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Mr. Groovy filled you in on much of what’s been happening with us in Groovy Ranch Update 17. As usual, I have my own spin so I thought I’d round out the picture for you.

Meet the Millses

Mr. Groovy had his favorite Craiglisters in Update 17 and here I present my favorite “Next Door” family, the Millses.

Next Door is a tool that’s similar to FaceBook except it’s used for neighborhood communities. It’s great for sharing information about lost animals, community events, etc., and it also includes a “For Sale” category.

Angie Mills was one of the first to contact me through Next Door about a buffet table we had for sale. She came to see it, fell in love with it, and put a deposit down on it so that I’d hold it for when her husband Eddie and she could come back with their truck to cart it away.

Unbeknownst to Angie, her daughter Taylor also contacted me about an item for sale. Except it wasn’t for sale. She spotted a small desk in the corner of a photo I posted of our bedroom set and asked if she could buy it. I agreed to sell it to her closer to our move because I still needed it.

Angie also loved a wine bar up for sale but she and Eddie decided to spend money on only one piece. However, one week later, Eddie texted me and asked if I could give him a good price on the wine bar as he wanted to surprise Angie with it for her birthday. I told him we’d reduce it another $50 for the sake of romance, and Eddie was thrilled. I later found out that when Angie no longer saw the listing on Next Door she was carrying on because she knew someone else purchased the wine bar. She had no idea that someone else was Eddie, who bought it for her.

Eddie came for the wine bar a few days later while Angie was at work. He took it home, covered it up, added a note, and presented it to Angie for Mothers’ Day, rather than waiting for her birthday. Afterwards he texted me “That’s one happy woman!! Like a kid on Christmas morning!”

But it didn’t end there. Angie and Eddie returned for a corner piece for Angie’s mom, and Taylor bought our three bookcases. And when she returned for the desk, we threw in a cute floating shelf I’d never use again. All in all, the Millses made five purchases.

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

We chose a builder.

You may recall we found three custom builders that we were very comfortable with. Each one was more than capable of building a lovely home for us. But in the end, we chose Terry.

Now comes the difficult task of letting Chuck and R & R (Russel and Ray) know they didn’t get the job. And it’s going to be difficult because we got to know them through numerous texts, emails, and meetings, and they’re very fine people. Heck, we never would have found our designer, Michael, if it wasn’t for Chuck. And R & R went above and beyond by staking out the four corners of our proposed house, which was required before obtaining the septic and well permits, and mowing the winter wheat to make the inspector’s job easier.

But Terry is clearly the man for us. The best way I can explain our decision is that he’s very “old school.” The three bids were somewhat comparable, but ultimately, it didn’t come down to price. It came down to craftsmanship. We feel we’ll get the best home from Terry.

New Paths to Conquor

Given our love for walking in Crooked Creek Park back in Indian Trail, it should come as no surprise that we found a new walking path to call our own for the next six months or so in Wake Forest.

Wake Forest has a wonderful system of greenways for walking and biking. The Smith Creek Soccer Field is just five minutes from us and has numerous trail heads. Mr. Groovy and I settled on a route that begins with the Smith Creek Trail and ends at Forestville Road on the Sanford Creek Trail. That gives us 55 minutes of walking, in and out, for about three miles.

Smith & Sanford Creek Greenway

True to form, we’ve already made friends with a number of dogs, including  Scruffy, Sam, Roxie, and Trevi.  Photos to come.

Seven Pees and a Poop

This past holiday weekend, Mr. Groovy and I tried our hand at dog-sitting. Our friends (two of the fourteen ex-New Yorkers we now live close to) took a trip to Disney World along with Groovy Mother-In-Law and Groovy Sister-in-Law, and they asked us to watch their dog, Pepper.

Pepper can be somewhat skittish, so we decided to move in with her to keep her discomfort at a minimum. Each morning I awoke to Pepper either licking my face or pressing her hind paws against my ribs. That was her way of signaling it was time for a walk.

During each of Pepper’s four daily walks we counted her pees and poops. One pee, two pee, three pee….is this what new parents go through? She walked, she paused, and boy did she sniff. We knew she was part Jack Russell terrier. We had no idea she was part blood hound. On most walks she peed seven times before she pooped. And then she peed some more. I know this is TMI, but we only got super anal (no pun intended) for a good cause. After each walk we texted the pee and poop tallies to Pepper’s parents, and Pepper’s parents were tickled pink. Nothing makes a vacation more enjoyable than knowing your pet is being well cared for.

One More Pepper Story

Pepper’s parents gave us a heads up about her keen interest in squirrels, rabbits, and cats so we were prepared for her to go nuts whenever we came across a furry creature. However, we weren’t prepared for Pepper’s stubbornness. She has a mind of her own and likes to dictate the direction she takes during her walks.

And Pepper dictating the direction of our walks wasn’t a problem since it didn’t matter to us what route we took—except for one particularly long evening walk, when we wanted to return home and she did not. No amount of yanks on her leash, finger snapping, kissy-kissy sounds, or firm exclamations of “Pepper!!!” would get her to budge. Finally, in a desperate effort to get back to a cushy sofa and TV, Mr. Groovy nonchalantly approached Pepper, lifted her, and turned her body around towards home. For a few brief seconds, Pepper looked stunned. And, then, she pranced towards home as if it was her decision to return all along.

