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I really didn’t wake up health-wise and money-wise until I was almost 40. Prior to that, I practiced the standard American diet and the standard American approach to money management.

But even though my culture was pushing me toward physical and fiscal trouble in old age, there were parts of my culture that had my back. I distinctly remember four “rules” growing up that were unflinchingly promoted by my family and community, and largely promoted by America’s cultural overlords (i.e., Big Education, Big Journalism, Big Entertainment, Big Business, and Big Government):

  • Don’t have kids out of wedlock. Having kids out of wedlock is the epitome of a trash lifestyle. It will screw up your life, and, more importantly, it will screw up the life of some innocent child.
  • Don’t take drugs or abuse alcohol. Only losers take illicit drugs, and only losers abuse alcohol. Moreover, only losers “party” on a school night or a work night.
  • Don’t be a bum. There’s no excuse for not working at least 40 hours a week. I don’t recall my parents ever missing a day of work. And there’s no excuse for not being competent at your job. “I don’t care what you do for a living,” my parents would always counsel me, “as long as you’re the best in the world at it.”
  • Don’t be a scumbag. There is no virtue in being a thug who preys on the weak and defenseless. Engage in criminal activity and you won’t just disgrace yourself, you’ll disgrace your community, your race, and your family name.

Now let’s return to a 40-year-old Mr. Groovy. At this point in my life, I was finally ready to start using my brain and stop following the herd on diet and money management. No, sugar and fast food shouldn’t represent the bulk of one’s diet. No, debt-fueled consumerism and paycheck-to-paycheck living aren’t the building blocks of wealth. And because I wasn’t completely hobbled by my culture—I wasn’t afraid to work, and I wasn’t saddled with a child-support payment, a debilitating addiction, or a criminal record—I was in a good position to take advantage of my dietary and financial revelations. In other words, my culture, for all its faults, still left me equipped to do something worthwhile with my life. It didn’t place me in an insurmountable hole. And that’s why I was able to achieve financial independence a mere 14 years after waking up financially, and that’s why I’m on the cusp of 62, but only weigh two pounds above my high school graduation weight (177 vs. 175).

The main purpose of culture is to protect the stupid and easily led from hurting themselves. Not everyone is able or willing to analyze or challenge the “rules” that he or she is marinated in since birth. I certainly wasn’t. I was a classic NPC for most of my life. That’s why I followed the standard American diet and the standard American approach to money management until I was nearly 40. But, fortunately, I figured out before it was too late that those who do the most to shape our culture don’t have a monopoly on wisdom and virtue. Our culture makers and enforcers—whether they’re in the role of a parent, teacher, rap artist, business mogul, or US Senator—sometimes get it wrong. They sometimes champion a “rule” or philosophy that will screw you up if you embrace it.

Now a question: Is our culture today doing right by the stupid and easily led?

Well, for starters, our culture is still pushing the standard American diet and the standard American approach to money management. That’s not good, of course. But what’s even worse is that our cultural overlords are doing everything in their power to subvert the four rules that I grew up with and did so much to assure my eventual success on the diet and personal finance fronts. In no particular order, here are some of the “rules” currently being pushed by our cultural overlords:

  • Big is beautiful. Obese people are just as healthy as thin people. And if you believe otherwise, you’re fat-phobic.
  • Women are just as strong as men.
  • A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
  • The surest way a woman can empower herself is to dress and fornicate like a hooker.
  • Unwed mothers are heroes.
  • A man who exhibits traditionally masculine traits is toxic; a woman who exhibits traditionally masculine traits is stunning and brave.
  • Racism only means one thing: anti-people-of-color in general and anti-black in particular. Tipping is racist, school discipline is racist, the SAT is racist, punishing criminals is racist, enforcing our immigration laws is racist, denouncing anti-white Jim Crow is racist—heck, everything in America is racist.
  • The traits you were born with and have no control over (i.e., your skin color, ethnicity, sex, etc.) are the most important things about you.
  • Discrimination against whites and men in defense of diversity, equity, and inclusion is no vice.
  • There aren’t just two genders; there are 105 genders. And if you believe there are only two genders—male and female—you’re a bigot who needs to be destroyed socially, professionally, and financially.
  • Words are violence. But only when directed at people our cultural overlords like. Therefore, calling a foreigner who entered our country illegally an illegal alien is very “dehumanizing.” Calling a white person who hasn’t mistreated anyone a “colonizer” or an “oppressor,” however, is peachy-keen.
  • Housing is a human right; and so is college, healthcare, and a job with a living wage.
  • Socialism is great; unelected bureaucrats with little or no accountability will always do what’s right.
  • Any degree is a good degree; college debt—be it five-figure or six-figure—is good debt.
  • The trades are for losers.
  • Cops are the biggest criminals out there.
  • Globalism is our friend. We’re much better off having most of what we consume made in China.
  • You can trust mainstream news; they’re the only thing standing between you and “misinformation.”
  • Finally, there is only one true narrative—the one created by our cultural overlords. And anyone who questions or challenges the one true narrative is the devil incarnate.

If we were in Lake Wobegon, everything would be fine. The smart know the culture handed down to us from our cultural overlords is a joke. No one with an IQ one standard deviation or greater above the norm really believes, for instance, that humans can change their sex, that the SAT is racist, or that defunding the cops is a good idea. The smart know you thrive in America by being countercultural, by ignoring with extreme prejudice what our cultural overlords are pushing.

