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Generally speaking, you can’t earn a high income without discipline and self-control.
The three leading indicators of discipline and self-control are as follows:
- Procreation: Do you get married before you procreate, or do you procreate out of wedlock?
- Education: Do you take formal education seriously or not?
- Crime: Do you respect the sanctity of your fellow Americans or do you prey on your fellow Americans?
Here’s how America’s four main demographic groups stack up against these leading indicators:
Race/Ethnicity | Percentage of Out-of-Wedlock Births | Average SAT Score | Homicide Rate |
Asian | 11.7 | 1229 | 1.6 |
White | 28.2 | 1099 | 3.2 |
Hispanic | 51.8 | 964 | 7.4 |
Black | 69.4 | 926 | 34.2 |
Now let’s see if America is a racist country. If America were a racist country, whites would dominate median household income statistics even though they exhibit significantly less discipline and self-control than Asians. Here are the top 20 income-earning groups in America today:
Rank | Ethnicity | Median Household Income 2021 |
1 | Indian | $141,906 |
2 | Taiwanese | $119,022 |
3 | Filipino | $101,157 |
4 | Pakistani | $100,730 |
5 | Asian Americans as a group | $100,572 |
6 | Latvian | $99,490 |
7 | Australian | $99,033 |
8 | Sri Lankan | $96,790 |
9 | Iranian | $96,056 |
10 | South African | $94,159 |
11 | Chinese | $93,007 |
12 | Lebanese | $92,697 |
13 | Macedonian | $91,852 |
14 | Russian | $90,296 |
15 | Austrian | $89,459 |
16 | Croatian | $88,325 |
17 | Japanese | $87,789 |
18 | Turkish | $87,648 |
19 | Lithuanian | $87,433 |
20 | Greek | $87,428 |
21 | Indonesian | $87,377 |
22 | White Americans as a group | $74,932 |
23 | Hispanic Americans as a group | $57,981 |
24 | Black Americans as a group | $46,774 |
Only three of the top ten income-earning groups are white (assuming the South African group consists of people who look more like Elon Musk than Nelson Mandela). Seven of the top ten income-earning groups are Asian. None of the white groups in the top 20 income-earning groups are from the white groups that started this country in 1776 and presumably benefit the most from the “white supremacy” that is allegedly legion in America today—the English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish.
Call me nuts, but it looks like our median-household-income statistics match up pretty well with our leading indicators of discipline and self-control. No one in America today is being held back economically because of his or her race or ethnicity. This doesn’t mean discrimination doesn’t exist. Discrimination will always be a sad aspect of the human condition. It just means that other-sabotage isn’t nearly as consequential as self-sabotage. If you fornicate responsibly, learn a worthwhile skill, and play nice with your fellow Americans, you’ll do fine. If you fornicate like a libertine, fail to learn a worthwhile skill, and frequently prey on your fellow Americans, you won’t do fine—you’ll be miserable and broke.
Final Thoughts
If you google “racism in America,” racism only seems to mean one thing: the mistreatment of black Americans (see screenshot below for the first four entries in the search results). And it doesn’t matter that you can’t legally discriminate against black Americans in any jurisdiction in America. Nor does it matter that you can’t find a single politician, judge, school principal, newspaper editor, or CEO who is pushing to make anti-black discrimination legal. All that matters is that some of the 200 million whites in this country have less than pure thoughts regarding black Americans, and some of the 200 million whites in this country will on rare occasions break the law and hurt black Americans because they’re black. White Americans aren’t 100 percent racially perfect, so America is a racist country—according to Google anyway.
The Google definition of racism is a scam. You can legally discriminate against white Americans in many jurisdictions in America, and because of woke hegemony, there is no shortage of politicians, judges, school principals, newspaper editors, and CEOs who not only favor the anti-white laws and attitudes that currently exist in this country but also favor the quest to significantly enlarge the footprint of Woke Crow. Moreover, black-on-white crime dwarfs white-on-black crime in terms of frequency and severity. But according to Google, the mistreatment of white Americans, whether it’s done legally or illegally, is never racism. It’s “diversity” or “equity” or some other clever wokeism designed to give anti-whiteism the patina of morality.
Bottom line: No one is stopping any black American from doing anything constructive with his or her career. In fact, most of our woke elites are doing everything they can to advance black America despite black America’s penchant for self-sabotage (hello, affirmative action, DEI, CRT, SAT-optional college admissions, restorative justice, defund the police, no-cash bail, defining misdemeanors up, reparations, etc., etc.). And that’s why I titled this post, “America Isn’t a Google Racist Country.” Black Americans lag behind white Americans economically for the same reason white Americans lag behind Asian Americans economically: too many in their tribe have embraced a subprime culture—they lack the discipline and self-control to compete successfully in the economic arena. “Google racism” has nothing to do with it.
Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Peace.

Both Pat’s comments and your reply to Pat make a lot of sense. Thank you for the critical thinking.
