I Was Wrong About Dave Ramsey

I’ve always been a big fan of Dave Ramsey. His famous “baby-step” plan for improving one’s financial circumstances is really the only financial plan most Americans need. It’s the perfect recipe for shedding the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle and transforming oneself from a wealth-destroyer to a wealth-builder. The one aspect of his financial mantra that I have …

No One Ever Said Building a Bison Was Going to Be Easy

There’s no Dave Ramsey of scrap-metal welding. In other words, I can’t fire up my Kindle and download The Seven Baby Steps to Building Your First Lifesize Bison out of Scrap Metal. Aside from the John Lopez video below, I’m basically on my own. Just me and whatever critical-thinking skills I have left from nine …

Is There a FI Gene?

I sometimes wonder if there’s a FI gene. Up until my early 40s, I was a financial moron. But not because I knew the difference between financial rights and wrongs and voluntarily chose to engage in financial self-sabotage. Nope, I was a financial moron because I didn’t know better. My family and friends were mostly …

What a Great Way to Start the Week: Choose FI

Today’s definitely not a manic Monday. Yesterday I got word that my interview on Choose FI will be available today. What’s Choose FI? Only the top-rated financial podcast in the world according to a recent poll of the Rockstar Finance community. I’m a big fan of Choose FI. The two hosts, Brad and Jonathan, are …