was a completely different person. I came back a different person. My mom says it’s the one point in my life where she noticed the biggest difference in me (in a good way).

    To a lesser degree that happened both when I moved to California and when I moved back to Minnesota as well. I think that absolutely the benefits extend far beyond financial. 🙂 Sometimes there are DRAWBACKS financially but it’s still a worthwhile move!
    Dave @ Married with Money recently posted…Revising Dave Ramsey’s Baby StepsMy Profile

    1. He’s the hairy-handed gent who ran amuck in Kent
      Lately he’s been overheard in Mayfair
      You better stay away from him
      He’ll rip your lungs out, Jim
      I’d like to meet his tailor

      Sorry, Dave. I couldn’t help myself. When I hear about someone transforming across the pond, I can’t help but think of An American Werewolf in London. Glad your transformation went a lot smoother than David Kessler’s. And great point about how geoarbitrage can be beneficial even if the financial calculation isn’t. I had a co-worker who moved to Charlotte without any skills or job prospects. But she told me that if she had any chance of succeeding in this world, she had to get away from her family. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. “Aaoooooo. Werewolves of London.”

  5. You are on to something big here! International geoarbitrage was part of our plan to FIRE and we will be doing it in 6 months.
    I needed to reinvent my life; FI is a big part of that, but so is environment. I needed to find a way of life that allowed me to spend time feeding my soul and an environment that lets me thrive. We need to move away to allow those things to become a reality because it’s just not possible where we are currently for more reasons than I care to list.
    So yes, if geoarbitrage is a means for you to live your best life, I say Absolutely Do It!
    Thank you for this interesting and lively discussion Mr. Groovy. You always provide content that gets one thinking.

    1. Thank you, LD. I can’t express how happy your comment made me. I’ve never made a dime blogging. But it’s one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done in my life. And it’s connecting with people like you that make that the case. Have you ever considered starting a blog to chronicle your international geoarbitrage and your journey to FIRE? And if not, would you consider doing a regular guest post on my blog about your adventures? Your story would surely interest a lot of people. Let me know what you think when you get a chance. In the meantime, best of luck. I’m sure geoarbitrage will be as kind to you as it was to me. Cheers.

  6. I guess I never stopped to think about whether “I” would change at all. Being a mid 40s overly confident half-assed writer clouds that vision. So thanks for sharing this post!
    I wonder, for instance, if I moved to Colorado (from Minnesota) would I relax my political views at all, wear more flannel? At a minimum I think I’d find it easier to relax (legal weed notwithstanding…)

    1. Hey, I’ve lived in Charlotte for 11 years now and I still don’t own a pickup truck. So, yes, your adopted state will not total overwhelming your sense of propriety. Fear not the flannel, my friend. And fear not the pot brownies.

  7. Once a New Yorker, always a New Yorker 😉 Haha, but yeah I hear you on how crazy people can be about sports, and politics, and BAGELS! It really becomes part of your identity. I don’t think you need to move to reinvent yourself, but it certainly makes it easier. Keep on marching to the beat of your groovy drum.

    1. Thanks, Mrs. FF. And I hear ya about bagels. One of Mrs. G’s biggest gripes about Charlotte is that the few bagel joints around here rarely make egg bagels. In fact, Mrs. G had a major CMLT yesterday because the bagel joint we stopped by for lunch had…EGG BAGELS! Mrs. G was jubilant for the rest of the day. Thanks for stopping by, Mrs. FF. It’s always great hearing from a fellow Yankee who is building a house.

  8. Totally agree with this post! My recent Big Decision is all about GeoArbitrage. I’ve taken decisions like these throughout my career and have been “enriched” (both monetarily and otherwise) by every one of them. Such experiences in your working career give you the confidence that you can certainly retire in a completely new place far from where you were born and raised. This is my kinda Groovy!
    Ten Factorial Rocks recently posted…FIRE Without SmokeMy Profile

    1. Nailed it, TFR. The benefits of geoarbitrage aren’t solely financial. I’ve financially benefited from geoarbitrage immensely. But I’ve also grown as a human being. In fact, I would go so far as to say that geoarbitrage made me a better husband, uncle, son, brother, cousin, friend, neighbor, and co-worker. It’s amazing what moving 700 miles away can do for one’s net worth and soul. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. And I look forward to reading about your Indian adventures. Mrs. Groovy and I seriously considering heading off to Kerala next year. Perhaps we can meet in Kochi at the Lulu Mall. Cheers.

