
Freedom Countdown: T Minus Six Months!

…decently and performing my duties to the best of my abilities. I think that’s all a manager can expect. Maybe “back in the day” employees demonstrated more job loyalty. But…


Average Returns Are Awesome

comes to salaries, is all about context. Sometimes average sucks (fast-food worker’s salary); sometimes it’s okay (cop’s salary); sometimes it’s excellent (doctor’s salary); and sometimes it’s awesome (NBA player’s salary)….


Buying a Second Home?

…pieces of granola bars out the car window at Prairie Dog State Park and watching the little creatures come scurrying out of the ground. We also developed a deeper appreciation…


Real Adults Plan For Death

Anyone can reach chronological adulthood. You celebrate your 18th birthday and whoopee! But real adults know adulthood comes with responsibilities, such as protecting themselves and their loved ones from worst…


Freedom Countdown: T Minus Eight Months

…advisor to make sure our ducks are all in a row. I want to find someone smart like Michael Kitces, but who doesn’t require assets under management (AUM) to give…