But, sadly, America isn’t Lake Wobegon. A sobering number of Americas are stupid, of course, and a very large number of Americans are easily led. This means a solid majority of Americans have neither the brains nor the will to tell our cultural overlords to shove it. So they embrace a culture that is doing them no favors—unless they consider finding themselves in middle-age fat, sick, broke, lonely, and miserable to be a blessing—and then they blame whomever our cultural overlords tell them to blame (“Screw patriarchy, white nationalism, and those evil Republicans!!!”).

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: We have the worst elites in the history of mankind. Never have so few destroyed so much and thought so highly of themselves. And nowhere is this more true than when it comes to formulating and promoting a culture. Our elites—that is, our cultural overlords—are screwing the stupid and easily led. Instead of championing a culture that everyone can embrace without regret, they’re championing a culture that is so laden with landmines, only the smart and rebellious can avoid getting blown up.

14 thoughts on “Our Culture Is Sabotaging the Stupid and the Easily Led

  1. Listen up all! it is NOT just America……. New Zealand and Aust are following in your footsteps…. and I am sure UK and Europe also. All our societies are decaying…. consider the destructive power of social media…… covid management was the catalyst….. we are seeing the repeat of Germany 1930 on…….. we must adhere to the good character values we were brought with….. also include religious values……. All these have stood us in good stead……

    1. Agreed. The woke mind virus is destroying Western Civilization from the inside out. The only way to cure ourselves to ignore our elites with extreme prejudice. We can’t watch their news, we can’t buy their entertainment, and we can’t send our kids to their schools.

  2. One might almost make the case that “white privilege” consists of
    – Don’t have kids out of wedlock.
    – Don’t take drugs or abuse alcohol.
    – Don’t be a bum.
    – Don’t be a scumbag.

    Seriously, if you contrast what our Woke Overlords tell us about living, versus what they do in their own lives, you may start thinking they’re just working out new means of oppressing the underclass.

    1. You are so right. A high school friend of mine is a personal trainer for the rich and powerful in NYC. One of his clients was the CEO of Phillips Morris. He was invited to a Christmas party one year at this CEO’s penthouse. No smoking was allowed in the penthouse. If you wanted to smoke, you had to leave the penthouse, take the elevator to the ground floor, and then smoke outside. Our elites want nothing to do with the culture they’re promoting. Smoking, drugs, bastard children, payday loans, type-two diabetes—that’s for the scum, not our elites.

  3. I think you’ve missed the biggest cultural overlord of all…..the internet. It magnifies whatever it is that elicits the biggest emotional response from the user, and then carpet bombs them with it.
    And, much as I like your blog and your factual approach (and often agree with it), I think you’re as hooked on it as everyone else. (My retired parents are similar….wonder if there’s a theme here?)

    The things you mention are of course true to an extent, but loud and controversial gets more TV or YouTube coverage than balanced and rational. That doesn’t mean that there are less of those people around. My news feed has decided that I like recipes and gardening videos, Facebook thinks I like to see vehicles being towed out of rivers… ?? (not particularly, but who doesn’t like watching idiots being rescued?) It doesn’t pump stories about white prejudice and obesity and trans rights at me constantly, as it knows I’ll rarely click on them. Ignore the sensational click-bait, it’s not a true reflection of reality – your lens has been distorted.

    1. Very well put, Nigel. I might very well be the victim of algorithmic-induced confirmation bias. But answer me this: If our culture is far less toxic than I suppose, why are so many Americans fat, sick, broke, lonely, and miserable? Why are we so violent? Hardly a week goes by without some horrific mass shooting rattling some American city. Why is our government so incompetent? For at least 40 years now, our various governments have been trying to fix public finances, reshore manufacturing, reduce healthcare inflation, secure our southern border, solve the homeless problem, and close the achievement gap between black and white students, and our various governments have failed miserably at all six tasks. If our culture were an excellent operating system, wouldn’t the typical American be an excellent steward of his health, finances, career, and relationships? Wouldn’t we be far less violent? And wouldn’t our government be far less incompetent? Believe me, it pains me to say this, but when I look at my screens—and the real world outside my door that I navigate every day—I don’t see a lot that makes me proud. I see pockets of excellence, for sure, on both the individual and societal fronts. But I see far more mediocrity and slovenliness. Something is very wrong with America. When I was born in 1961, American exceptionalism was a real thing. Can you even say “American exceptionalism” today without laughing? And I place the blame for this state of affairs on our culture. Again, I pray to God you’re right, and I’m just a curmudgeon boomer asshole who is projecting his decline onto a wonderfully-functioning America. But I just don’t see how I’m wrong. I am a world-famous blogger, after all. Thanks for stopping by, Nigel. Great freaking comment. Cheers.

  4. This should be required reading for all 8th graders, 10th graders, and should be a test for graduation from high school.

    So true.

    1. Thank you, sir. At this point in my life, I unabashedly accept all superlatives. Have a great weekend, my friend. Peace.

  5. I recently heard a quote from the 1990s (ancient history these days): Americans are the laziest as we work the least, eat the most, and sleep the most.

    Our first-world conveniences are double-edged sword. Unfortunately, I agree that many modern innovations have been grossly mismanaged (processed foods, using screen time as a distraction instead of improving quality of life, etc.)

    1. Agreed. We got to do better on the culture front. Cigarettes, for instance, are legal (as they should be), but we’ve done a great job of stigmatizing their use. Americans now smoke a lot less than they used to. That’s one victory for our culture. Now we got to culturally turn against processed foods, screen time, and all the first-world conveniences that are harmful in large quantities. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Great comment.

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