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The other day in my YouTube feed, I saw an intriguing video. Someone purportedly did a cover of “I Am the Walrus” with homemade instruments. Not a fan of that particular Beatles’ song, but homemade instruments? How could I not take a look?

And what fun my curiosity rewarded me with. This young lady did a great job. Again, I never liked “I Am the Walrus.” I always considered it a stupid, nonsensical song that only became popular because it was written and performed by the Beatles. So after consuming her video, I had nothing but high regard for her. She got me to like a song I didn’t like.

But then it dawned on me that this young lady, however creative and talented, was black. And what right did she have to appropriate music made by white artists?

The previous paragraph was written in jest, of course. I’m not a sick demented asshole. I don’t think Beatles music belongs exclusively to white people. Beatles music belongs to everybody. And I’m glad this young lady, who happened to be black, decided to “appropriate” music from a non-black “culture.” For four minutes and thirty-five seconds she made me very happy.

Why is cultural appropriation even a thing? Doesn’t man’s innate fondness for larceny, aggression, and tribalism cause enough strife? Do our elites need to invent new ways for us to fight with each other?

One reason why cultural appropriation, privilege, misgendering, fatphobia, and all the other phony-baloney “crimes” that now plague us were invented by our ruling elites was to keep us distracted. As long as we’re too busy fighting each other over nonsense, we won’t have the time and energy to keep our ruling elites from fleecing our tax dollars. Attentive voters dedicated to protecting their wallets wouldn’t stand for Chief Diversity Officers making $324,000 per year.

But I think there’s a more sinister reason. Our Epstein-Island elites get off on watching us fight. They have as much regard for us as dog-fighting rings have for the dogs they torture. We exist for our Epstein-Island elites twisted enjoyment. Our wants, aspirations, and dignity are totally meaningless. And since fleecing us no longer gives them the high it once did, they have to ratchet up the abuse. Welcome to manufactured dog fights. We who have nothing have been conditioned to fight each other over nothing—and derive meaning from it. And our Epstein-Island elites sit back, get out the popcorn, and laugh.

1 thought on “Dog Fighting and Cultural Appropriation

  1. Bright shiny objects ALWAYS attract undo attention. Just like the bras put up in trees in Nam. You take your eye off of where you are walking. Boom.

    Politics is about power and money at its heart. Divide and conquer has been at the core of advisarial relationships since the begining of man.

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