Moby Sue the Bison-Whale?

It’s been cold in North Carolina lately. Not Minnesota or Wisconsin cold, but cold enough to make working in an unheated garage very disagreeable. (We’re talking about temperatures in the mid-30s.) So I looked at the start of this week with great joy. Temperatures were moving back to the mid-50s and this meant I could …

If You Don’t Know Money, You Need to Watch this Guy in a Turban

Slaking my thirst for personal finance knowledge usually meant running to blogs and podcasts. But lately, that has changed. I now imbibe far more personal finance knowledge via YouTube videos than blogs and podcasts. And one of my favorite personal finance YouTubers is a guy named Jaspreet Singh. Check out his recent video on The …

No One Ever Said Building a Bison Was Going to Be Easy

There’s no Dave Ramsey of scrap-metal welding. In other words, I can’t fire up my Kindle and download The Seven Baby Steps to Building Your First Lifesize Bison out of Scrap Metal. Aside from the John Lopez video below, I’m basically on my own. Just me and whatever critical-thinking skills I have left from nine …

2020 Statement of Purpose

What’s the point of this blog? When Mrs. G and I first began this blog over four years ago, it was a clear-cut personal finance blog. Mrs. G and I got our financial act together rather late in life (mid-40s), and we thought our quest for financial independence was an interesting story. But since that …