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Update: Mrs. Groovy here. Mr. Groovy’s post, Egotrage: Taking a Step Back Socially to Advance Two Steps Financially, advanced to round 3 in the Rockstar Rumble. Thank you to all who voted.
The Rockstar Rumble is a friendly competition among personal finance bloggers, hosted by—you guessed it—Rockstar Finance! It’s sponsored by Mediavine.
Back in December of last year, I coined the word egotrage. It’s a combination of words “ego” and “arbitrage.”
And here’s what it means in a nutshell.
Many people are slaves to their egos and won’t do tasks, take jobs, or start businesses that they consider “beneath” them. Some people, however, aren’t in thrall of their egos and are perfectly happy to “slum it,” if you will, and take advantage of the money-making opportunities abandoned by the proud. Those who advance their financial well-being by doing something a notch or two below their socioeconomic status are engaging in egotrage.
Egotrage in Action
I love the word egotrage for two reasons. First, it’s a tight, crisp name for a strategy that has long existed but has never been honored in the English language. Second, it gives a whiff of legitimacy and distinction to its practitioners. “Nah, I’m not cleaning up dog shit, you fool. I’m practicing egotrage.”
Oh, there’s another reason why I love the word egotrage. Ever since I coined it, I’m coming across examples of it everywhere. I’ve been “woked,” so to speak.
Here, then, are five examples of egotrage that have recently crossed my radar.
1. Crispy Doc.
Doctors, for understandable reasons, have fairly large egos. And because of this, they would never demean themselves by doing the things nurses, techs, and orderlies do.
Or would they?
Check out this post from the blogger Crispy Doc. He’s an emergency room doctor, and he discovered that he could reduce ER bottlenecks, improve patient care, and better his evaluations by performing “non-doctor” tasks. That’s right. Crispy Doc’s path to becoming a better doctor wasn’t trodden upon advanced surgical training, it was trodden upon wheeling patients to the x-ray department himself and retrieving patient urine samples himself. Talk about the power of egotrage!
2. Mr. CTF from Countdown to FI.
Do people with master degrees deliver pizzas?
Not if they’re worried about their reputations. But they do if they’re more worried about obliterating debt than saving face.
Mr. CTF has a master’s degree and has started a very compelling podcast with his wife called Countdown to FI. Two weeks ago, Mrs. Groovy and I caught his interview with the Millionaire Educator, Ed Mills, and during the interview, Mr. CTF mentioned how even though he was an established professional at the time, he went back to delivering pizzas in order to knock out some debt.
As soon as I heard this, I turned to Mrs. Groovy and said, “Holy purple cats! Egotrage!”
Haha. I knew there was a reason why I got addicted to Countdown to FI podcast so quickly. Mr. CTF is one groovy dude. I reached out to Mr. CTF to elaborate a little on his egotrage experience. Here’s what he wrote.
So I realized in September 2016 that if I could bring in $600 more a month, my debt payoff nightmare would end much sooner. I delivered pizzas during my first few years of college, so I was familiar with the work. I also knew I could make at least $600 a month.
Oddly enough, I went back to work for the same pizzeria I worked for in college. I worked nights, Wednesday thru Saturda
3. Vincent Pugliese.
Would an award-winning Super Bowl photographer demean himself by doing wedding photography on the side? If the award-winning Super Bowl photographer were Vincent Pugliese, you bet your sweet bippy he would.
You got to check out Vincent’s interview on Choose FI. Here’s the link. It’s a wonderful example of egotrage.
Vincent is a fantastic photographer. But he was working in a dying industry. Print media was getting killed in his corner of the Midwest. If he stayed in the newspaper business, his income would always be pitiful. So to improve his financial prospects, he did what his colleagues would never deign to do: he started his own wedding photography business. The horror!
Did Vincent’s foray into wedding photography prove fruitful? Yes, exceptionally so. He’s now kicking ass financially and on the door step of financial independence. And all because he was willing to “lower” himself and take pictures at weddings.
4. Brandon from Inside the Box.
Do Silicon Valley engineers live in box trucks? No, they don’t, especially when they have six-figure salaries. But Brandon from Inside the Box does. That’s right. Brandon is a 25-year-old computer engineer who graduated college in 2015, and because his home on wheels is so spartan and affordable, he’s completely debt free and has over $300K saved for retirement.
I discovered Brandon and his amazing egotrage story a few weeks ago on the Fire Drill podcast. Here’s the link.
5. Kevin the Financial Panther.
One of my favorite bloggers is Kevin, the Financial Panther. Kevin is the king of side hustles. In his spare time, he does such mundane things as delivering sandwiches and walking dogs. What makes his side-hustle business so compelling, though, is this: he’s a practicing attorney.
