Ten Unusual Signs You’re Kicking Butt Financially

By world and historic standards, I’ve lived a charmed life. Great family, Norman Rockwell community, material comfort, plenty of opportunity, and plenty of freedom. I wasn’t an evil One-Percenter, mind you. Not by a long shot. My dad was a cop and my mom was a medical records clerk. But I never wanted for anything. …

Advice to Young People: Don’t Wait to Be Good

Achieving financial independence is easy. Look at me. Prior to turning 45, I was a financial moron. I had nothing saved for retirement, was brimming with debt, and thought happiness came via the accumulation of unnecessary crap. And then I said enough. Started saving 50-60% of my gross income—and boom! In eleven short years, less …

Motivation to Buck Normal Is in Your Pocket

Normal sucks. Normal means spending $100K for a college education that will be little remembered and little used. Normal means walking into a doctor’s office with an ailment and not asking the doctor what he or she will charge to treat that ailment. And normal means amassing debt, tolerating a pointless job, and living paycheck …