Minimum Required Income for Financial Independence

This post was last modified on 8/16/2019 because Steverark pointed out a glaring deficiency in my MRI-RI Calculator that couldn’t be ignored. I neglected to account for inflation. Someone who is spending $40,000 annually today will be spending a lot more than that 20 or 30 years hence. Over the next couple of days, I …

Dr Groovylove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Big Government

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and they deserve to get it good and hard. —H.L. Mencken I’m not a fan of government. I have a jaundiced view of government, not because a book told me to, and not because some blowhard on the radio told me to. No, …

A Groovy Hero’s Journey

Our friend and fellow blogger Joe at Retire by 40 took a deep dive into “The Hero’s Journey” in his post, Why Fire Is Such a Compelling Story. He likened the hero’s journey to the path to FIRE (Financial Independence/Retire Early). He created a “chain post” and invited us to join in with a Hero’s …

The Great FI Hack That FI Bloggers Largely Ignore: Marriage

In 2002, my household income was $51,413. In 2006, my household income was $117,217. This 128% jump was accomplished without changing jobs, without getting a promotion, and without working overtime or moonlighting. So how did I pull off this economic miracle? I got freakin’ married. If you’re not married, the best way to grow your …