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A couple of weeks ago, I had a post that lamented the rise of Woke Crow. Our woke overlords are hostile to the inalienable rights of white people and the people who disagree with wokeism (i.e., “fascists”, “white supremacists” of every shade, minorities who “sellout,” etc.), and our woke overlords have no problem with pernicious double-standards that visit harm upon white people and the foes of wokeism.

Woke Crow is just as vile as Jim Crow, and I don’t want to see it get a stranglehold on America like Jim Crow once did. The only problem is our woke overlords dominate every major institution in this country and they are using that formidable power to convince the typical American that Woke Crow is morally just. Not good. He who controls the narrative controls the hearts and minds of the masses. The good news, however, is that I’m financially independent and retired and have nothing better to do than tilt at windmills and garner the ire of our woke overlords. So today, groovy freedomist, this wretched little blog will heroically rise to the defense of liberty and expose the five tricks our woke overlords use to get you to support their tyrannical agenda of Woke Crow. Here we go.

Narrative by Omission

One of the most common ways our woke overlords promote Woke Crow is by omitting news, data, and analysis that doesn’t support the narrative that black Americans are oppressed and America and white Americans suck. Here are three varieties of this tactic:

Missing Asians and Hispanics

Whenever you’re presented with a statistic that only compares black and white demographics and excludes Asian and Hispanic demographics, your bullshit senses should start tingling. To show why this is so, let’s compare median household income between just blacks and whites. Here are the median household incomes for both of these groups as of 2020:

GroupMedian Household Income

Our woke overlords take the limited comparison above and run with the “racism” slander. “Black Americans only make 61 cents for every dollar white Americans make,” an Ivy-League professor will lament on MSNBC. “And this inequity is undeniable proof that widespread systemic racism still prevails in this country.”

Now let’s look at 2020 median household income statistics that include Asians and Hispanics:

GroupMedian Household Income

When you include Asians and Hispanics, the “systemic racism” slander is much harder to make. Asians and Hispanics—both people of color according to our color-obsessed woke overlords—make more than blacks, and Asians make considerably more than whites. So maybe “systemic racism” isn’t the biggest problem facing black America. Maybe the biggest problem facing black America is systemic self-sabotage.

Race/EthnicityPercentage of Births to Unmarried WomenAverage SAT ScoreArrests Per Million of PopulationMedian Household Income

Only Blacks Suffer Bad Government and Bad People

In the typical year, police kill more than twice as many whites as blacks (516 vs. 245). Now a question: When was the last time our national media made a big stink over a cop-on-white killing? Why is it that only cop-on-black killings become fodder for a national conversation? Is every cop-on-white killing justified and by the book?

The sad truth is that our big-league woke journalists, pundits, activists, scholars, and politicians aren’t moved by cop-on-white killings for the same reason they aren’t moved by anti-white discrimination and racially-motivated anti-white crimes: it destroys the woke narrative that racism only means anti-black racism and that only black Americans suffer bad government and bad people.

Systemic Kindness and Love Legalities Aren’t Newsworthy

Every weekend in Chicago, scores of black Americans are shot (see here, here, and here). And every one of these black Americans receives medical care (providing he or she is still breathing when the authorities arrive).

Now a question. Who pays for the treatment of all those gunshot wounds? Since most of the blacks being shot live in Chicago’s poorest neighborhoods, the odds are it’s the beleaguered taxpayer. Hello Medicaid.

Now another question. Shouldn’t whites get credit for creating and maintaining a medical safety net that not only provides care to thousands of impoverished black gunshot victims annually but also provides care to hundreds of thousands of impoverished black patients annually?

Apparently not. Whites are the official villains of our woke overlords. So our woke overlords will never harp on something that humanizes white people. Systemic kindness is thus never news “that’s fit to print.” The only systemic news “that’s fit to print” is systemic “racism, racism, racism.”

And here’s another thing that humanizes white people and isn’t “fit to print”: love legalities. Just the other day, Mrs. Groovy was in our local Food Lion and she found herself in the checkout line with a white woman who had 20 turkeys in her shopping cart. This very kind white woman was donating those turkeys to the local food bank that’s run by a black church and mainly serves poor black people. I would hazard to guess that for every one white-on-black hate crime there are a thousand white-on-black love legalities. Our woke overlords, however, have no interest in determining the true ratio of hate crimes to love legalities. Heck, our woke overlords can’t even wrap their heads around the notion that a white person would willingly go out of his or her way to help a black person. In their world, the only thing whites are capable of is “hate crimes, hate crimes, hate crimes.”

Selective Ex Post Facto Morality

By today’s woke standards, the prophet Muhammad was a monster. He was a warlord, a slavemaster, a racist, a misogynist, a Christian-phobe, a Hebrew-phobe, a homophobe, a transphobe, and a pedophile.

