What’s Your Worst Workplace Blunder?

In my last gig before retirement, I was a data analyst for a company that had a bevy of contracts with state Medicaid agencies. Our job was to find Medicaid recipients who also had private health insurance. Medicaid agencies would use this information to deny claims and direct healthcare providers to the appropriate private insurer …

Education in a Nutshell

Do at least five math problems. Read at least one page of a book. Write at least one sentence. Watch at least one YouTube video on any of the following subjects: Discipline/Willpower Habits Learning Diet Exercise Psychology Philosophy Personal Finance History/biographies of famous people Freedom/Libocracy Spend at least a half hour honing a skill that …

Atomic Negativity

I don’t generally encourage negativity. There’s too much of that already in this world—just tune into your local news for ample proof. But there are times in my life when short bursts of negativity—atomic negativity* if you will—come in quite handy. In other words, I know there are certain situations where people are likely to …

Our Woke Overlords and Art

Last week I came across an artist YouTuber who blew me away. Her name is Lena Danya. Here’s the video: When it comes to art, I don’t have a very sophisticated eye. I took one art appreciation course as an undergrad. But I know what I like. And like this painting, which Lena calls The …

Don’t Let Ex-Post Facto Morality Ruin Your Thanksgiving

Two days ago, I came across some ex-post facto morality from NBC News in my YouTube feed. Here’s the video: Now, I’m not saying European-on-Indian cruelty isn’t news. It is. But why is it news in the days leading up to Thanksgiving? And why is the news regarding one of mankind’s most tragic clash of …