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I’m a global warming skeptic. And it’s not because I lost faith in a scientific community that says a man can have a baby. No, I’m a global warming skeptic because I lost faith in our politicians.

To understand why I have lost faith in our politicians, consider illegal immigration. All you have to do to stop illegal immigration is setup a simple barbed wire fence along our southern border, man our side of the barbed wire fence with border agents, national guardsmen, and army units, and then shoot anyone who gets past the barbed wire fence. After a dozen or so “migrants” are shot dead, word would get out that you can’t enter America without permission. The problem of illegal immigration is solved.

But for at least 40 years now, our politicians, who have the solution to everything come election season, are utterly impotent when it comes to illegal immigration. It’s a giant freaking Scooby-Doo mystery. Everyday Americans just have to get used to uninvited foreigners overwhelming their public resources, driving up their housing costs, driving down their labor rates (especially for their working-class neighbors), and making their communities more crime-infested.

And our politicians who can’t figure out how to stop something as simple as illegal immigration are going to stop global warming? That’s why I cling to the notion that global warming is a myth. If it isn’t, we’re doomed. Our politicians “ain’t worth a warm bucket of spit.” All they know how to do is enrich the crony capitalists and crony socialists who flood their campaigns with money and propaganda.

12 thoughts on “Global Warming Is a Myth

  1. I listened to a radio show and the climate expert stated that you can get any climate result that you want by choosing the starting comparison year. Everyone has an agenda.

    1. “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” You and Mr. Twain are very sage thinkers.

  2. Mr. Groovy,
    I agree with you wholeheartedly. Except for the part about shooting dead any migrants crossing the border. I think just scaring a few will accomplish the same thing. (I know you were just kidding and so am I.) But I agree that more extreme measures need to be taken to control our borders.
    And, I think that any migrant convicted of committing a felony within 7 years of their legal entry to the USA should be deported after serving their sentence and be permanently banned (and any citizenship revoked). We also should reintroduce/pass a bill that allows any person born in the USA to receive citizenship only if their parent is in a legal standing in the USA (HR 140 Citizenship Act -2021).
    And, I believe we should install English as the official language in the USA. And before any adult migrant is accepted into the USA, they should speak the language.

    1. Thank you for understanding hyperbole. No, we don’t have to shoot anyone. We just have to have armed men telling illegals to turn around. And for those few illegals who don’t comply, we just have to up the ante. Billy clubs and tasers are excellent non-lethal tools for making the noncompliant compliant. Thanks for stopping by D&L. Great contribution to our discussion.

  3. I believe climate change is real but I am skeptical of the experts who claim turning our way of life upside down is the only way to fix things. There is little acknowledgment that much of the change is due to natural phenomena that we can’t change. IMHO people should do what they can to minimize waste and to support reasonable policies that help protect our planet. Natural Gas and nuclear are reasonable alternatives to coal but all nations should do the same. China, India and others should not be exempt. I also think that instead of trying to force people into EVs, we should move towards hybrids and work towards reducing how much people drive by promoting better public transit, work from home, etc. Last, we need to move away from a disposable society. Too much of what is bought gets disposed of before it wears out. Things are manufactured in places like China using coal generated electricity, shipped here, trucked to distribution centers, trucked to stores, bought by consumers, used for a year or two and then sent to landfills. We used to be able to buy locally made goods and wear them out. Same goes for food. Buy local and help save the planet!

    1. Nailed it. I couldn’t agree more. Use gas and nuclear as the foundation of our electrical grid, allow wind, solar, and EVs to naturally augment our energy and transportation needs as their costs go down, and produce things as close to the consumer as possible. Do these things and both the planet and us will be fine. Thanks for stopping, Pat. Another superb comment.
      Mr. Groovy recently posted…Global Warming Is a MythMy Profile

    2. I agree with your thoughts Pat. My husband is a geologist and he and his geology friends say that the Earth has always been going through climate change for 4 Billion years. These geologists say that climate change is inevitable because the Earth is still coming out of the Ice Age. Also the Earth’s tilt is currently at 23.5 degrees and the Earth’s Axis can affect area temperature.

      1. Thanks for joining the conversation HG. It would be nice to hear more from your husband and other rational scientists. But climate rationalists like them don’t get grants and platforms in our scientific journals. Only climate alarmists do.

    3. I’m with you, I’ve lost complete faith in our elected officials too. Not sure when was the last time our government actually did what was right for its citizens. All the way from immigration, global warming to the food they produce and want us to eat!! Recently read that our farming techniques and cattle raising (no, not cow farts) is causing much of our global warming issues and just by changing the methods we could have a great impact on the issue but our politicians are bought by big business so it won’t get fixed. We’re in a bit of a pickle !

      1. Amen, sister. Crony capitalism is a scourge on our quality of life and our freedom. Can you send along a link to the piece you read on farming techniques and cattle raising? I’d love to become more informed on those matters.

        1. Actually just starting to dig into this. Read Food Fix by Dr Mark Hyman. Very enlightening and frustrating at the same time.

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