How many lawyers do you know who earn a few extra bucks delivering sandwiches or walking dogs?
In Kevin’s most recent side-hustle report, he mentioned how he flew to Chicago to meet a friend for a college football game. Kevin got to Chicago first and had several hours to kill. So what did he do with his down time? He whipped out his two favorite side-hustle apps, Postmates and Wag, grabbed a bike from Divvy bike-share, and started making money.
I was intrigued by how much money Kevin actually earned during his brazen example of egotrage in an unfamiliar city, so I reached out to him for details. Here’s what he had to say.
I pulled up my numbers and here’s what it looks like. It’s not a ton of money or anything, haha. But I find it fun (I’m crazy like that) and anyone could do it.
$33.21 biking around town doing deliveries + $18 walking a dog on Wag for a half-hour = $51.21.
I did deliveries from around 10 am to noon, then went to eat lunch and worked on some blog stuff for a few hours. Then went and walked a dog on Wag and did one quick delivery in the afternoon before my buddy came to get me. So, I got to explore the city, got some exercise, and had some fun while waiting for my buddy.
Also made $52 doing some deliveries in Indianapolis. My buddy likes seeing me in action and he had some work stuff he had to get done. We both had some time to kill.
So in that weekend, I earned $103.21. Not a ton of money, but it’s something.
Final Thoughts
Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. What say you? Do you have any examples of egotrage to share? Let me know about it if you do. Have a great weekend. Peace.
Mrs. Groovy here again: The word “egotrage,” coined by Mr. Groovy, is now in the Merriam Webster Open Dictionary. We’ve got a ways to go to get it into their real dictionary—but I’m pleased as punch to see my husband’s originality and wit reaching more and more people.
If you haven’t yet read the first Egotrage post, it’s a doozy. Without further ado, here’s a link to Egotrage: Taking a Step Back Socially to Advance Two Steps Financially.
I listen to a couple of Vince’s interviews a couple of podcasts during the last month and it was a great story of him being aware of his finances while shooting weddings. It’s really cool that he can select what football games he wants to shoot instead of going to do photography every week during the season. Now’s that’s what you call FI!!
Absolutely, Kris. Vince’s story was very inspiring. And very envy-inducing.
Nice concept.
I’d say that this needs to be a widespread attitude shift.
There’s no shame in doing any work. What matters is showing equal respect to the people doing that work.
I’ve always been happy to do what’s necessary – just don’t treat me like I’m lesser for doing work that’s “below” you.
Great post!
“There’s no shame in doing any work. What matters is showing equal respect to the people doing that work.”
You’re very wise, Elle. When I was a foreman for a highway department, I routinely did “menial” things like cut grass, shovel asphalt, and pick up litter. And while the taxpayers never treated me and my crew badly, the sense that they looked down upon us was palpable. Thanks for stopping by, Elle. I really appreciate what you had to share. Cheers.
This is the perfect example of never taking oneself too seriously or thinking any work is below you. I always ascribe to the thought that I would work in a variety of less than stellar jobs if we needed to make ends meet. When one starts to consider themselves above menial work, that can turn into a huge problem.
“When one starts to consider themselves above menial work, that can turn into a huge problem.”
Love the way your mind works, Kate. No one should be above getting “dirty.”
I love it. More than the word, it’s the concept. Anyone prepared to set aside their ego can get ahead.
Thanks Mr Groovy.
Thank you, Jim. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Don’t let your ego get in the way of your success.
Mr. and Mrs. G,
I really enjoy the endearing George and Gracie routine you guys have perfected – entertaining, underpinned with affection, and always building one another up. Even the Groovy Ranch arguments are conceded respectfully.
It is in keeping with your class act that you’d take the Rockstar Rumble as an opportunity to highlight fellow bloggers. From this podunk little-timer, please accept a sincere thanks for the shout out.
As for egotrage, I think you’ve made a compelling case that it is an ideal lubricant – professionally, socially and financially.
Here’s to more clever neologisms from you in the future!
Thanks for the kind words, CD, and for the reference to George and Gracie. What a lovely compliment! And you’re probably one of the handful of our readers who know who they are!
“Say good night, Mrs. G.”
Haha! All I got to do is start saying that catch phrase and smoke cigars and we’re all set–the modern embodiment of the great Burns and Allen team. Thanks for your very kind words, CD. And thank you for your awesome example of egotrage. The thought of a doctor wheeling a patient to the x-ray department gives me a tremendous CMLT. Cheers.