But our woke overlords would never speak unkindly of the prophet Muhammad. And they would never speak unkindly of the religion he created.

Nope, our woke overlords only practice ex post facto morality on historical figures who belong to socially undesirable groups. So people such as the prophet Muhammad, Che Guvera, and Martin Luther King, Jr. get a pass. Because they belong to the “right” groups, our woke overlords are super gracious. They conveniently understand that people can neither fully escape the moral norms of their time nor their humanity. And they rightfully caution us that the moral failings of Muhammad, Che, and Martin shouldn’t automatically condemn their contributions to the human story.

Not so with our Founding Fathers, however. Our woke overlords don’t like white people, and they don’t like people who champion limited government. Practicing ex post facto morality on these undesirables is thus perfectly fine. It doesn’t matter that our Founding Fathers lived in a time where survival and comfort were much more tenuous than today. And it doesn’t matter that our Founding Fathers lived in a time where man’s understanding of the cosmos and humanity itself was much more shallow than today. Some of the Founding Fathers had slaves, and all of them were “racists,” “misogynists,” “homophobes,” and “transphobes.” So they all suck, and everything they contributed to the human story—including the Constitution and the notion of inalienable rights—sucks as well.

Don’t fall for the selective ex post facto morality practiced by our woke overlords. Our Founding Fathers were indeed flawed men. But given the moral norms of their time, and the constraints on their power,* they are rightfully understood as good men who heroically challenged the might-makes-right attitude that governed man’s governing style since man began governing. In short, the world is a better place today because our Founding Fathers existed and gave us the Declaration of Independence and the Consitution.

Quick aside: Our Founding Fathers can really only be faulted for one thing. They got the definition of freedom largely right (i.e., inalienable rights, no taxation without representation, don’t tread on me, etc.), and they got the defense of freedom largely right (i.e., republican government, checks and balances, enumerated powers, the Tenth Amendment, etc.), but they got the distribution of freedom wrong (i.e., freedom for white males, Bobby Riggs Crow for white females, and slavery for blacks). It’s been up to each successive generation of Americans to improve upon the definition, defense, and distribution of freedom. And up until 1970 or so, it can be argued that Americans were doing exactly that, especially when it came to the distribution of freedom (i.e., the abolition of slavery and the dismantling of Jim Crow and Bobby Riggs Crow). But once our woke overlords took control, we’ve been backsliding on the freedom front. In the hands of our woke overlords, the definition of freedom doesn’t include freedom of speech, due process, equal protection of the law, and paycheck freedom**; the defense of freedom doesn’t include enumerated powers and the Tenth Amendment; and the distribution of freedom is contracting—Woke Crow is rapidly turning whites, conservatives, and every other group our woke overlords despise into second-class citizens.

Another quick aside: I find it particularly fascinating that our woke overlords are appalled by slavery but are very hospitable to paycheck check slavery** (i.e., the government controlling your paycheck). Talk about cognitive dissonance. It’s wrong for someone to own a human being but it’s perfectly okay for the government to own a human being’s paycheck! To paraphrase Samuel Johnson: How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for “equity” and “fairness” among the drivers of paycheck slavery?

* The 13 colonies that initially formed the United States were not states as we understand states today. Those 13 colonies saw themselves as individual countries. The federal government as originally conceived was an umbrella institution much like the European Union. The federal government thus had no power to outlaw the slavery that the British monarchy established in the southern colonies. If the anti-slavery Founding Fathers made the abolition of slavery a precondition for forming a union, the United States would have never been formed.

** Just in case you’re not familiar with this blog, this is how I define paycheck freedom: As long as all levels of government combined confiscate 25 percent or less of your paycheck, you have paycheck freedom. Once the total bite of government taxation exceeds 25 percent, you’re suffering from paycheck slavery. Your values and priorities begin to play second-fiddle to the values and priorities of the state. And once this second-fiddle status becomes onerous enough—a tax rate of 40 percent or more—you cease to be a sovereign citizen with an independent mind. The government so constrains your purchasing power, it effectively takes control of your mind and decides what your values and priorities should be. Hello, FINO—free in name only.

Morality-Based Constitutional Rights

According to our woke overlords, it’s okay “to punch a fascist.” Really? I find communists and democratic socialists just as repugnant—politically speaking—as fascists. Is it okay for me to punch communists and democratic socialists too?

Here’s an important memo that our woke overlords apparently didn’t get: even bad people have Constitutional rights. No one loses his or her rights because they have loathsome opinions.

The trick being used here is a classic method all tyrants use to justify their tyranny. First, the tyrant puts forth the notion that those with a certain “deficiency” don’t deserve the same rights as “normal” people. Then, via his or her control of the country’s key institutions (i.e., schools, newsrooms, movie studios, etc.), the tyrant decides who has this “deficiency” and who doesn’t.

