Merry Christmas Y’all

  On behalf of Billy Bob, the country Christmas bison, Mrs. Groovy and I would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. See you next year. Cheers.

Ten Defensive Tips to Win the Game of Personal Finance

Thanks to the Pittsburgh Steelers and its legendary Steel Current defense, football wisdom in the 1970s could be summed up in one simple adage: “defense wins Super Bowls.” Now, I don’t know if that adage holds true for the NFL today. I stopped caring about sportsball at least a decade ago. But I do know …

Thank You Progressive Overlords

In my life, I’ve come across a number of things that harmlessly defied the cultural norm. Here are some examples. The Wiz came to Broadway when I was in high school. Stephanie Mills, “Ease On Down the Road,” funky monkeys—it was a wonderful African-American take on The Wizard of Oz. When I was attending Buffalo …

We Got It So Damn Good

The other day, I came across this video in my YouTube feed. Check it out. Now contrast the life of the typical Roma living in Luník 9 with the life of the typical American. How many American children grow up without access to electricity, indoor plumbing, and public education? How many able-bodied American adults are …