What’s Your Worst Workplace Blunder?

In my last gig before retirement, I was a data analyst for a company that had a bevy of contracts with state Medicaid agencies. Our job was to find Medicaid recipients who also had private health insurance. Medicaid agencies would use this information to deny claims and direct healthcare providers to the appropriate private insurer …

Atomic Negativity

I don’t generally encourage negativity. There’s too much of that already in this world—just tune into your local news for ample proof. But there are times in my life when short bursts of negativity—atomic negativity* if you will—come in quite handy. In other words, I know there are certain situations where people are likely to …

My HSA Just Got Better

A few years before I retired, my company decided to broaden its health insurance options by introducing a high-deductible policy that was accompanied by a health savings account (HSA). Since I had no chronic ailments and wasn’t prone to accidents, I decided to give the high-deductible policy a whirl and take advantage of an HSA’s …

Kimba the White Bison?

I asked Mrs. Groovy yesterday if we should rename my bison Kimba. No, I wasn’t being serious. My clanking monstrosity of rebar, sheet metal, and hand tools and utensils will still go by the name of Billy Bob. But right now Billy Bob is white. That’s the color of the primer and rust inhibitor I …