  9. We will be using geoarbitrage when we relocate to Canyon Lake away from Houston. I know costs should be lower, but it would also be a good time to reinvent myself, or at least leave behind any aspects of Mr. SSC I don’t feel like continuing to travel with. 🙂 I did that when I left KY for Denver, and it worked out well, I just never looked at is as Geoarbitrage, lol. Great concept!
    Mr. SSC recently posted…I’m Getting Pulled up the Corporate Ladder…My Profile

    1. Yeah, we got to come up with a word for encore persona. Geoarbitrage is a good tool for reinventing yourself, but maybe charismatrage (charisma + arbitrage) is what we should call the process of dropping bad traits for good habits. Does charismatrage work? Hmmm. You got me thinking, my friend.

  10. Who is this wise Mr. Groovy who so accurately tells of my own Encore Persona creation?
    Wow. If I was articulate and awesome I could have written that section about my own ridiculous partisan, over-confident self when I lived in the vast flyover country. You nailed it, Mr. G.

    PS: Wait, are you trying to tell me ketchup is NOT a vegetable???

    1. LOL! You’re too much, Mr. G. No, ketchup is not a vegetable. Did you see Fritz’s comment below? Ketchup is a fruit spread! Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Can’t wait for the Groovies and Grumbies get together over beers one day so we can discuss our encore personas. Cheers.

  11. That’s a great point. I never thought of geoarbitrage in that way. I guess it is a great point to start fresh and reinvent yourself. Other things can trigger that too like retirement.
    I wonder if we’ll really reinvent ourselves if we move, though. I seem to be set in my way now at 44. It’s going to take a big change to make me reinvent myself again.

    1. I think the main reason I wanted to reinvent myself is because I wasn’t happy with myself. Being a partisan shill and a sports fanatic were making me miserable. You may be set in your ways, but your ways aren’t detrimental to your emotional and financial well-being. So there’s really no reason to reinvent yourself. But here’s the million dollar question. I know you’re awesome and don’t need to reinvent yourself. But does Mrs. RB40 feel that way? Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Always a pleasure.

      1. I don’t know about Mrs. RB40. She’s pretty happy with her life.
        I think the main thing we’d both like to change is to make more friends locally. Everyone is too busy with their lives to socialize.

  12. Somewhat similar, I’ve always thought that starting a new job allows me to reinvent myself for beneficial reasons.

    And when we moved styes we told our kids that they could shed any aspect of their old reputations that they didn’t care for and start fresh in their new schools.

    Completely agree with this take Mr. G

    1. Thanks, Ty. And I love what you told the kids about shedding any aspect of their old reputations that they didn’t like. What a great way to help kids transition to a new school/environment. Bravo, my friend. You’re a very wise man. Cheers.

  13. I think we are soulmates. Moving is absolutely a chance to start fresh! One of the best things about NC I’ve noticed is how chill and accepting everyone is. No pressure to have fancy house, car, clothes, trips (well, maybe a little snootiness in Chapel Hill, but in general not). It sounds like leaving the New England area did y’all a world of good in many ways! I’d hang out with you in jeans and talk anything but politics anytime 🙂

    1. That’s funny, BE. The only time Mrs. G and I ever perceived an element of snootiness down here in NC was when we were in Chapel Hill. We just got the sense that weren’t welcomed. And we weren’t wearing any Wolfpack or Blue Devil gear! I’ll let you know the next time Mrs. G and I are heading up your way. Perhaps we can get together to talk food and wine. Definitely not politics.

  14. I would lean towards having the courage to reinvent oneself where they are.

    Now, if you all of a sudden realize you love farming and want to be around other farmers…living in Manhattan isn’t going to work.

    So there are definite reasons for geoarbitrage.

    Politics might be one of those reasons. Like you are saying, partisan politics has become even more vicious.

    If your friends aren’t open-minded enough to understand a different viewpoint and have an intelligent conversation, maybe it’s time to find new friends.

    Anyways, like most things, there are grey areas.

    This post is definite food for thought!

    1. Agreed, Nick. Geoarbitrage for the sake of reinventing yourself is rather drastic. Today, I like to think I have that courage. I definitely didn’t have it ten years ago. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I really appreciate your insights. They make a lot of sense.

  15. Well, now you have to worry what your new Charlotte neighbors will think about that fact that you have a fight-o-meter with your better half.

    You might have to relocate again sometime in the future to shed that. Especially when she’s got a double-digit lead on you….

    1. Haha! Other than the Green Swan, no one in Charlotte knows about the Fight-O-Meter. So in that regard, I’m safe. But my family up in Wake Forest are aware of it. And even though they’re from my side, they’re rooting for Mrs. G. I can’t win!

