Our Culture Is Sabotaging the Stupid and the Easily Led

I really didn’t wake up health-wise and money-wise until I was almost 40. Prior to that, I practiced the standard American diet and the standard American approach to money management. But even though my culture was pushing me toward physical and fiscal trouble in old age, there were parts of my culture that had my …

It’s the Culture, Stupid

The other day I came across a video about Jean Yang, an assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon who is developing a programming language with built-in security and privacy features. If you want to watch the entire video, which runs for slightly more than two minutes, you can do so here. The short snippet below captures …

The Real Culture War

Up until I was 40 years old (I’m 55 now), I floundered financially. I wasn’t a basket case. I was able to pay my bills. But I was using debt to live beyond my means and acquire the superficial symbols of success—a car, a condo, a host of electronic equipment, and a bunch of credit …