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There’s a reason why the United States is wealthier than Venezuela, Zimbabwe, India, and North Korea. There’s a reason why the only footprints on the moon were put there by Americans. There’s a reason why aviation, movies, radio, television, air conditioning, nuclear power, personal computers, and the internet were pioneered in America. And it’s not because we’re better than everyone else. It’s because we’re free. And free people figure things out. Free people do great things.

I’ve always said I won the lottery just by being born in the United States. Sure, we have problems. And, yes, we squabble like cats and dogs. But we’re still a kick-ass country. And we’re still FREE. So thank you to all those who gave their lives at Lexington, Gettysburg, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Selma, and Fallujah. You gave “the last full measure of devotion” for my freedom. I am sincerely humbled and grateful.

3 thoughts on “Thank You

  1. I’m forever grateful that I began life on US military bases. I definitely learned so much from the unique perspective. I’m glad my family who’ve joined the US military have not had to pay the ultimate sacrifice, but I’m so grateful that the protect me.

    1. Hey, ZJ. I knew there was a reason why I liked you. Sadly, there are a lot cruel people out there. If it weren’t for our military, we would surely be less free and less wealthy. So I too am grateful for that protection. And I too am grateful that no one from the military side of your family has made the ultimate sacrifice. Thanks for stopping by, ZJ. You made my day.

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