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I have a dream that one day the lives of blacks killed by other blacks will matter as much as the lives of blacks killed by white cops.

Here are some of the black lives that didn’t matter to our Woke Overlords because their murders didn’t bolster the woke narrative that blacks are oppressed by whites:

I also have a dream that one day the lives of non-blacks killed by blacks will matter as much as the lives of blacks killed by white cops.

Here are some of the non-black lives that didn’t matter to our Woke Overlords because their murders didn’t bolster the woke narrative that blacks can’t be racist and have absolutely no culpability when it comes to the sorry state of race relations in this country:

Martin Luther King, Jr., was no doubt a flawed man, but he was nonetheless a hero, and he gave us the key to a more politically and culturally harmonious country: content-of-character.

Content-of-character, of course, means judging someone by his or her actions rather than by something superficial such as his or her skin color. And the more content-of-character a country becomes, the less it will be convulsed by tribalism.

But for some reason, our Woke Overlords don’t want us to be a content-of-character country. They want us to be a hyper-tribal country. So they use their institutional prowess—especially in education, journalism, and entertainment—to relentlessly push a vicious double standard. Whites are always villains regardless of how noble they behave. Blacks are always victims regardless of how ignoble they behave. And any news, study, report, book, speech, history, trend, fashion, or work of art that affirms this twisted narrative is immediately hurled into the memory loop. Anything that doesn’t affirm it is immediately chucked down the memory hole.

Check out the following quote:

“There never was a country more fabulous than America. She bestrides the world like a Colossus: no other power at any time in the world’s history has possessed so varied or so great an influence on other nations…It is already an axiom that the decisions of the American government affect the lives and livelihood of the remotest people. Half the wealth of the world, more than half the productivity, nearly two-thirds of the world’s machines are concentrated in American hands.”

The above quote was written by British historian Robert Payne in 1949. I found it in the book Truman written by David McCullough.

Now a question. Is America still a Colossus? Do we lead the world in anything that is paramount to human happiness and well-being? Do we lead the world in education, nutrition, housing, infrastructure, healthcare, manufacturing, innovation, governmental rectitude, social cohesion, or civility?

For at least 60 years now we’ve been moving in the direction of hyper-tribalism. If hyper-tribalism—and the big government it spawned to combat the evils of whitey, republicanism, capitalism, rugged individualism, and accountability—worked, America would still be a Colossus.

As another flawed American eloquently put it, “Anything woke turns to shit.” America is sadly woke, and it will never again come close to being a Colossus until it becomes unwoke.

Content-of-character is our salvation. Tell our Woke Overlords to lump it. No more hyper-tribalism. No more vicious double standards.

Think about that as you celebrate the memory of Mr. King today. Peace.

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