The Great FI Hack That FI Bloggers Largely Ignore: Marriage

In 2002, my household income was $51,413. In 2006, my household income was $117,217. This 128% jump was accomplished without changing jobs, without getting a promotion, and without working overtime or moonlighting. So how did I pull off this economic miracle? I got freakin’ married. If you’re not married, the best way to grow your …

The Groovy Guide to Doing College Right

I am not a fan of the higher education business model. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the greatest scam ever perpetrated on the American public. First, in order to get its flagship credential—the vaunted bachelor’s degree—you have to spend two-thirds of your time studying material that has nothing to do with your major. Second, …

How Can You Feel Good about Investing in Evil Corporations?

Mrs. Groovy here. Today we welcome I Vigilante. IV is a millennial attorney who amassed a lot of debt but is now on a fast track to financial independence. He writes about money, investing, the virtue of unapologetic selfishness—and shares his philosophy on how to enjoy life. And one of his joys just so happens …