  16. This is SO on point. I’ve struggled to explain it so concisely as this. There were three major changes in my life that took me from chronically shy|lagging in my career|home body to leading IT teams on major projects|huge social dancer. It took moving to a city, moving to a specific neighbourhood and ditching my high school (18yr) relationship. For whatever reason, whether its a relationship, geography, job or friends, something we get ‘stuck’ in being a certain way and can’t work out way out.

    Glad you found your way to who you wanted to be! That’s peace of mind right there.

    1. Wow, Whymances. Thanks for sharing. Your comment really resonated. And it pinpoints a fascinating aspect of human psychology. I certainly knew that there were parts of my life that I needed to change. But I couldn’t change until I created a lot of separation between me and my family and friends. Why? My family and friends never objected to the new Mr. Groovy? Would they have done so if I remained on Long Island? I doubt it. Damn, behavioral psychology is hard. Oh, well, I better leave these deep questions the pros. Thanks for stopping by, Whymances. I really appreciated what you had to share.

  17. So it’s kind of like you’re in the witness protection program! 😉 I think it’s great that you were able to reinvent yourself in a new location. Hopefully we’re able to develop encore personas no matter where we reside, but I definitely agree it’s easier when you move. I remember the financial-social pressure in a couple of the towns I lived in, and while I didn’t move far from them, it was far enough that I no longer feel the need to keep up.
    Gary @ Super Saving Tips recently posted…Where is the Line on Paying Your Adult Child’s Expenses?My Profile

    1. LOL! Yes, I never thought of my escape from New York was a backdoor witness protection program, but that’s an apt description. You got a very keen mind, my friend.

    1. I love it, Kyle. But did you have to go to a Land Down Under to reinvent yourself? Couldn’t you go to Austin or Nashville? Haha! Just kidding, my friend. I’m jealous. Australia is my dream vacation. Hopefully, Mrs. G and I can make it down there within the next few years. Cheers.

  18. Oh yes. Moving, changing jobs, schools, churches, etc. can give you a chance to reinvent. But yes, we should be able to reinvent ourselves without having to move or change any of those other things. Easier said than done though it seems. Not necessarily because we don’t have the courage but because others are too narrow-minded maybe and don’t think we can or are changing?

    Your brother-in-law’s situation reminds me a bit of our own (I wish it was the $2M part but sadly no). Anyway, we live in one township but have a mailing address for a neighboring city. One is definitely more highbrow than the other. It’s fun to watch people’s reactions when you mention one or the other, or both.

    1. Good question, Amy. Why, without moving or changing jobs, do we have such a hard time reinventing ourselves? Are our family, friends, and co-workers triggers for maintaining the status quo? Oh, man, you got me thinking, Amy. Thank you.

  19. This is a great point Mr. Groovy. I’m an east-coast dude myself, and the pressure to live baller is much more pronounced compared to here in the midwest. It’s much easier to live how you want to live when the pressure isn’t around you all the time.

    1. So true, Kevin. I remember in the late 90s I needed a new car and I got a car that was way more car than I needed. But I had to get a nice car because I was still dating at that point in my life. Sadly, many Long Island women used the type of car you drove as a rough gauge of your suitability. Don’t miss the dating scene. Nor do I miss the environment that was overly money-centric. Thanks for stopping by, my friend.

  20. As in Western movies, you can become The Man with No Name, the star of the new release: “The Geoarbitragers.”
    It is historically part of the American character to pick up and move when needed, when another opportunity comes along, or to reinvent one’s self.

    1. Haha! Are you saying “Go West, young man” was nothing but a clever marketing campaign unleashed by early geoarbitrage enthusiasts?

  21. This is soooooo on point! We’ve moved frequently (due to hubby’s govt job) and I’ve truly enjoyed meeting new people as a “blank slate.” Oh, I don’t think I’ve left a trail of destruction in my wake, but it’s just nice to let old habits die and old mistakes go, and be a fresher version of my stale old self.

  22. It’s totally a great tool in reinventing yourself. I have been many people in this life, reinventing myself many times, and I can tell you that with every move, I’ve been able to make some very insightful discoveries about myself. Currently, I’m in a leanfire state of mind, somewhat of a homebody and, since dumping a too expensive, too big American Dream house, I have loads of time. I’m taking knitting classes, pottery classes, drawing classes, painting a LOT, doing Youtube exercise videos and meditating every day.

    Geoarbitrage gave me a boatload of time to see what my 53 year old self really digs now…and it’s way different than what my 23 year old and 33 year old dug. Thumbs Up, Mr. Groovy. Geoarbitrage rocks.

