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Every day in America, bad things happen to good people. But very few of these sad incidents become fodder for national news. Here are ten such sad incidents that landed in my YouTube feed this past month but didn’t become a national hullabaloo:

1. Black man kills white man for no reason. Surprisingly, no protests or riots from the millions of white supremacists that our woke overlords say inhabit this country.

2. Black thief steals Coke then punches white shop owner who confronted him. Again, shocking silence from WLM.

3. Black man shoots woman after a minor car accident. Don’t know the race and ethnicity of the woman because her life didn’t matter enough for the local news channel covering the attempted murder to disclose it.

4. At the 4:03 mark of the below video, we have shocking evidence that our “racist” justice system is off its game. It frees a black driver who killed a 93-year-old pedestrian, and then a short time later, this same black driver goes on a drunken rampage and mows down several more pedestrians. I wonder if the judge and prosecutor who freed him after the first incident of vehicular carnage will face any repercussions?

5. Black man stabs Asian woman to death. Will any NFL player step up and put the name of Jessica Villa Thong on his helmet?

6. “Teens” bring Afghanistan to Charlotte, North Carolina, and kill a 3-year-old boy in the process. Crickets from BLM.

7. Another innocent child killed in the crossfire between rival gangs. This time it’s a 3-year-old girl. Again, crickets from BLM.

8. Black man hurls molotov cocktail into a deli run by Middle-Eastern immigrants. No comment from CAIR, but kudos to the brother who stopped the second molotov cocktail from reaching its intended target.

9. Here’s a horrible example of toxic masculinity. Where are the social workers when you need them?

10. And, finally, here’s a horrible example of toxic femininity. Again, where are the social workers when you need them?

Does the Woke Narrative Mirror Reality?

We are told by our woke overlords that white people are the problem in America—that white people are morally inferior to people of color and this biological infirmity falls hardest on black people. Yep, black people are unassailable victims—just humble, earnest people trying to build a fruitful life for themselves and their fellow countrymen, and white people are doing everything in their power to poop on this noble impulse.

According to our local news, however, the woke narrative is a lie. But to be fair to our woke overlords, there’s plenty of scum in every demographic, and what we see on the local news may be a reflection of anti-black bias. Producers at the local news level might be unwokety-woke, and they might very well be cherry-picking villainy—that is, they could just as easily be broadcasting villainy that makes white people look bad but prefer to mainly broadcast villainy that makes black people look bad.

To see who’s right, I gathered New York City crime statistics for the first half of 2021. There were 81,007 reported crimes in which the race and ethnicity of the victims and perps were both known. Here are the results:

Suspect Race/EthnicityBlack VictimBlack Hispanic VictimWhite VictimWhite Hispanic VictimAsian/Pacific Islander VictimAmerican Indian/Alaskan Native VictimTotal Victims
American Indian/Alaskan Native38852314367239
Asian/Pacific Islander415845664073355154842
Black Hispanic115717265812030265245783
White Hispanic267411962243114919814918634
Total Victimizations3234449071398621278813835481007

Whites makeup 32.1 percent of New York’s population, but only accounted for 12.6 percent of the crimes outlined above. Blacks, on the other hand, makeup 24.3 percent of New York’s population, but accounted for 51 percent of the crimes outlined above.

And white criminals don’t appear to be especially hellbent on bringing misery to the daily lives of people of color, especially people of color who are black. Here’s the breakdown of victimization by race and ethnicity:

Victim Race/EthnicityPercent Affinity PerpPercent POC PerpPercent White Perp
American Indian/Alaskan Native18.93
Asian/Pacific Islander41.23
Black Hispanic35.17
White Hispanic54.00

Every demographic in New York has more to fear from criminals of color than from criminals of pallor. And this is especially true of black New Yorkers. Black New Yorkers suffered 32,344 reported crimes during the first six months of 2021 in which the race and ethnicity of the perp were known. But only 3.51 percent of these crimes were committed by white supremacists.

Frequency and Severity

Now let’s get into the weeds. We are told by our woke overlords that white Americans have a congenital hatred for black Americans, and black Americans, while hardly perfect, aren’t nearly as morally defective as white Americans (i.e., they don’t reciprocate anywhere near the hatred for whites that whites have for them). If that’s the case, then, white-on-black crime should be more frequent than black-on-white crime, and the severity of white-on-black crime should be harsher than the severity of black-on-white crime.

Again, New York crime statistics don’t support the logical inference that the woke narrative commands. Here’s an interracial breakdown of the above crime stats on frequency and severity:

Black-On-White Crime by Frequency and Severity

Felony (Sentence of a Year or More)126031.13%
Misdemeanor (Sentence of Less Than a Year)163340.34%
Violation (Sentence of Fifteen Days or Less)115528.53%

White-On-Black Crime by Frequency and Severity

Felony (Sentence of a Year or More)18616.39%
Misdemeanor (Sentence of Less Than a Year)43037.89%
Violation (Sentence of Fifteen Days or Less)51945.72%

Remember: whites outnumber blacks in New York (32.1 percent of the population vs. 24.3 percent), and whites, according to our woke overlords, have a “colonizer” gene that blacks lack. But for some strange reason, these factors don’t produce interracial crime stats that affirm the woke narrative that blacks are “oppressed.” For every one white-on-black crime, there are 3.57 black-on-white crimes. And for every one white-on-black felony, there are 6.77 black-on-white felonies.

I wonder what the inter-religious crime stats were in Nazi Germany? Do you think there were 6.77 Jew-on-Arian felonies for every one Arian-on-Jew felony? If white Americans are as supremacist as our woke overlords say, white Americans have to be the most incompetent supremacists in the history of the world.

Final Thoughts

You’re being manipulated by our woke overlords. Black Americans are not being oppressed. It’s not only illegal and morally unacceptable to discriminate against black Americans but it’s also legal and morally acceptable to discriminate in favor of black Americans. No one is stopping any black American from doing anything constructive with his or her life. What ails black America the most is what ails any other demographic in America the most: self-sabotage. And until the day I ditch my trusty keyboard, I will continue to expose the lies of the woke narrative and the treachery of our woke overlords. Cheers.

2 thoughts on “This Month in the Lives of Those Who Don’t Matter

  1. Yep your right again Mr Groovy. Like it or not it is what it is and no amount of BS is going to make it anything else. Im not responsible for anything that happened 200 years ago to any group of people anywhere. In America you have every chance to get up off your ass and do or be whatever you want to be, white, black or brown doesnt matter.

  2. The message here is plain and clear: accumulate enough social capital to get a mortgage in a “safe” neighborhood with gates, walls, and private security guards. Bonus points: hire armed bodyguards for when you march in solidarity with the oppressed lumpenproletariat.

    It’s cheaper to move someplace remote enough to “shoot, shovel, and shut-up,” but nobody suggests that.
    steve poling recently posted…Dave Ramsey HeresyMy Profile

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