When we hit the road in the future for our big adventure, I’m thinking about starting a mobile car and RV detailing business we can run as we move campground to campground. We’re also thinking about serving as campground hosts. Between these two gigs, we could offset a lot of our living expenses!
I love it, Claudia. You got entrepreneurship in your blood. Can’t wait to meet up with you guys when we hit the road for our big adventure too. Cheers.
“Egotrage”, I love it!
I think a great example of egotrage would be delivering groceries through one of those App services available now like Instacart and Shipt. I’m a fan of doing what Crispy Doc does, adapted to lawyer work (my line of work), because sometimes all it takes is a few extra steps to really help move things along in a hectic day! I think it also gives you the advantage of learning all aspects of your job, which is always a plus and can be handy if one day you’re in a bind and you need to do it yourself. On the downside, you don’t get extra money for this, but more work.
I’ve considered (and secretly wanted) to be a dog walker like Kevin the Financial Panther; I’ve wanted a dog for so long but I know logistically and financially it’s not the best time. I’ve been a bit scared to try out Wag because I don’t know what skills I should have to do this type of work, but I might look into it because the fun of getting to be with dogs and the potential income sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing this useful information!
So true, Lily. For the last 10 years of my professional career, I worked with data. And the most productive managers I had were those who know SQL. Why? Because some days, you can’t wait for the programmers and engineers to get data for you. And if you know SQL, you can query a database yourself and get the data you need. Love the way your mind works, Lily. Can’t wait to read your first dog-walking post. Cheers.
We would love a dog too, Lily. But now that Groovy Cat is gone, logistically it makes no sense to start up with pet parenting again, especially since we plan to travel. But we’re looking forward to being dog sitters, too — and I also wonder what kind of credentials are needed.
I can’t tell you how much I like this post! I’ll have to check out that podcast – I haven’t heard of it before.
Off now to vote in today’s competition. Good luck.
I know that when it was my day in the vote it was the last day of my summer holidays and I was checking how the votes were going all the time! Hardly got a thing done…
Thank you, Frogdancer. Let me know what you think about the Countdown to FI podcast. Mrs. Groovy and I really love it. But we may be biased towards husband and wife teams. Cheers.
Just cast my vote for your article Mrs. G. How could I not. Looks like you are trouncing the competition.
My wife and I just got done shoveling 8 inches of snow off our driveway with our 2 Home Depot shovels. No fancy snow blowers or high priced snow removal crews for us.
Tom @ Dividends Diversify recently posted…My Only Regret In Life: Speed To A Million
Haha! I feel your pain, Tom. Snow is something I definitely don’t miss from Long Island. When I was on Long Island, I worked for a highway department. So every time it snowed, I was plowing streets and shoveling driveways for the elderly. It wasn’t fun, but it was one of the few times my work had a clear–and beneficial–impact on the taxpayers.
Love the term and the original post. My example of egotrage would be after graduating college I got a summer internship that I hoped would lead to a full-time gig. In my spare time I worked a second job at a sporting goods store to bring in some extra money. Pretty much all of my coworkers were still in school.
Voted for you guys, good luck!
Thank you, Matt. Egotrage really is a cool word. I hope it gains some traction.
I get the concept but I think it is nuts to trade your time for small money if you can get bigger money for it instead. You only have limited time so spending that time to make $10 per hour might not make sense if you could spend it learning the skills to earn $100 per hour. If it is mostly a hobby then ok, or a limited time investment. I mean I sacked groceries one Christmas break to earn enough money for a nice audio system, plus the grocery checkers were way cute and sophisticated 25 year olds!
Excellent point, Steveark. But I still think there’s value in getting “dirty” and knowing intimately what the “little” guys and gals go through.
Dave Ramsey has a catch-phrase, “live like no-one else so that you an live like no-one else.” But it took you to give a name to this idea. Kudos.
One of the key findings in “The Millionaire Next Door” is the notion that those people who look rich are UAWs (under-accumulators of wealth) and those who actually ARE rich don’t flaunt it. This is why the millionaire lives next door instead of in that high priced suburb on the other side of town.
Egotrage! It’s better to be rich than it is to look rich.
I recently reflected upon this and found a counter-example for when it’s wise to try to look rich: when you’re appearance of wealth is part of your branding strategy you can use to drive sales. E. g. the Amway double-plutonium-Andromeda-direct distributor who breezes into your friend’s living room to recruit you into his sales organization. (Not a pyramid as I’ve mentioned elsewhere.)
Since I ain’t in sales, egotrage is my new favorite word. I’m stealing this.
Thank you, Steve. And by all means, steal away.
Really love this term. I’ve been mulling this in my own head for a while as a big benefit of all of these little side hustles I do – it gives you a sense of humbleness.