    1. Oh, wow, I had a great CMLT reading your comment. When done right, geoarbitrage is a great way to advance your finances and discover true happiness. Goodbye monster home, hello knitting, pottery, and drawing classes. Now that’s living. Thanks for stopping by, BB. It’s always great hearing from someone who knows the life-altering power of geoarbitrage.

  23. Sometimes the only way to remove the barnacles that are preventing us from being the best versions of ourselves is to take a physical leap.

    We wake up in the light of fresh perspective, the barnacles fall away, and we stretch and grow into an unadulterated version of happiness.

    As always, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the many-sided benefits of geoarbitrage! The Reinvention of The Groovies is a great source of inspiration as we prepare to take our next leap.

    1. “We wake up in the light of fresh perspective, the barnacles fall away, and we stretch and grow into an unadulterated version of happiness.”

      That’s beautiful, Mrs. G. Thank you.

    1. Hey, Mr. DS. Here’s the funny thing. I didn’t realize how much social pressure there was to spend on Long Island until I no longer lived on Long Island. Mentally, I’m more at home in the South. I’m pretty sure I would feel comfortable in the Midwest too. Thanks for stopping by, my friend.

  24. LA is very similar to NY…but so different too. lol! But I totally get it and have a plan for geoarbitrage. 🙂 Is it possible to find a place that accepts you for who you are and datable without having face-fillers and Botox? I hope so! Even my 20-something friends are getting “work done.” It’s depressing!

    1. Doh! I keep forgetting that tomatoes are fruit. Yes, if ketchup is anything other than a red condiment, it’s a fruit.

  25. Your post reads like an appendix to The Millionaire Next Door. There’s a difference between being rich and acting rich. Glad to hear you’re embracing the former over the latter. Most under-accumulators of wealth dissipate their substance keeping up appearances. Your geoarbitrage windfall would not have helped at all had you bought a McMansion in the right neighborhood with all the accoutrements.

    1. “Your geoarbitrage windfall would not have helped at all had you bought a McMansion in the right neighborhood with all the accoutrements.”

      Nailed it, my friend. If Mrs. Groovy and I bought a house we could “afford” when we moved down to Charlotte, we would not be retired now.

  26. Wow, great post Mr. Groovy. I’m pretty sure we’ll be leaving California when we get to the RMD part of our lives. Now there’s another item in the “plus” category.

    In the mean time, as a new blogger I feel that I’m reinventing myself here online. You guys don’t yet know my faults. Shhh!

  27. Love the idea of geoarbitrage as both a financial benefit and as a way to reinvent (grow) yourself. It can definitely make sense as an element of a retirement plan; and as someone who spent 21 years on active duty and moved quite frequently, I’m used to – and love – experiencing life in a slightly different way after moving.

    1. “I’m used to – and love – experiencing life in a slightly different way after moving.”

      I love this sentiment. It’s not for everyone, but if you’re interested in growing mentally and spiritually, I can’t think of a better strategy. Thanks for stopping by, my friend.

  28. If we hadn’t moved to Arizona, our financial situation would be significantly worse. We’d probably never have been able to afford a house. Granted, that would’ve saved us a fair chunk of money in improvements, but we’d have been renters for the long haul. And rents never go *down* but they’re always happy to go up.

    Here in Arizona we were able to get a foreclosure for $90,000 after improvements. Our mortgage is $540, so even paying $700 a month will have the house paid off 8 years early. If we can increase it to $750 (which we’ll do here once finances even out a bit) it’ll be 12 years early.

    Between that and Tim’s skin (severe eczema — the original reason we moved down here) doing better, it’s hard to argue with the results.
    Abigail @ipickuppennies recently posted…How to dive into personal finance (without drowning)My Profile

    1. That’s amazing, Abigail. I got a huge CMLT reading that your mortgage is only $540. And had I remained in New York, I never could have imagined that one could get a mortgage payment that was not much higher than a car payment. Here’s one for you. I had a co-worker in Charlotte who bought a two-bedroom house just north of the city for $25K. And it wasn’t in a war zone. It was just an old home in need of some TLC. Anyway, his father was a carpenter, and he had two older brothers to lend a hand. Add another $25K for supplies, materials, and appliances–and throw in a lot of sweat equity–and my co-worker had a very nice home for $50K. $50K! Thanks for stopping by, Abigail. It’s always great hearing from someone who knows intimately the power of geoarbitrage. Cheers.

  29. Music to my ears! We’re using the idea of geoarbitrage as part of our plans to retire early in a couple of years (I’ll be 44) . We’ll be moving to Panama once I quit my job.

