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In the movie The Fly, the character Seth Brundle was a legitimate trans-fly. At the beginning of the movie, as a result of a horrible mishap, he began transitioning from a human to a fly. At the end of the movie, the transition was complete. He was a fly. His human hair, teeth, and organs were all gone. He didn’t need surgery to give him fly eyes or fly feet with ceiling-walking powers. And he certainly didn’t need periodic injections of fly hormones to remain a fly.

The above transitioning was far-fetched, of course. It was science fiction. But it does depict the fundamental feature of the transitioning process: You eventually become what you are transitioning to. The transitioning stops and you not only possess all the core features and capabilities of whatever you transitioned to but you also no longer need any external help (if external help were needed in the first place) to remain whatever you transitioned to. You are no different from the real thing, both outwardly and inwardly.
Just off the top of my head, I can think of only two things that human beings are capable of transitioning to: on the biological front, human beings can transition from child to adult, and on the career front, human beings can transition from non-professional to professional. Boys and girls around 12 are trans-adults. Their bodies are transitioning from adolescent-hood to adulthood, and by the time they’re around 18, the transitioning is over, and they are men and women with all the core features and capabilities of men and women. Everyone in law school is a trans-attorney. Their minds are transitioning from legal neophytes to legal beagles, and once they complete law school and pass the bar, the transitioning is over, and they are attorneys with all the core features and capabilities of attorneys.
But can human beings transition from one sex to another?
I don’t think so, but you tell me. If a man truly transitions to a woman, for instance, he should have all the core features and capabilities of a woman. How, then, do 18- to 45-year-old “trans-women” stack up against 18- to 45-year-old biological women? Here’s the skinny:
Feature/Capability | Percentage of 18- to 45-Year-Old Biological Women | Percentage of 18- to 45-Year-Old "Trans-Women" |
Breasts with active/unatrophied mammary glands | 100% | 0% |
Breasts that can lactate enough to feed a baby | 98% | 0% |
Ovaries | 100% | 0% |
Egg-Producing Ovaries | 95-97% | 0% |
Estrogen-Producing Ovaries | 100% | 0% |
Uterus | 100% | 0% |
Vagina | 100% | 5-13% |
Lubricant-producing vagina to reduce friction during intercourse | 100% | 0% |
Lactobacilli-friendly vagina to keep it slightly acidic and protect it from disease-causing microorganisms | 100% | 0% |
Fertility | Once menstruation starts, fertility declines with age. 25% chance of pregnancy per cycle for 25-year-olds. 20% chance of pregnancy per cycle for 30-year-olds. 15% chance of pregnancy per cycle for 35-year-olds. 5% chance of pregnancy per cycle for 40-year-olds. | No menstruation. No cycles. 0% chance of pregnancy. |
Cells with XX chromosomes | 100% | 0% |
“Trans-women” don’t stack up very well. In fact, the transitioning process is a joke. No “trans-woman” has ever obtained all the core features and capabilities of a real woman. At best, “trans-women” obtain the appearance of a real woman. And even here I’m being generous. Some “trans-women” have beautifully feminine faces and shapes (Blair White, for instance). But most don’t (i.e., Caitlyn Jenner, Rachel Levine, and the notorious “It is ma’am” guy). I’m not saying most “trans-women” are ugly. I’m just saying surgeons and Big Pharma have a real hard time replicating feminine beauty. And if you went under the hood and got a good look at the results of either breast augmentation or vaginoplasty, you would surely agree.
Quick aside: “Trans-men” don’t do too well on the appearance front either. Surgeons and Big Pharma have an even harder time replicating masculine beauty. And if you went under the hood and got a good look at the results of either a full mastectomy or phalloplasty, you’d be horrified.
Another key indicator that someone has successfully transitioned from one thing to another is that the transitioning stops. Men and women who have transitioned from adolescent-hood to adulthood don’t have to do anything to maintain adulthood. Their bodies naturally produce all the hormones they need to remain adult men and women. And attorneys who have transitioned from non-attorneys to attorneys don’t have to do anything to remain attorneys. There’s no need for them to be continually taking law school courses and bar exams.
Now a question: Do men who “transition” to women and women who “transition” to men ever stop “transitioning?”
As far as I can tell, the answer is no. A “trans-woman” who stops taking estrogen and antiandrogens regains his lost male qualities. He starts growing facial hair again, his muscle mass returns, and his ED disappears. And the same holds true for “trans-men.” A “trans-man” who stops taking testosterone and GnRH agonists regains her lost female qualities.
This is why people who “transition” can “de-transition.” They never really transitioned in the first place.
“Trans-Men” and “Trans-Women” or Cos-Men and Cos-Women?
Take a quick look at Lizard Man:
Human beings can’t transition from human to lizard. No amount of surgeries and drugs can make Lizard Man a lizard. But if we had to base his identity on his feelings—and his affinity for body modification—Lizard Man is as much a lizard as Lia Thomas is a woman.
“Transitioning” from one sex to another is a myth. It can’t be done. No one who “transitions” can ever gain all the core features and capabilities of his or her desired sex, and the “transitioning,” once it starts, never stops.
“Trans-men” and “trans-women” are really only doing what Lizard Man is doing: they’re cosplaying. Our language, policies, and laws should reflect that unvarnished truth.
Final Thoughts
I definitely have a bee in my bonnet when it comes to “transgenderism.” And it’s not because I have anything against cos-men and cos-women. I think they’re out of their minds, but they’re no more out of their minds than the people who believe our cities will become kinder and gentler by defunding the police.
No, my problem is actually with the woke elites promoting “transgenderism.” They’re reality-phobes. They’re doing everything they can to erode this country’s grip on reality. And no country that has lost its grip on reality can ever hope to be healthy, wealthy, wise, and free.
Furthermore, they’re bullies. Our woke elites are perfectly okay with destroying—socially and professionally—anyone who refuses to submit to the fantasy that cos-men and cos-women are real men and women. Just ponder how evil that is. I, for instance, believe in the Christian God. But I can’t prove the Christian God exists. The Christian God is thus a fantasy. And I would never in a million years want to destroy—socially and professionally—any atheist who refuses to submit to my fantasy. I’m just not a sick demented asshole. I have no compunction to bully those who don’t share my beliefs.
Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. Let me know what you think about my take on “transgenderism” when you get a chance. Peace.
As always, great analysis!
Thank you, Sarah. Appreciate it.
reality-phobes: great term of phrase. ranks alongside ego-trage for awesomeness.
Thanks, Steve. Every once in a while a good one pops into my head.
What about the man with the trans-lizard daughter? It’s a shame the school board won’t cooperate!
Mrs Groovy recently posted…The Myth of Transitioning from One Sex to Another
Oh, yeah, I forgot about that tragic example of lizard-phobia.
My Daughter Identifies as a Lizard
Men have mammary glands, and under certain conditions those glands can produce milk.
Wow! I learned something today. I’ll have to modify my feature/capability chart. Thanks for the heads up, my friend.