It’s easy to fall into the “big shot lawyer” mindset – but much easier to stay grounded when I’m also out doing deliveries or other random service jobs like this. You stay much more grounded when you’re out there being a “lowly” delivery man like me.
I deliver to a lot of students, law students too, and none of them realize that I might be someone they would want to network with. So a reminder to everyone, don’t treat the “help” badly. You never know who they might be these days.
Awesome point FP!
“So a reminder to everyone, don’t treat the ‘help’ badly. You never know who they might be these days.”
You’re a wise man, my friend. I also think how one treats the “help” is a great barometer of one’s character. I don’t know any awesome people who treat the “help” like crap.
Definitely not worried about ego… for me it’s more time. I often think it would be fun to take a job solely based on the benefits.
I actually looked at becoming a janitor in the First Class lounge for Qantas, so we could get free flights. Alas I ended up with another data engineering job.
I also wonder if an active mind needs a rest every so often. After writing code and solving problems for twenty odd years, I really enjoy doing a mindless activity like picking up litter.
I think you’re right on. I think that’s why folks come home and watch tv all night.
Thinking is exhausting, just as much or more so than physical labor.
And, apparently, Egotrage is more attractive than Sex! I just voted, and you’re CRUSHING it in the Rumble, up 85% to 15%! You can honestly say Ecotrage is better than Sex!
Who knew?
You’re doing it wrong!
MrWow recently posted…Small Business Retirement Plans
You’ll find out, my friend. When you’re nearing 60, and aren’t a politician, a good slice of pizza is just as compelling as good sex. And this isn’t a reflection on the spouses out there. It’s just part of God’s grand design–and his sick sense of humor.
What a horrible joke!! Although… pizza, yes… egotrage though?
Did you end up winning the competition, that will be the true signal.
MrWow recently posted…Small Business Retirement Plans
You guys must have a whole lot better pizza than we do in Arkansas! Man I want me some of that pizza! But wait, I am a registered lobbyist so maybe it is the politician thing?
Haha! For money nerds who vote on Rockstar, anyway.
Egotrage goes beyond demeaning work. It’s driving an old embarrassing car, wearing clothes from Goodwill, or cutting your own hair.
These are great examples and as I read what others are doing, it makes me look up to them. They are honorable in our FI world!
You’ve coined a word that will sweep the world (okay, if a broom isn’t beneath them).
Great comment, Susan. I love it. When will people realize that the surest way to riches is driving an embarrassing old car, wearing clothes from Goodwill, and cutting your own hair!
This is awesome!!!
One thing I find really funny is when me and some buddies/work colleagues go out for a drink. Most of these guys will just grab a typical Bud light or Yuengling. Over the years as some of them have advanced their careers and got more money, they began ONLY drinking “high quality IPA’s”, which are around $7- 9 instead of the typical $5 beer they would usually get. When I asked why the sudden change, I normally get something along the lines of “because I am not poor anymore.” It’s really funny to me how we as Americans seem to refuse things we have always had the second we obtain more money.
So true, Sean. I’ve seen what you described many times, especially when it comes to cars, clothes, and vacations. But oddly enough, for whatever reason, my friends and I never suffered this lifestyle inflation when it came to beer. When we were in high school, all we could afford was Schmidt’s, Schaefer, and Pabst. And to this day, we’re all perfectly happy with a cheap tap beer. A nice local IPA on occasion is nice, but it’s never our default beer. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Great insights as always.
Now that I’m semi-retired at my job and part time, I went from Director of a large office to doing things deemed much less important and “workerbee”. So I’m kind of practicing egotrage at my job now all the time. My coworkers still see me as a big-wig senior manager type, but then they see me back in a cubicle when I used to have a huge office, and working on more mundane stuff.
To me, it has been a bit of a challenge but I’m not too bothered by it. I don’t enjoy explaining to people why I’m doing what I’m doing, so I try to avoid the conversations if possible. But it’s a great exercise in humility and egotrage, and a reminder that I’m no more important that they are, just way more financially independent
Hey, AF. I love exercises in humility. And you are so right about those exercises being more bearable when you’re financially independent. Here’s an example. When I was back in New York, I worked for a highway department. And for a while, even though I had a master’s degree, I was out in the field doing such “lowly” tasks as shoveling asphalt, cutting grass, and picking up litter. My biggest fear was being seen by a friend or acquaintance picking up litter. I would have been mortified. But now, some 11 years later, I pick up litter for a hobby and I welcome my friends and acquaintances seeing me with my picker. And it’s all because I’m now financially independent. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a great weekend.