    If we didn’t focus on geoarbitrage, it would cost me probably close to another 5 years of working (for the man!).

    We’re excited not just about the financial aspects, but a simpler lifestyle without the political drama we have here. They have some of that, but not like we have here in the U.S.

    — Jim
    Jim @ Route To Retire recently posted…What if Moving to Panama Sucks?My Profile

    1. I love it, Jim. Panama just came in third in an international, best-country-to-retire-in survey. And I hear ya about the political drama. It’s so much better when your on the sidelines and aren’t actually engaged in the angry maelstrom. Thanks for stopping by, my friend.

  30. “But what if the main benefit of geoarbitrage isn’t financial? What if the main benefit of geoarbitrage is that it allows you to cast off the yoke of expectations? To free yourself from the attitudes and sympathies that no longer suit you but because of family, friends, and co-workers are stuck to you like barnicles? Would geoarbitrage still be worth it?”

    Man, that’s good stuff there!

    We moved from Maryland to Charlotte and saved a ton of money. Over time we wound up falling into lifestyle inflation and many years later found ourselves in our dream home… waterfront (deep water), dock, boat lift, three stories, elevator, etc, etc. It was awesome.

    BUT… it came with a lot of baggage. Besides financial, there were emotional and relational costs to all the “stuff” we had. There was also neighborhood and friend pressure to “keep up with the Jones'”.

    We sold the big house – and about half of everything we owned – and used the equity to pay cash for a townhouse that is 1/2 smaller and 1/3 the cost. We’re in SO MUCH better of a place now. Not “literal” place like the house is better, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually better off.

    No regrets at all.
    Brad – recently posted…Is It Time For An Investing Fire Drill?My Profile

    1. Whoa, whoa, whoa! You’re in the Charlotte area? Have you mentioned this before? And has my feeble brain just failed to retain it? If you’re still in the Charlotte area, I got to buy you some beers. When are you available?

        1. That’s awesome. We love Charleston. The last time we were there we had our hearts set on some burgers at Poe’s Tavern. But the lines were down the block. Maybe after we finish our house this summer we can have a celebratory weekend in Charleston. I’ll keep you posted, my friend.

  31. Wow, that’s an amazing realization. I’ve only ever done one big move in my life which was anti-geoarbitrage (not a huge increase but still there was a cost of living increase).

    I have, however, had the reinvent myself attitude a few times. When I change jobs I like to take that opportunity to reset different parts of myself. Whether it is eating lunch every day with co-workers, or just general assumptions people have of me based on where I used to work in a company, that all goes out the window with a new employer.
    Budget On a Stick recently posted…If I Had A Million Dollars…My Profile

    1. Nice, BOAS. It never dawned on me until you pointed it out, but a new job is another excellent way for one to reinvent oneself–even if it’s a something as seemingly inconsequential as changing from a go-out-for-lunch guy into a bring-lunch-to-work guy. Love the way your mind works, my friend.

    1. No time for a summer friend
      No time for the love you send
      Seasons change and so did I
      You need not wonder why
      You need not wonder why
      There’s no time left for you
      No time left for you

      Very profound insight, my friend. In fact, it’s so profound I couldn’t help but think of an old Guess Who song.

  32. I get it Mr. G. When I was in my full time working years I changed employers several times. It was always an opportunity to reinvent myself professionally and to a lesser extent personally with my co-workers. It was similar to your story here from the personal perspective.

    Other random observations about your post. Are you 53 now? Pretty close to my demographic as a young boomer. I wonder if we were born on the same day? My 2009 Camry is silver and needs to be washed. What color is yours?

    Tom @ Dividends Diversify recently posted…O My! Now I’m a Real Estate Guy.My Profile

    1. Haha! I’m 56 now. Mrs. G and I achieved FI in 2014 but didn’t retire until 2016. We are wussies and couldn’t walk away from regular paychecks until my mini government pension kicked in. And, yes, my Camry is silver. And, yes, it needs a bath.

  33. This reminds me of going away to college. In essence, moving somewhere new where no one knows you, you can reinvent yourself completely into something that feels more comfortable. I left for college as a quiet nerd and grew my social skills and confidence in college among people I never met. I managed to become a completely different person at that time, just because I was no longer shackled to that persona I had a history with. Thanks for sharing, you make great points about geoarbitrage as a way to unshackle, reinvent, and become who you’d like to be beyond the college years.

    1. “…I was no longer shackled to that persona I had a history with.”

      It’s amazing how time can shackle your persona. Thanks for sharing, Kate. I forgot how the benefits of college aren’t always academic either.

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