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I’m about halfway through writing my political opus, The Groovy Guide to Liberty. And since I anticipate completing this tour de force by the end of the year, I have started exploring the design of the book.
For the front cover, I’m thinking about Mr. Groovy crossing the Delaware as a heroic George Washington substitute. Here are some examples:

I’m also thinking about being a little rebellious and having a front cover that depicts Mr. Groovy leading a revolt against our Washington overlords. Here are some examples:

For the back cover of my opus, I’m going to stick with the Mr. and Mrs. Groovy twist on American Gothic. Here’s an example:

All of the above images were generated for free with an AI tool called Midjourney. The free trial of Midjourney allows you to generate 50 images (or thereabout). After that, you need to subscribe to generate images. A basic subscription costs $10/month and allows you to generate 200 images per month. Sometime this fall, I’ll get the basic subscription. And, then, for $10 or $20, I’ll have all the artwork I need for my book. I fear for the livelihoods of graphic artists.
I also fear for the livelihoods of writers. I went to ChatGPT and told it I was interested in doing a reboot of Gilligan’s Island. I then asked it to reimagine the cast for a modern audience. Here’s what ChatGPT came up with:
In a modern reboot of Gilligan’s Island, the cast can be diverse and inclusive, reflecting the richness of our world today. Here’s a sample cast that includes characters of different ethnicities, sexual orientations, and backgrounds:
- Gilligan (First Mate) – Portrayed by a young Asian-American actor, bringing charm and comedic talent to the role.
- Skipper (Captain) – Played by a seasoned African-American actor, embodying leadership and compassion for the group.
- Mary Ann (Farm Girl) – A Latina actress portrays Mary Ann, infusing the character with resourcefulness and a caring nature.
- Ginger (Actress) – A biracial or multiracial actress takes on the role of Ginger, adding depth to the character’s glamorous persona.
- Professor (Scientist) – Portrayed by an openly gay actor of any ethnicity, who brings intelligence and wit to the character.
- Thurston Howell III (Tech Mogul) – A Middle Eastern actor brings sophistication and business acumen to Thurston Howell III.
- Lovey Howell (Philanthropist) – Played by a Black or South Asian actress, Lovey Howell is compassionate and influential in her own right.
- A Diverse Ensemble:
- An Indigenous actor as one of the island inhabitants, showcasing their unique culture and wisdom.
- An openly lesbian Asian-American actress, skilled in survival techniques, among the castaways.
- An openly transgender actor of any ethnicity, playing a character with a tech-savvy background.
- Age Diversity:
- An older Latinx or Native American castaway, with wisdom and experience to share.
- A young, gender-fluid castaway with a background in environmental activism.
- LGBT+ Representation:
- The openly gay Professor.
- The lesbian castaway mentioned above.
This diverse cast allows for engaging storytelling and the exploration of various themes relevant to a modern audience. It provides a wonderful opportunity to showcase the talents of actors from different backgrounds while bringing a fresh perspective to the classic Gilligan’s Island concept.
Is it any wonder that AI is a big bone of contention with the striking Hollywood writers? Why would producers hire scores and scores of writers when they can get the same woke ideas and scripts by hiring a few writers who are well-versed in manipulating ChatGPT?
And Hollywood writers, of course, aren’t the only writers who should fear AI. Any writer who can’t think beyond the standard cliches and the received narratives can be easily replaced. I asked ChatGPT to write a 200-word paragraph explaining why affirmative action is wrong. Here’s what it produced:
Affirmative action, despite its purported noble intentions, is fundamentally flawed and misguided. It operates on the premise of redressing historical injustices and promoting diversity, but its approach is deeply problematic. By favoring certain individuals based on their race or gender, affirmative action undermines the principles of meritocracy and equal treatment under the law. Instead of creating a level playing field, it perpetuates a form of reverse discrimination, where individuals from historically privileged backgrounds may face disadvantages solely because of their identity. This divisive policy fosters a sense of entitlement and victimhood, further deepening racial and ethnic divides in society. Moreover, affirmative action can lead to the recruitment of candidates who might not be the most qualified, compromising workplace efficiency and academic standards. A more equitable and effective approach lies in addressing socioeconomic disparities and providing equal access to quality education and opportunities for all, irrespective of their race or gender. Encouraging hard work, personal responsibility, and individual merit should be the cornerstone of any just society, not policies that perpetuate identity-based preferences and further divide our nation along racial lines.
Hmmm. While I agree with ChatGPT’s arguments against affirmative action, I don’t like its primary way of addressing socioeconomic disparities. We’ve been trying to provide “equal access to quality education and opportunities for all” for at least 50 years, and it isn’t working. But that’s not the point. The point is that ChatGPT could write a competent article for any standard conservative publication or news outfit. Hack writers beware.
Final Thoughts
Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. What say you? Is the AI world that is rapidly approaching us something to fear? Or is it something to welcome with open arms? Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Peace.
Those graphics are AWESOME, Mr. G! I agree, graphic artists had better start brushing up on new skills, hard to compete with $10/month and that quality of output. Kudos to you for looking around the AI world and finding something valuable. I’m going to have to play around with Midjourney, looks interesting. BTW, I nearly gagged when I read the Gilligan’s Island redo, but agree their argument against Affirmative Action was pretty solid.
None of us know where AI will lead, but there’s no doubt that it will make more changes in our world than most people expect. Time will tell…
Mrs. Groovy and I gagged at the reimagined Gilligan’s Island too. I did ask ChatGPT for a diverse cast. But I wasn’t expecting it to equate diversity with no straight white characters. A sign of the times, no doubt. On a more pleasant note, you can get the basic subscription to Midjourney for $8 a month if you buy a year’s subscription upfront. So for $96 annually, you get can a pretty awesome graphic artist for your blog. That’s not a bad deal. I’d rather have images like the ones above than the generic stuff I get from Pixabay. Hope all is well on your end, my friend. Peace.
It’s overrated by miles. It’s much better than the AI software I was using 35 years ago, modeling oil refinery operations, but its just regurgitating a sequence of words based on their frequency of occurrence following a single preceeding word in similar subject matter. The AI I used was pattern recognition, it was all numerical. Chatbot is all language based, single word progression. I’m not sure how the algorithm works for image generation to do those cat portraits. However in a slightly scary recent development I heard about on Ted Talk, the single word progression model has started displaying reasoning skills that should be impossible based on the underlying software design. Yikes!
Thanks for stepping in, Mr. S. It’s always great hearing what a seasoned engineer has to say about emerging technologies. I’m using the free version of ChatGPT. I think it’s version 3.5. For $20 a month, I could upgrade to version 4 point something. I wonder if that more robust version has a “single-word progression model with reasoning skills.” Are we in a brave new world? Is HAL in control? How does it feel to be a pawn in the Matrix? Interesting times ahead. Stay well, my friend. Peace.