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Last week, a McDonald’s in a black neighborhood in Brooklyn made the news by instituting an ID policy. No customer under 20 without an accompanying parent or a proper ID would be allowed to enter.

I wasn’t surprised.

One of the YouTubers I occasionally watch is a fellow named CharlieBo313. He drives around impoverished black neighborhoods all across America and documents the all-too-abundant dysfunction found in those neighborhoods. His efforts made me familiar with the phenomenon of fast-food joints using bulletproof glass to separate their employees from their customers.

One of the earliest fatwas issued by our Woke Overlords was the fatwa declaring that no one is allowed to criticize black culture. And anyone who dares tread on this fatwa is never to be given a fair hearing. If the sinner is black, he’s to be immediately regarded as a “sell-out” or a “coon” by every congregant of Woke United Methodist. If the sinner is white, he’s to be immediately regarded as a “racist” or a “colonizer.”

But something is seriously wrong with black culture. And the evidence isn’t just anecdotal. In 2022, New York City suffered 1,716 civilian-on-civilian shooting incidents. Of these 1,716 shooting incidents, the race and ethnicity of the shooter was known in 1,076 of them. Here are the demographics of those known shooters:

Race/EthnicityCountPercent of Known ShootersPercent of NYC Population
White Hispanic17716.4525.5
Black Hispanic11110.323.5
Asian/Pacific Islander131.2114.2

Black Americans aren’t violent because they’re black. They’re violent because they’re human beings. And all human beings are cursed with a violence gene.

The only thing that separates black Americans from other groups on the violence front is culture. Asian, white, and Hispanic cultures do a much better job of subduing the violence gene. But because of our Woke Overlords, the worst elites in the history of mankind, black Americans will always be overrepresented in our jails and on the parade of carnage we see every night on the local news. Our Woke Overlords would rather coddle black America and slander the honest critics of black culture than introduce black America to the concepts of accountability and shame.

8 thoughts on “Not All Cultures Are Equal

  1. Interesting take on culture, that New York City data, and the other overwhelmingly obvious statistic that you didn’t mention – gender. Males of all races are significantly more likely to inflict violence on other human beings in the American culture than females. Maybe you should do a deep dive into that?

    1. Great point, Chris. There is a hormone component to crime. Testosterone-laden males are more prone to violent crime than estrogen-laden females. There’s also an age component. Young people are more prone to violent crime than old people. And there’s also an intelligence component. Low IQ people are more prone to violent crime than high IQ people. This is why culture is so important. We can’t affect testosterone, age, and intelligence. But we can affect culture. Black crime was much less troublesome prior to the 1960s. Why? Because single mothers were much less prevalent in the black community prior to the 1960s. The children of single mothers are more prone to violent crime than the children of married mothers. The explosion of black crime mirrors the explosion of out-of-wedlock births in the black community since the mid-1960s. If we want to reduce violent crime, we need to reduce the prevalence of single mothers. And only culture can do that. We can’t outlaw single motherhood. But we can stigmatize it.

  2. A bunch of mainly white folk calmly entered the Capital on January 6 because they believed their candidate won. There was no violence cause they had culture.

    1. Haha. Talk about weaponized news. Armed ANTIFA and BLM loot and burn down a portion of Portland: mostly peaceful protest. Unarmed MAGA goaded by FBI informants illegally enter the Capitol, cause some minor damage, and then leave: INSURRECTION!

  3. Many people will tend to do what they think they can get away with. When the guardrails are removed, the car often goes over the edge and down the ravine.
    We all get what we vote for.

    1. Thank you, JDF, for your blunt of assessment of my theory. Culture surely isn’t the only variable involved in group crime statistics. But it is the only variable we can affect. See my reply to Chris.

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