During the Jim Crow era, the segregationist tyrant believed that Constitutional rights should be predicated on intelligence. And this is how that ghastly view played out:

Low-IQ adults have the reasoning ability of children → children don’t have the same rights as adults → low-IQ adults thus shouldn’t have the same rights as cognitively superior adults → blacks have low IQs → therefore blacks shouldn’t have the same rights as non-blacks

Now, during the Woke Crow era, the woke tyrant believes that Constitutional rights should be predicated on morality. And this is how that ghastly view is playing out:

Low-morality adults have the moral compass of children → children don’t have the same rights as adults → low-MQ (moral quotient) adults thus shouldn’t have the same rights as morally superior adults → whites have low MQs → therefore whites shouldn’t have the same rights as non-whites

Your Constitutional rights shouldn’t be predicated on your virtue. You have the same Constitutional rights whether you’re a saint or scum. And if you believe otherwise, you’re a Woke Crow enabler.

The Conflation of Ethical Good Fortune with Unethical Privilege

According to our woke overlords, privilege is defined as any unearned advantage. This definition is wrong on two counts. First, an unearned advantage isn’t automatically unethical. Someone born with great looks, intelligence, drive, or athletic ability didn’t get any of those qualities at the expense of someone else. There’s no Department of Newborn Privilege deciding which babies get favorable qualities and which babies get unfavorable qualities. Likewise, those born into comfortable circumstances didn’t get their good fortune at the expense of others. Again, there’s no Department of Newborn Privilege deciding which babies go to married couples who are blessed with a wholesome rearing environment and which babies go to single mothers who are cursed with a chaotic rearing environment.

For privilege to mean anything, it must make a distinction between unethical advantages and ethical advantages. The woke definition of privilege doesn’t make that distinction. Someone born into a loving two-parent household is just as “privileged” as someone who gets into an elite college because his or her skin color trumped his or her subpar test scores.

There’s a reason why our woke overlords conflate ethical good fortune with unethical privilege. Defining “privilege” as any unearned advantage means everyone is guilty of having it. And this brings me to the second reason why the woke definition is so corrupt: If everyone is guilty of “privilege,” our woke overlords get to decide who gets prosecuted for this offense, and who doesn’t. Case in point: I got my government job because I knew someone. My neighbor was a muckety-muck in said government. Our woke overlords upon learning this would no doubt point the steely finger of indignation at me and screech, “white privilege!” But my co-worker and friend who happened to be black got his government job in the same manner. His father was a muckety-muck in said government. Upon learning this, however, our woke overlords would never point the steely finger of indignation at him and screech, “black privilege!”

In the hands of our woke overlords, the concept of “privilege” has morphed into a giant scam. If you apologize for having an advantage that came your way fair and square and didn’t trod upon anyone’s inalienable rights, you’re a damn fool.

Popularity-Based “Equity”

Our woke overlords don’t believe in equality before the law, they believe in equality of results—for some groups, anyway. Black Americans, for instance, are 13 percent of the US population. Black Americans, therefore, should account for at least 13 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs, NFL coaches, Ivy League students, Google programmers, Academy Award winners, elected representatives, etc., etc. And if this “equity” isn’t achieved with color-blind rules, color-conscious rules must be instituted. Damn the inalienable rights of non-black Americans.

This obsession with “equity,” however, doesn’t apply to white Americans. Non-Hispanic white Americans are 60 percent of the US population. But non-Hispanic white Americans don’t account for 60 percent of rap artists, NFL players, civil-rights activists, Ivy League students, and legal immigrants. Non-Hispanic white Americans are severely underrepresented in these areas, and our woke overlords couldn’t care less about this “inequity.”

Our woke overlords really don’t believe in “equity.” What they believe in is popularity-based “equity.” Representative equity regardless of merit for the groups they like (i.e., blacks, Hispanics, women, communists, trans-people, homeless people, illegal aliens, etc.), and representative inequity regardless of merit for the groups they dislike (i.e., whites, Asians in academia, men, patriots, conservatives, Christians, cops, etc.).

Final Thoughts

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. I showed you five tricks our woke overlords use to get you to support their tyrannical agenda of Woke Crow. May you now use this knowledge to defend your freedom and the freedom of your fellow Americans. Cheers.

5 thoughts on “How Not to Get Fooled Again

    1. Haha! You and commenter Steve Poling are kindred spirits. He provided a link to a different video on Bonhoeffer’s stupidity theory several posts ago. Like his, your video is very eye-opening and very sobering. Thank you.

      1. Great minds! LOL. It really changes the way you view the woke crowd when you look at them through Bonhoeffer’s theory. Great stuff!

  1. Who speaks for the ugly? Most people don’t know that the wage gap between ugly people and good looking people is larger than the wage gap between Black women and White men.

    1. Excellent point, JDF. “Beauty privilege” is even more dastardly than “white privilege.” Our vaunted SJWs are slipping.

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