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A few years back, a popular saying in the woke community was that “It’s okay to punch a fascist.”

Why? Why is it okay to punch a fascist?

Dyed-in-the-wool fascists no doubt embrace an odious political philosophy. That is clear to all but the most morally obtuse. But fascism is materially no different than communism. They are both totalitarian forms of government that believe in paycheck slavery—rather than owning a citizen outright, both forms of government just own whatever a citizen makes. Granted, they differ slightly when it comes to the means of production. Communists prefer that the government owns everything and outlaws private businesses. Fascists, on the other hand, think it’s more efficient for the government to own the profits of private businesses and not deal with the headaches of actually producing goods and services. But, again, that distinction regarding the means of production is small beer. A “citizen” in a fascist regime or a communist regime will either be a serf (if he or she is liked), a slave (if he or she is disliked but of some use), or a target for the firing squad (if he or she is disliked and of no use).

Now a question: If it’s okay to punch a fascist, is it also okay to punch a communist?

And what about wokesters? I find their political philosophy just as odious as fascism and communism. Wokesters believe in democratic socialism (i.e., totalitarianism light) and anti-white, anti-male Jim Crow. Would it be okay if I and other freedomists went around punching the woke?

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Prior to 1980, when the woke didn’t have cultural hegemony, the woke were all about free speech, academic freedom, and respecting the rights of society’s pariahs (e.g., communists, black-power radicals, gays, atheists, criminals, etc.). But once the woke’s march through our institutions reached a tipping point in the 80s, and the woke comprised 50 percent of our elite, things began to change. Suddenly, free speech, academic freedom, and respecting the rights of society’s pariahs weren’t as noble as they once were. These things were now qualified. They were good as long as they didn’t bruise woke sensibilities or stop the rise of woke hegemony. And now today, with woke cultural hegemony long complete and very secure, the woke have no use for free speech, academic freedom, and respecting the rights of society’s pariahs. Free speech that they don’t like is now “hate speech.” Academic freedom that they don’t like is now a tool of “the patriarchy” or “white nationalism.” And respecting the rights of society’s pariahs, which they conveniently define, is now a “threat to democracy.” So beware “fascists,” MAGA people, straight white males, Christians, “transphobes,” cops, conservative blacks, tradwives, and any other group that doesn’t reflexively bend the knee to the new woke order. Our woke overlords have decreed you bad and given their army of NPCs license to punch you—both literally and figuratively.

Final Thoughts

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. What say you? Do bad people—whether real or falsely convicted by our woke overlords—have the right to be secure in their persons and things and champion whatever cause or worldview they like? Or do the rights enshrined in our Constitution only apply to the people our woke overlords say are good? Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Peace.

5 thoughts on “Do Bad People Have Rights?

  1. Greetings Groovy Cats,

    The long march through our institutions is complete; we are now exiting the demoralization phase: and

    Up is down, right is wrong, men are women, and children are adults. We’re led by puppets: an invalid and a stuttering, stammering affirmative-action harlot. The controlled demolition is happening in real-time: debasing of the dollar, rampant crime, lawfare, and growing dependence on government programs (e.g., retirement, education, and healthcare).

    I hope I’m wrong, but this won’t be solved by voting. Revolution is in the air and the Marxists know what they’re doing. It’s long past the time for the normies to wake the Hell up.

    Death to the Maoists!


    1. Amen, brother. We need a revolution of extreme non-compliance.

      Boycott the government’s schools.
      Boycott the news.
      Boycott entertainment.
      Boycott social media.
      Reject modernity: Obesity isn’t okay. Living paycheck to paycheck isn’t okay. Being a physically weak man isn’t okay.
      Arm yourself.
      Finally, never vote for a socialist or a Marxist. And don’t be fooled by the socialists and Marxists put on the ballot by the wretched Republican Party.

      Our woke overlords hate us. They can’t fix any of our problems. We don’t need them.

      1. It’s sad that you recommend people be armed after two more mass shootings. And while you reference gun violence being perpetrated by black people ( in an earlier post’s comment), mass shootings seem to be the domain of mostly white men. So I don’t see this as a race issue alone… it’s a preponderance of gun issue.
        Arming more people can’t be the solution. It’s a US problem that you don’t see in other countries.
        How sad that my children need to practice mass shooting exercises.

