Motivation to Buck Normal Is in Your Pocket

Normal sucks. Normal means spending $100K for a college education that will be little remembered and little used. Normal means walking into a doctor’s office with an ailment and not asking the doctor what he or she will charge to treat that ailment. And normal means amassing debt, tolerating a pointless job, and living paycheck …

Are You Tending to the Nooks and Crannies of Your Financial House?

The other day I neglected to enter my bathroom with either my smartphone or the Tools of Titans. So there I was, on the bowl, with nothing to occupy my fertile mind. In a desperate attempt to do something productive, I found myself looking at a part of my bathroom I rarely gazed upon—the bottom guide …

It’s the Culture, Stupid

The other day I came across a video about Jean Yang, an assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon who is developing a programming language with built-in security and privacy features. If you want to watch the entire video, which runs for slightly more than two minutes, you can do so here. The short snippet below captures …