Ego Lifting and Personal Finance

For comic relief, I occasionally turn to a YouTuber called Infinite Elgintensity or IE. IE has created a nice little business for himself lampooning YouTube fitness gurus, crossfitters, and ego lifters. Check out two of his videos below. They’re hysterical. But be warned, IE has a penchant for salty and politically incorrect language. I especially …

Because of Privilege Envy Syndrome, Financial Independence Will Never Go Mainstream

In a post last month, I focused on a mind shackle that is hindering the economic advancement of millions of Americans. I called this mind shackle privilege envy syndrome, and here’s the definition. When one is so preoccupied with the fact that others have more that one becomes blind to the opportunity and good fortune …

Privilege Envy Syndrome

I recently came across an article about school segregation that twisted my undies a bit. The article was written by Whitney Pirtle, a professor at the University of California Merced, and she believes that schools that identify students who are strong academically in order to provide those students with a more challenging curriculum are practicing …