
Freedom Countdown: T Minus Six Months!

…We were scheduled to begin our land search for building a home at seven months out. BIG demerit! We’ve browsed around at, but that’s about it. Time to get…


Average Returns Are Awesome

…will eventually, despite all its shortcomings, identify the champions—those companies with excellent management, outstanding products, and real profits—and expose the frauds (Enron, WorldCom,, etc.). Investors can and do beat…


Buying a Second Home?

…and build a house. After months of research on we zeroed in on Montana, where the cost of living is low, land is plentiful, and the price is right….


Real Adults Plan For Death

…the home page of an insurance company’s website. They range from Triple A (exceptional) to C (poor). Don’t chose anything lower than an A and look for companies that have…


Freedom Countdown: T Minus Eight Months

…advice. If you know of anyone that fits the bill, please comment or send me an email. ( T minus Two months: Plan our retirement road trip. What says “freedom”…