Image of black and white dog


I know this is getting boring, but believe me, we’ll have some fights soon. After all, we will be breaking ground on Groovy Ranch in June.

Final Note

Lastly, a big thank you to Robbie at Stockstreetblog. He created a powerful post called 30+ Money Bloggers Share Their Best Book For Beginner Investors and included our recommendation. If you know someone who is starting to invest, then this is the post for him or her!

33 thoughts on “Building Groovy Ranch: Update 18 (We’re Back Part Two!)

  1. I have 2 Cavaliers and a Mini Dachshund. When Scout’s little legs get tired on a walk, she’ll sit down and won’t budge. Fortunately, she only weighs about 3 kilos so I just pick her up and we keep going. 🙂

    1. I had to do a little online calculation to found out that 3 kilos is around 6 and a half pounds. Much easier to lift than a 25-ish pound dog who is strong willed!

  2. It’s really wonderful when things you no longer need or use can make someone else so happy. I think it may be time to sell or gift some of my things, including some of the memorabilia I just posted about.

    Anyway, it’s good that you’re settling in to your temporary home and finding both a good walking route and a number of doggie friends. Plus choosing a builder is progress. When do you think they’ll break ground?
    Gary @ Super Saving Tips recently posted…Is The Nostalgia Trap Cluttering Up Your Life?My Profile

    1. The best feel good moment really was when we sold our leather chair to a woman who was having a tough time taking care of her husband who has dementia. She needed a chair she could wipe clean from his accidents.

      We already got the well and septic permits and that didn’t take long at all. Terry’s applying for the others and hopefully he can break ground within the next two weeks.

      I need to check out your post about your memorabilia. I apologize for our lack of involvement the last few weeks. We’re trying to get back into a rhythm but it’s taking time.

  3. My husband is more aware of using NextDoor. I joined it for a short time, but deactivated because of all the complaining. It felt like another location for people to vent over ridiculous things. Plus, when some in the neighborhood thought there were scary people, it would put me in panic mode and I wouldn’t sleep. So, now I just get any info through my husband and I can ignore it for the most part. Friends had weird occurences with neighbors write them their life stories when they first moved into the neighborhood. Like anything, some people understand how to use online forums and SOME STILL TYPE IN ALL CAPS. Laughable, but annoying at the same time.

    On the other note, we’re having our dogs babysat by friends in the coming months for a trip and I’m super nervous. I know the dogs will be well cared for, but they are so needy and pains in the behinds I’m afraid the humans will never want them over again! Eeeek!

    Glad it all worked out well on your neverending walk!

    1. Oh, the complaining on Next Door is unreal. Right before we sold, someone complained about an unkempt front lawn — of a homeowner more than a mile away from us and NOT in our subdivision! I was so happy to see someone tell her, basically, to shut up. The folks she complained about have a thrift store type of thing set up in their front yard. They had lived in our town (former town) for decades, even before our community was built. And their home was not in a subdivision with rules so they could do whatever the heck they want to do in their own front yard ,unless the county has an issue with it.

      I understand you being nervous about your dogs but I’m sure your friends will text you with lots of reassurance while you’re away.

  4. We dog sit and walk for our neighbors around the corner. I always bring a plastic bag, which is so weird walking around with after the poop! One of our neighbors organized one of the best neighborhood watch networks in the country, complete with block captains and use of Nextdoor. I need to expand my use of that because I love the way you and Mr. Groovy make friends with people everywhere you go. And dogs!

    1. Many of the communities here have little poop stations with plastic bags and garbage pails. Our friends kept some by the door so we’d grab a few in case Pepper did her thing before we reached a station.

      We had a neighborhood watch but I never saw it promoted on Next Door. Many times though, folks posted photos of cars and license plates of people cruising through the neighborhood and acting suspicious — i.e. following children, etc.

  5. Glad to see things are moving along. I love Craigslist. I sold a child carrier on it this week. Because our schedules we’re crazy I just left it outside and asked them to put the cash under the front door mat. It worked and reminded me to have faith in humans.

    1. That’s so cool about the carrier. In our neck of the woods we see that kind of thing with folks selling vegetables. They’ll leave them on a table in their front yard with a sign and a jar.

  6. Good group sale on NextDoor. That’s pretty cool. I have an account, but I rarely log in. It’s pretty neat and I like how it’s more local.
    I’m looking forward to reading more about the building process. How long will it take to build? Probably a year or so?

    1. I like that you can pick the neighborhood you wish to broadcast to on Next Door. We had 5 or 6 subdivisions in our group and I could post to just our specific community, the two surrounding us, or the entire group.

      Terry figures around six months for the build. The other two builders said closer to 4 so it’s possible he’ll finish earlier, but he doesn’t like to over promise.

  7. My mom really likes NextDoor for keeping up with the neighborhood events. I’m glad it worked well for the Mills family and you on the furniture.