        Regarding the latest shooting in Louisville …

        State Representative Keturah Herron, a Democrat who represents part of Louisville, said on Twitter that shootings like Monday’s were “happening around the country in a city daily.”

        “Today was our turn,” she said, adding, “We live in a war zone and we shouldn’t have to.”

        Quote from a doctor at the Louisville hospital…

        “To be honest with you, we barely had to adjust our operating room schedule to be able to do this,” Dr. Smith said of caring for the nine patients the hospital received from the bank shooting. “That’s how frequently we are having to deal with gun violence in our community.”

        With his voice breaking, Dr. Smith, who has worked at the hospital for 15 years, described his job almost as if he were a combat medic in a war zone. “It’s more than tired,” he said. “I’m weary. There’s only so many times you can walk into a room and tell someone they are not coming home tomorrow. And it just breaks your heart when you hear someone screaming Mommy or Daddy. It just becomes too hard, day in and day out, to be able to do that.”

        1. Hey, IM. I recommend people arm themselves because the government sucks at keeping the bad guys off the streets. Every day I see a story about a POS out on bail or parole being re-arrested for a heinous crime (see here, here, and here). Look, I’m right there with you. I don’t like guns. But I have one because I have absolutely no faith in our woke overlords. They seem to be far more interested in pursuing incarceration “equity” (i.e., reducing the number of black and brown bodies in prison) than in making America a safer place to live.

          The other points you make in your comment are certainly fair, but I don’t know if I entirely agree. White men, for instance, may not be the biggest perpetrators of mass shootings. I think the FBI defines a mass shooting as three or more casualties in a single incident. That means most mass shootings never become national news. They’re just local news stories that more than likely involve disputes between rival drug gangs. I’ll have to do some more research on the demographics of mass shooters.

          It’s no doubt true that mass shootings seem to be a particularly American phenomenon. But you know what isn’t an American phenomenon? Government murdering its own citizens on a massive scale. Americans never had to suffer a Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, or Theoneste Bagosora. And maybe the reason Americans never suffered genocide is that they have the right to arm themselves and shoot back at tyrants.

          Finally, don’t forget that your side (assuming you’re progressive) controls the narrative. Your side decides what goes into the memory loop and what goes down the memory hole. So we’re not getting the full story. Yes, we see the mass shootings—as well we should. But we don’t see the inept and morally bankrupt DAs, judges, and parole boards that sign some innocent person’s death warrant because they want to give a thug a break, and we don’t see the tens of thousands of times Americans use a gun to defend themselves (see here, here, and here).

          Thanks for stopping by, IM. I really appreciate what you added to our conversation. You have a first-rate mind, my friend. Peace.

          1. I think we have a huge problem in this country because we refer to each other as taking sides. I watch Fox News please don’t assume my ‘side’ controls the narrative. I can be conservative but also oppose guns.
            I surely hope you don’t end up being a victim as a result of carrying your gun. Do you feel competent in a moment of extreme stress to handle that gun properly?

            An examination of 433 active shooter attacks in the United States between 2000 and 2021 showed that only 22 ended with a bystander shooting an attacker, according to data from the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center at Texas State University. In 10 of those cases, the armed bystander was a security guard or off-duty law enforcement officer. In other encounters, civilians attempting to step in and stop an assailant were themselves shot to death by the police.

            “It is exceedingly rare, the exception rather than the rule,” Adam Skaggs, chief counsel and policy director at the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said of scenarios like the one in Indiana. “The reality is that more people carrying guns means more conflicts escalating into deadly violence and more people being shot and killed.”

            Over what time frame do you think people rightfully defended themselves with a gun tens of thousands of times?
            Certainly not in one year. And another innocent person in Tennessee is dead today for rightfully defending himself against a botched police breakin.

            Plenty of first world countries don’t have gun violence to the degree we do, nor do they have dictatorships. Imagine if all the armed citizens of America started shooting on January 6? The people storming the Capitol clearly felt threatened much as Hitler’s victims felt threatened. Sounds like you relish the days of the Wild West. As I stated before, I am petrified for my children, and asking their teachers to wear firearms in holsters during the school day is not the world I want to live in. I’d be curious to know if you’ve spoken to anyone whose children have to go through exercises to avoid being shot up in school. My cousins who live in Parkland are anti-gun activists for a good reason. I understand and concede that we will never agree on this topic so there is nothing more I can say, but I felt compelled to stand my ground.

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