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No one ever said building a life-size scrap-metal bison was going to be easy.
And it certainly hasn’t been easy to focus on the artistic challenges of the bison build while my net worth has been cratering. As of yesterday, my net worth was down $348,000. I curse you, vile coronavirus!
But earlier this week, I got a boost from YouTube. Check out the very topical song parody below.
Maybe I needed a little levity. Or maybe I just appreciated something that paid homage to the music of my youth and the great Carl Douglas. Whatever it was, Kung Flu Fighting got me out of my funk.
“Yes,” I hollered at the sky, “my net worth has cratered. And, yes, the mighty US economy has been utterly hobbled. But I’m healthy, and so are most of my fellow Americans. And we still got a lot of fight left in us.”
So by voicing that one simple act of defiance, I stopped wallowing in despair like a chicken-shit Millennial and went into my garage and started melting metal. Becky Sue now has a dome on her skull and a left eye!
Let me know what you think when you get a chance.
I’m disappointed by this. Perhaps if you knew someone who is on life support, or had a relative with a newborn baby who just lost his job in the food services industry, you might realize this is not appropriate. Not to mention that though this originated in China, it is never a good time to practice national origin discrimination.
The holocaust started this way.
The human race disappoints me until I see people donating their stash of face masks. Do something positive instead!!
Hey, Craig. Don’t be disappointed. Remember, the Ebola virus got its name in 1976 because it originated on the banks of the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I don’t recall a holocaust taking place in the Congo in recent times. Nor do I know anyone who thinks poorly of the Congolese because a deadly disease appears to have originated in their country. I could be wrong, but you strike me as a prog supremacist. All of a sudden, progressives decide that normal naming conventions for infectious diseases are “racist” and everyone must immediately bow to their sensibilities. Fortunately, that’s not the way things work in a free country. Progressives have just as much right as anyone to help shape our norms. They don’t have the right to dictate what our norms should be. There’s nothing wrong with calling the coronavirus the Wuhan or Chinese virus. And there’s nothing wrong with using a classic American pop song to poke fun at the Chinese government’s handling of the coronavirus. Please check your progressive privilege.
I don’t care what you call the virus… I care that you think this is humorous. Search the internet for the words Asian Americans being harassed over the pandemic and you will see that ignorant Americans are taking their frustrations out on innocent people. That’s what I mean about how the holocaust started. You don’t seem to be willing to give credence to someone else’s pain in order to defend your actions.
Instead of putting money in the stock market, I hope you and your followers are making donations to those in need at this difficult time.
I’m not going to call you a name on this one, but I think you’re being manipulated by our news media and you’re suffering from a form of one-quarterism. Our news media favors certain groups over other groups and highlights the mistreatment of the groups they like and ignores the mistreatment of the groups they don’t like. To show what I mean, let’s take a sentence from your reply and modify it:
“Search the internet for the words Trump supporters being harassed over a red MAGA hat and you will see that ignorant Americans are taking their frustrations out on innocent people.”
Now a question. The number of Trump supporters being harassed is surely equal to or greater than the number of Asian-Americans being harassed. Are you concerned that there might be a holocaust against Trump supporters in the near future?
I doubt that you are–and you shouldn’t be. There isn’t going to be a holocaust against Trump supporters. Nor is there going to be a holocaust against Asian-Americans. There are a lot of scumbag Americans out there, but their numbers are dwarfed by the number of decent Americans–like yourself. We’re all being played by our news media and I’m afraid that you’re falling for it in this instance. Peace, my friend.
By the way, I notice you like to label people, which is a form of name calling. I am not a label…I vote and speak as my conscience and informed acquisition of facts dictates. We need to come together as a nation and a world. Pointing blame does no good. China is helping Spain with supplies. Maybe you’d say they are repairing their reputation, but at least they are helping.
I wouldn’t say I like labeling people. I do find it useful, though. And I think you do as well. After all, you do seem to be labeling me an unfeeling monster–even though I too speak as my conscience and informed acquisition of facts dictates. But your heart is in the right place and you make a number of valid points. We definitely need to come together as a nation and pointing the steely finger of blame at others does no good. I’m with you on this one, my friend, and believe me, I’m doing my part. Peace.
I’m all for a little levity for everyone stuck in quarantine. We can be sympathetic for those struggling without losing our humor.
I do take issue with the idea that you’re following “normal naming conventions for infectious diseases. ” The disease HAS a name dictated by nomenclature conventions. Covid-19. Calling it anything else is inviting the bigotry, discrimination, and the bullying of your fellow Americans of Asian descent.
We know from your blog that you’re a smart and caring fellow. Be a considerate American, observe how calling the virus the Wuhan flu or any other regional derivative is harmful (a quick internet search will do), and please stay safe and healthy. Thank you Mr. Groovy
Carcharodan carcharias–yep, that’s what the scientific community calls this really big fish with really big teeth. But us mere mortals call this fish a great white shark. I don’t see laypeople being chastized or challenged for using the unscientific name for other viruses or diseases (i.e., German measles, MERS, Legionnaires’ disease, Lyme disease, etc.). So why is Covid-19 different? I just don’t see how calling Covid-19 the Wuhan virus will lead to an increase in anti-Asian bigotry and discrimination. And on a side note, I’m also a little miffed at the sudden concern the Left has for anti-Asian bigotry and discrimination. The Ivy League has been screwing Asian-American applicants for years, and the Left, by and large, has completely ignored this infamy. Why? Why does the Left do nothing about actual bigotry and discrimination aimed at Asian-Americans but virtue-signals bigly about possible bigotry and discrimination aimed at Asian-Americans? We live in strange times.
I get your point, Ryan. You’re a good person. Mankind is very tribal and the words we use can either inflame or dampen this flaw. I don’t believe that calling Covid-19 the Wuhan virus inflames this flaw. And if I see evidence that it does, I will turn against that name in a heartbeat. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I really appreciate your thoughts. Cheers.
Great progress!
I feel your pain with the market. I’m challenging myself not to plug in my numbers for as long as I can. Figure there’s nothing I can do but make myself worry about one more thing! I focus on how lucky and blessed we are as a family not to have contracted the virus and the steps we need to take to keep it that way.
Stay safe…stay distant!
Mr. P2F recently posted…Difficult times and thoughts on making it easier.
Thank you, Mr. P2F. And thank you for your very sage advice in these trying times.
Eye of Bison…sounds more like a delectable steak LOL.
Gotta admit I’m fascinated by your build and how Becky Sue is slowly but surely coming to life!
shannon@RetiresGreat recently posted…Should You Retire During a Recession (or the Coronavirus)?
Haha! The eye of bison does sound like a “delectable steak.” Well played, my friend.
Maybe You should also do a parody, the Eye Of The Bison
Stay strong, this will pass, we only need to sit it out at home (literally).
[HCF] recently posted…Terra Incognita
I love it, HCF. You’re the best.
It’s the eye of the bison, it’s the thrill of the build
Risin’ up to the challenge of my life
And the last piece of rebar is welded firmly in place
Becky can now watch us all with her eye of the bison
And when you read it you hear it in the original voice in your head
What if…
I was made for weldin’ you Becky
You were made for challengin’ me
And I can’t weld enough of you Becky
Can you give some help to me…
[HCF] recently posted…Terra Incognita
I’ve been reading these at 6AM and chuckling.
Thanks for starting my day off with superb silliness!
It’s the least we can do from this side of the pond. Anything to cheer up our dear Aussie friends.
I love it. Twisted but beautiful.