Of Zebras and Crocodiles

Zebras in Africa have a problem. They have to drink water to survive, but they haven’t mastered the science of plumbing. And because of this dearth of technical know-how, they can’t transport potable water to a safe location, and they have to subject themselves to the terror of crocodiles. Zero Zebra Deaths Aren’t an Option …

Prepping the FI Way or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Coronavirus

A bout against unemployment isn’t won the day you secure a new job. It’s won months before you even lost your job in the first place—providing you had the foresight to establish an emergency fund. In other words, preparation is the key to surviving any calamity, whether it’s large or small. This brutal lesson really …

Becky Sue Has an Eye!

No one ever said building a life-size scrap-metal bison was going to be easy. And it certainly hasn’t been easy to focus on the artistic challenges of the bison build while my net worth has been cratering. As of yesterday, my net worth was down $348,000. I curse you, vile coronavirus! But earlier this week, …