So many wasted humans (re Pat’ comments). The old ways are not working, however, our old values remain worthwhile and should be the foundation to make changes. I haven’t fully thought out the changes but here are some half-baked ideas: Police – Instead of defunding the police, police should receive three times + more funding. Get rid of the monsters and bullies in the police via more extensive psychological testing (what we do now is not enough). Remove police from the street every six months, and put them in intensive six month field training cycles and psych counseling to deal with the post-traumatic stress before they go back on the street for six months. (Triple the police force.)
Education – Not just better education for kids or better teachers, but more focus on instruction per natural skills/types/aptitude as well as traditional ABCs. Keep kids in school year round, interspersed with short breaks. Have team sports programs until 5 or 6 pm in addition to other individualized physical activities.
In my case, I got in a lot of trouble as a kid. The main reason was lack of supervision, lack of maturity and mostly, just downright boredom. Boredom was the biggest waste.
This is just a sample of some radical ideas.
Nice, Dale. I particularly like your idea of rotating cops in and out street policing. After six to nine months of a tour so to speak, cops should get a less stressful assignment for one to three months to decompress. And education is begging for disruption. How about a half hour every day of math and a half hour every day of writing, and then the rest of the day learning a worthwhile skill (e.g., playing the piano or learning how to wire a house) or playing a sport? Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I love the cut of your jib. Peace
Stats can be very misleading.
The Median Household Income by Ethnicity is very inaccurate in the way that it is used here. We don’t let (legally) just anyone into the country. Those that fought hard to get in are also going to fight hard to succeed – lets consider them the Ivy League of Legal Immigrants (not necessary super smart – just super motivated). They are going to do well not matter where they go. Harvard did Not make Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg, as well as most of the students who went there.
The suburban schools love to brag how they are “Blue Ribbon” or whatever, yet if you took the parents from the poor performing schools and injected them into the Blue Ribbon Schools, the Schools would go to crap. Yes, the parents may be working too much to attend to their kids, or they may just be transferring terrible values to their kids which then show up in the schools.
I’d like to write much more, but need to get back to work (what? work?), but just 2 of the many thought I have right now.
Agreed. The legal immigrants from Asia and Eastern Europe aren’t big on out-of-wedlock births, pissing away their education opportunities, and crime. I read somewhere that 70 percent of Indian-Americans over age 25 have a bachelor’s degree. So these median-income statistics are misleading in a sense. The elite from most countries should be able to outperform the average American economically. But these median-income statistics weren’t used to compare legal immigrants to everyday Americans. They were used to prove that America is the least racist country in the world. Talent and attitude are far more important in America today than skin color. And you are so right about culture. Replace the current students in those amazing suburban schools with children from unwed moms and those amazing suburban schools would quickly become a perdition. Awesome comment, my friend. Thanks for stopping by.
While much of what you say is true, we can and should do more to stop the ongoing cycle of poverty that is directly tied to the breakdown of the American family. The fact that an individual has chosen to have kids outside of marriage or a committed relationship, the fact that those individuals often didn’t put in the effort to do well in school and set themselves up for a successful adult life, the fact that for some people a life of crime is all they know, is a tragedy. That tragedy needs to stop now before the next generation of kids fall into the same trap. This means that society should provide more support and opportunity for these kids so there are before and after school programs to help keep them out of trouble, that we address “bad” schools by incentivizing our best teachers to go there rather than the cushy, suburban schools that pay much more and have a better work environment, that we make sure crime doesn’t pay because criminals are held accountable. Programs need to be available to successfully rehabilitate drug addicts and low level criminals so they can become responsible adults who can support themselves and their families. Mental health programs are needed to keep dangerous people off the streets and help those that can be helped. So much that we can do. No, I don’t believe we live in a racist country. We certainly have racist people of all colors. The point is that it’s hard to blame today’s young kids for the irresponsibility of their predecessors if we aren’t doing anything to stop the cycle.
I love it, Pat. But you’re asking a lot of our Gilligan government. I actually think we could make more headway with less government. Here are some ideas:
Fund students not schools (i.e., vouchers for K-12 education). This way there’s competition and our best teachers can start their own schools.
Micro degrees instead of bachelor degrees. Ten to fifteen courses are all most people need for most entry-level jobs. Why make our young people take 40 courses when 10 to 15 are more than adequate? Micro degrees will create more opportunities and reduce the curse of student loan debt.
Share-based entitlements. No one should be entitled to a set amount of money for their woes or irresponsibility. Whatever we set aside for a particular safety net program should be divided evenly amongst the people eligible for that program. If 40 million people are eligible for the $100 billion we budget for food stamps, for example, each food stamp recipient should get 1/40,000,000 of $100 billion ($2,500 annually or $208.33 per month). If 60 million people are eligible, each should get 1/60,000,000 ($1,666.67 annually or $138.89 per month). This way, politicians and bureaucrats aren’t encouraged to make eligibility rules less strenuous, and people aren’t rewarded for being more irresponsible—they would have a very clear incentive to get their acts together.
But I do agree that things got to change. Our current business model for compassion isn’t working.
Thanks for stopping by, Pat. Great comment as always. Have a great weekend. Cheers.