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Today’s definitely not a manic Monday.

Yesterday I got word that my interview on Choose FI will be available today. What’s Choose FI? Only the top-rated financial podcast in the world according to a recent poll of the Rockstar Finance community.

I’m a big fan of Choose FI. The two hosts, Brad and Jonathan, are not only great interviewers with a passion for financial independence but they’re also, like me, honorary Southerners (they reside in Richmond, Virginia). And get this, Brad is a fellow transplant from Long Island. So he’s well aware of what makes living on Long Island so infuriating—the taxes, the traffic, the Long Island moxie—and this makes him an automatic goombah in my book.

But here are the two reasons I find Choose FI to be so compelling.

First, Brad and Jonathan aren’t snobs. They cull financial insights from wherever they can be mined, from the giants in the FI community (see here, here, here, and here) to the semi-giants (see here, here, here, and here). They even deign to cull financial insights from the non-giants in the FI community, such as a little ol’ country blogger from North Carolina with very twisted views on life and finances.

Second, they make you think. And my interview is a perfect example. I won’t spill the beans right now, of course. I want you to listen to the show, by gum. Let’s just say that I’ve always professed to be a disciple of Dave Ramsey. But as Brad and Jonathan delved into my financial journey, I became painfully aware that I never came close to following Dave’s seven baby steps. If anything, I hacked the crap of them. And I already have a post in the works that will explore this shocking revelation. Stay tuned.

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. Here’s the link to my Choose FI appearance. Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Peace.

30 thoughts on “What a Great Way to Start the Week: Choose FI

  1. Looking forward to listening. I’m just now (actually a month ago) making the time for podcasts as I’ve worn out the audiobook library and need a break from local radio.

    1. I love it, Josh. Podcasts should be an arrow in any commuters quiver. Hope you can handle my Noo Yawk accent. Have a great Thanksgiving, my friend. Cheers.

  2. Finally got to listen to it tonight, since I had to wait to listen to it with Mr.Wow and we were busy last night. Trust me, it was so hard not to put it on while I was in the car for hours the past 2 days, but I anxiously waited. And it was definitely worth the wait! What an amazing story!

    So thankful that we have had the chance to virtually meet you guys and now hear more about your story. Hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

    1. You’re the best, Mrs. WoW. And Mr. WoW ain’t too bad either. Loved our virtual meeting. Looking forward to RTT on Sunday. Have a great Thanksgiving. Talk to you soon.

    1. Thanks, Bob. I have no regrets leaving Long Island. I do tell my southern friends, however, that there are a lot of great people up there. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

  3. Keep in mind that Mr. Ramsey is more of a behaviorist than a financial guy. He’s open to being accused of giving bad financial advice–and we can support this claim by the numbers–but I suspect that his advice will improve the odds of imperfect people working themselves out of a financial hole.

    1. Say it ain’t so! You mean you can’t get steady 12% returns with managed mutual funds? Haha! I hear ya, Steve. Go to Dave for behavioral advice. Askew his investing advice. Great reminder. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

    1. Haha! For most of my Long Island days I lived on the north shore. So my traffic nightmares were either experienced on the LIE or the Northern State. But then I moved to Long Beach and became very familiar with that special hell known as the Southern State Parkway. You’re a brave soul, my friend. I hope my interview made the commute a little less painful.

    1. Agreed. If you live in a high-cost city or state, and you have an adventurous bent, you’d be foolish not to consider geoarbitrage.

  4. You came off great on the podcast. Really enjoyed the listen. I live in NJ and fully understand the strain of a high cost of living area. I’ve had the geo arb idea in my mind for a while now and it was great to hear your perspective. Looking forward to your Dave Ramsey hacks. Following his steps to the letter drives an optimizer like me crazy.

    1. Thanks, Jason. I really appreciate your kind words. I could take the cold, the teeming humanity, and the high taxes of the Northeast if the various governments up there were doing a spectacular job. But they’re not. The government services are just as good in North Carolina as they are on Long Island. And we pay about one-fifth the property taxes. And we don’t have tolls. and we rarely have to pay for parking. So there’s much to be said for America’s hinterland. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I should have my Dave Ramsey hack ready next week. Cheers.

    1. You’re too kind, Amy. I was introduced to Brad and Jonathan about four months ago. Mrs. Groovy announced she had some new podcasters for our daily constitutional. When I asked who they were, Mrs. G said, “Don’t worry. You’re going to love these guys.” And she was right. Brad and Jonathan definitely found their niche. And the FI world is better for it. Thanks for stopping by, Amy. Let me know what you think of my melodious voice when you get a chance. Cheers.

  5. Christmas came early this year! My current favorite blogger (stop blushing) featured on my current favorite podcast. Brad and Jonathan fill a special niche in the community and do an A+ job. I eagerly await my next long walk to listen- these podcasts are the carrot to get me out and about!

    1. Made my year, Ron. Thank you very much for your kind words. And you are so right about Brad and Jonathan. They were made for the podcast medium. Awesome hosts. Awesome show. Have a great Thanksgiving, my friend. Cheers.

    1. Thank you, my friend. Now if I only carry myself with half the aplomb you displayed, I’ll be a very happy man. But I’m afraid to listen. My Noo Yawk accent is so scary sometimes.

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