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Two days ago, my YouTube feed presented a discussion between Neil deGrasse Tyson and Ben Shapiro on transgenderism. I didn’t want to watch it. Ben talks too fast, and Neil is an establishment scientist, and I have no faith in establishment science. But my masochist tendencies got the better of me. I watched it.

And it didn’t take long to regret that decision. Just over a minute into the discussion, Neil suggested that transgenderism is only a hot-button issue because of our hidebound approach to sports. Here’s his direct quote:

[Transgenderism] only matters because, today, we segregate most, nearly all sports, by gender. Otherwise, why do we even give a shit?

Is Neil freaking kidding me? Why did he use such a loaded word to describe our approach to sports? He’s implying that there is absolutely no legitimate reason for having separate leagues for males and females. We only “segregate” athletic contests by sex because we haven’t come close to exercising the demons of Bobby Riggs—we are still a country dominated by chauvinistic pigs.

I’m 63 years old. And not once in my adult life have I ever been in the presence of a woman who has scared me physically. That’s not the case with men. I’ve come across scores of physically imposing men in my adult life who would have easily destroyed me in a fight.

How is this monumental discrepancy possible? Neil deGrasse Tyson and the rest of our Woke Overlords insist that sex differences only exist because patriarchal societies treat girls and women differently from boys and men. And they have spent the last few decades tearing down the patriarchy in order to prove their professed genius. But despite all their gender-bending efforts, encouraging little girls to play with toy trucks and women to become Navy Seals hasn’t turned a significant number of women into physically imposing brutes. I’m still waiting to come across a woman who can kick my ass.

Traditional gender roles didn’t evolve to spite nature. They evolved to complement nature. It made sense to validate the testosterone-laden sex’s natural inclination to protect, provide, challenge, explore, and create. And it made sense to validate the estrogen-laden sex’s natural inclination to fortify, nurture, cooperate, nest, and preserve.

We ignore nature at our peril. We can’t turn men into women and women into men. And if we don’t quickly discard our Woke Overlords for a more sensible elite, our society is going to collapse. Never before in history has such a formidable empire been led by such a brilliant collection of assholes.

Our Woke Overlords have the answer to everything but the solution to nothing.

8 thoughts on “Can Gender Really Be Separated from Sex?

  1. I agree with you Mr Groovy. And I am glad Trump is getting rid of the woke stuff in the military and especially in sports. On a different topic, I do wish Trump would be a little slower in his cuts to the fed govt. He could cut through attrition and freeze hirings like Clinton did. It doesn’t have to happen with the first three months!
    I’m glad you’re back with more posts. Always food for thought.

    1. Yes. He needs to do it strategically. The four biggest components of federal budget are Medicare, Social Security, interest on the national debt, and defense. He can’t do a thing about the interest on the national debt. That is what it is. He has to go after Medicare, Social Security, and defense. Here are my suggestions:


      Get out of Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Defending those rich countries is a luxury we can no longer afford. And the same goes with NATO. Why are we even defending Europe? European leaders are ashamed of their heritage and the contributions of Western Civilization. They want to be less white, less Christian, and less free. I’d much rather have American troops on the Mexican border than all over the freaking world.

      Social Security

      Reduce benefits for those with a large pension or a net worth over one million. Stop all COLAs until the national debt is less than 100 percent of GDP.


      Bring market discipline to medicine. Make price transparency mandatory. No healthcare can be provided until the patient knows what it will cost. End price discrimination. Providers can no longer have different prices for different patients. A provider’s service costs the same whether the patient is insured or not. Make it illegal to pay for any healthcare service under a thousand bucks with insurance. Insurance should be reserved for big-ticket items only. Change our immigration laws to favor qualified doctors who speak English. Why import gang members from Venezuela when you can increase the supply of doctors and put downward pressure on the cost of doctor labor. Finally, why does anyone have to take on half a million dollars in debt to become a doctor. I’d rather take a portion of the money we save from getting out of NATO and being the world’s policeman and use that money to make medical school free. There are about 100,000 students currently in medical school. Assuming medical school costs $125K per year, paying for those students would cost us roughly $12 billion annually. That’s a lot less than the cost of policing the world.

  2. Oh I think I scare you. You know I can kick your ass. All 118 lbs of me, at least figuratively!
    I never liked dating a guy smaller than me. I’m vain. I wanted to feel more petite and protected. But hell, yeah! I got lucky and married a big strong hunk.

    Just please stop trying to jump over fences. It’s not a good look when you end up on the ground with the wind knocked out of you. You’re 63, not 33. Don’t make me have to call 911. We may be waiting a long time out here for a rescue.
    Mrs Groovy recently posted…Can Gender Really Be Separated from Sex?My Profile

  3. Seems like yet another Dem. Bright shiny object for distraction from the doge chainsaw. Hope that thing ends up in the Smithsonian.
    My thought is that orange man needs to slash the budget to tame inflation or the Dems will regain the house in the mid terms and his agenda will suffer.

    1. Agreed. Trump’s got two years. The Republicans don’t have the balls, because they’re woke-lite, to stop massive deficit spending, end competition-destroying regulations, and enact a skills-based immigration policy that benefits America and the American taxpayer. So the Democrats will take control of the House come the mid-terms.

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