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A few years ago, I would have considered the notion that our elites wanted to mainstream pedophilia to be patently absurd. But all that changed in the wake of Covid, mostly-peaceful protests, woke DAs, migrant caravans, the homeless apocalypse, and Jeffery Epstein. Now I put nothing past our elites. They’re that twisted. And if you think I’m being overwrought, consider the following:

  • Pornography in the schools. Our elites tell us that mean people, for no reason other than to sow hate, want to ban LGBT-themed books in our schools. Well, here’s a page from one of the books these mean people want to “ban:”

    When I ponder the inadequacies of our youth, I think math, discipline, and culture. I want our kids to become better at math, better at delaying gratification, and better at avoiding self-sabotage. But apparently, our elites have different concerns. They look at our kids and weep because our kids just aren’t as accomplished in the sexual arts as they need to be. Johnny can’t blow! Nor can he anal or explore the fluidity of his gender. And how can we possibly address these grave inadequacies without putting pornography in our schools?
  • The science of transgenderism is settled. Sex is mutable. Children as young as preschool know if they were cursed with the wrong genitals. The long-term side effects of “gender-affirming care” are trivial. Hardly anyone regrets transitioning. Turning a penis into a vagina is easy, and so too is turning a vagina into a penis. Big Surgery and Big Pharma are a tranny’s best friends. And according to our morally and intellectually superior elites, anyone who questions these incontrovertible facts is nothing but a Trump-voting fascist transphobe.
  • Corrupting our language. Our elites use language to make the unpalatable palatable. Riots to “avenge” mythical anti-black racism are deemed “mostly-peaceful protests.” Drug addicts pooping in the streets and harassing everyday people are deemed “the unhoused.” Illegal aliens flouting our immigration laws, devouring our tax dollars, and taking advantage of our kind nature are deemed “migrants.” And now our elites want us to think less unkindly of pedophilia. So any adult who wants to have sex with a child is no longer a pedophile; he or she is now a “minor-attracted person” or MAP (see here, here, and here).

Connecting the Dots

So let’s connect the dots. Our elites want our kids to be very comfortable exploring their sexuality as they journey from adolescents to adults. Our elites also want our kids to have more say when it comes to serious sexual matters. In many states, underage girls don’t need their parents’ permission to get contraceptives or an abortion, and in many states, healthcare officials consider parents negligent if they refuse to greenlight “gender-affirming care” for their “trans-children.” The science of transgenderism is settled, you know. And, now, seemingly out of the blue, our elites are starting to refer to pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons.” Why? Is pedophilia the next civil rights battle in our elite’s quest to build a progressive utopia? I mean, c’mon, if our elites have no problem hyper-sexualizing kids and then telling these terribly manipulated souls that they can make adult decisions on abortion and sexual reassignment treatments, how much of a stretch is it to conclude that our elites will soon have no problem telling our hyper-sexualized kids that they can also have sex with adults?

Again, I pray to God I’m wrong, but I have nothing but disdain for our elites. Right now they’re calling pedophiles “minor-attracted persons.” How long before they start referring to some of our kids as “mature-attracted children” (MACs) or some other sick euphemism designed to weaken our guard and mainstream pedophilia? Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Peace.

5 thoughts on “Are We Being Groomed to Accept Pedophilia?

  1. Hmm 🤔 this “Leave a reply” section is strangely quiet 🤐. I fully agree with your take on all of this. I am so grateful my son just graduated and his school did not go completely “off the rails” aside from gender neutral bathrooms. I also 100% agree that both sides of the political isle are guilty in the complete moral breakdown of society in this country. I keep wondering what it will take for the USA to find its moral compass again. I’m so thankful for living in a small, rural town where I’m not having to step over human feces. Lots of friends have left the San Francisco Bay Area because it is just not safe anywhere anymore. I’ve been following you for a long time and you haven’t offended me yet 😉.

    1. Thank you, LRW. I couldn’t agree more. Nothing is going to change if we continue to subject ourselves and our children to the woke mind virus. We need to avoid mainstream education, news, and entertainment with extreme prejudice. Our elites suck and we don’t need them. We have all the tools we need to educate, inform, and amuse ourselves. But do we have the courage to go our own way? That’s the fly in the ointment. We may have been too docile for too long to break the chains of woke rule. Thanks for stopping by, LRW. I love the cut of your jib. Peace.

    1. Agreed. Left leadership is evil, and right leadership is pretty evil as well. Where was the right when the left was marching through our most important institutions? The right did nothing while the left was establishing hegemony over education, news, and entertainment. And the right did nothing because they really don’t care about their constituents. They talk a good game during the election season, but when it comes to really standing up for liberty, the right “ain’t worth a warm bucket of spit.” I wish the left was our only problem. But I can’t blame it all on them. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: We have the worst elites in the history of mankind. Never have so few, destroyed so much, and thought so highly of themselves. Thanks for stopping by, Mick. You’re a good man. Peace.

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