    So great you found a nice walking path. Looking forward to the tales of the people and dogs you meet.

    Way to take charge of Pepper, Mr. G! 🙂

    1. It’s a good thing Mr. G took charge because Pepper is solid as a rock.

      Next Door is perfect for keeping up with neighborhood events. There was a lot of highway construction where we lived. Every day different streets would be closed down during rush hour and folks were thoughtful enough to post the information on Next Door.

  8. Cute dog! I sub dog sat for my friend’s business once and had this one dog that insisted on taking his sweet time pooping in the middle of a busy intersection. And when he was done, he would spaz out, making the picking up of the (very large) poo, um, messy. lol! They each have their own unique personalities that’s for sure!

    1. It’s amazing how unique their personalities are. Cats too.

      I would have freaked if Pepper pooped in the middle of a busy intersection. Drivers are not used to seeing many pedestrians here, human or canine.

  9. Mrs G on the keyboards!! Love it! Wait, you actually counted pees and poops!!?? Wow, we’ve got to hire you to dog sit our 4 dogs and 1 cat the next time we’re heading out! Also, had to laugh about “your tax dollars at work” on the sign at your new park, I’m sure Mr. G loves to see his tax dollars being spent on something he can actually enjoy!! Good luck with Terry, and great story on The Millses!

    1. Do you walk your 4 dogs at the same time? Just one tuckered us out!

      I noticed “your tax dollars at work” on the sign — but we’re freeloaders in Wake. We won’t be paying taxes here!

      1. Yup. All 4, twice a day @ 1.5 miles each time. Fortunately, only 2 of them have to be leashed, the other two stay on our heels (we hike on a private trail directly behind our cabin, no one is EVER back there. True paradise!). Freeloaders? Mr. G would be speechless if he knew you called him that! 🙂

  10. Great work on deciding on a builder, Groovies! I struggle hard with having to tell people they didn’t get our business. I guess they get it on the other end – but people-pleasers stress out over things like that! Looking forward to hearing all the fun that will come your way with the build!

    1. It was difficult to tell them, especially since we spent some time with the builders and got to know them a little. Not wanting to disappoint people can be a good thing if it makes you sensitive to their feelings.

  11. Sounds like you made the Millses family very happy! I’ve never heard of “Next Door” I’ll have to check it out. Good to have another big decision behind you in the builder. Sounds like things are rolling along. What the time frame on the build? I walk my dog “Mushu” every night and when I return home, my wife and I review the tally of pees and poos, too. I have not idea why I guess it’s a sign of a good walk. 🙂
    Brian recently posted…How I Paid Off $65,657 In Student Loans in 5 YearsMy Profile

    1. Next Door is very good for alerts, neighborhood info like school and road closings, etc. But there’s a lot of complaining and griping on it too. I had been on it for years but never used the setting to receive new posts on my phone until we decided to sell our furniture.

      It does really feel good to have this huge decision behind us, thanks. The time frame for the build is around six months.

  12. Man, the Mills really helped clean you guys out. Way less stressful sounding than the whirlwind of the Patel’s. 🙂

    Having the new walking paths around sounds great. My in-laws moved to Austin while their house was being built and they loved it. Sounds like a fun way to temporarily get to know a cool city better. can’t wait to hear more once you get building!
    Mr. SSC recently posted…You’re Promoted! Thanks, But I’m Quitting…My Profile

    1. Yes, they did. But all their sales didn’t add up to the one sale we made early on which was our bedroom set. We listed it at $1,500 and sold it for $1,500.

      Wake is really nice but it’s so much more congested than Franklin County, where we’re moving. I don’t expect it to remain that way but I think we’ve got at least a good ten years.

  13. Nice story from the Mills family. It sounds like you have some lovely neighbors down there.

    As for counting pees and poops, yes. That’s almost exactly what it’s like as a new parent. I sent my older son to tell his mother what baby bro made just this morning. As long as the kids or pets are waking you up in the morning and not middle of the night, it’s all good.
    Jason@WinningPersonalFinance recently posted…Pay Off Debt or Invest – Interview 5 (Kate Nesi)My Profile

    1. Luckily we had no middle of the night disturbances. And Pepper got antsy and wanted us to go upstairs to bed. Her parents are early to bed and early to rise for work.

      How does your older son feel about being the poop messenger?

  14. The Mills family had a real hay day shopping in your soon-to-be old abode – you must be curious to how they’re home is set up.

    Glad to see you’re posting again Mrs. G, and you’re both back blogging. Fight-o-meter will never get boring, and the builders you didn’t chose should know by now they don’t get to win every bid. ☝🏻

    1. Haha, yep we were their private emporium! I have to admit I didn’t ponder for one second how their home is set up. I guess I was just happy to unload. Everything we sold was one less thing we had to move and store.

      Funny, but the builder community in Franklin County where we’re moving is so small, that R&R learned we weren’t going with them before we told them this morning by email. They found out last night from their plumber, who is the same one Terry uses. And today, Terry told us he and Ray are related.

    1. Thanks, AF. We haven’t picked up garbage in Wake yet. Actually, we haven’t seen any on the trails but I bet we can find some near the soccer fields.

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