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1. They deny objective reality

If you identify as the opposite sex, do your gonads get the memo? I mean, if I got a boob job and then put on a dress, would my testicles suddenly start acting like ovaries? Biology doesn’t give a rat’s ass about your feelings.

2. They fail to appreciate the brutal costs of “transitioning”

A couple of months ago, a sweat pore in the heel of my foot managed to clog itself, and the resulting calcium build up caused a considerable amount of pain. Naturally, I went to a podiatrist and he quickly addressed my problem. A few minutes of scraping my heel with a scalpel, a dab of ointment, and all was well. The cost of this treatment? Three hundred and forty dollars.

Now a question. If it costs $340 to unclog a clogged sweat pore, how much does it cost to turn a penis into a vagina? Only a mentally ill person would willingly subject him- or herself to the tender mercies of one of the most corrupt and greedy industrial-complexes on earth—the American healthcare system.

3. They trust Big Pharma and Big Surgery

Two of the biggest reasons why the American healthcare system is one of the most corrupt and greedy industrial-complexes on the earth are Big Pharma and Big Surgery. Big Pharma has a penchant for ripping off the consumer, and Big Surgery has a penchant for pushing unnecessary surgeries on the public. Moreover, Big Pharma and Big Surgery are callously indifferent to risk. What are the long-term effects of pumping hormone blockers into children? Does Big Pharma have any idea? Does Big Pharma even care? And does Big Surgery really believe it can give a woman an aesthetically looking penis by taking a chunk of flesh out of her thigh? Heck, most boob jobs look utterly ridiculous. But Big Surgery can handle “bottom surgery” with ease. Yeah, right. Only a mentally ill person trusts Big Pharma and Big Surgery.

4. They actually believe that they can change their sex

I’m a proud heterosexual man. I enjoy vaginal sex. And let’s suppose for the moment that I’m not on the cusp of Social Security. I’m a young man in my 20s instead, and I long for my own biological children. In what way can a trans-woman help me fulfill this longing?

If you’re a proud heterosexual man who enjoys vaginal sex and wants his own biological children, a trans-woman “ain’t worth a warm bucket of spit.” And that’s because, despite all the woke propaganda being shoved down our throats, no one can change his or her sex. If you were born with a penis, you will never be able to give birth. And if you were born with a vagina, you will never be able to impregnate a woman. Big Pharma and Big Surgery can neither change a penis into a functioning vagina nor change a vagina into a functioning penis. The idea that someone can “transition” to the opposite sex is one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated on the American people. All Big Pharma and Big Surgery can do is turn a man into a franken-woman and a woman into a franken-man.

5. They can’t handle “transphobes” (i.e., reality-philes)

I believe in God. But many Americans don’t believe in God, and many of these heathens have no problem expressing their disdain for me and anyone else who believes in God. And, yet, despite all the God-phobia I see in this country, I have never once contemplated suicide.

Why? Why does God-phobia have no effect on me? Well, for starters, the heathens might be right. I have no proof God exists. So my belief in God, technically speaking, is nothing but a fantasy. But more importantly, God-phobia has no effect on me because I’m not mentally ill. I don’t need everyone in America to submit to my fantasy in order to feel good about myself. The fact that trans-people can’t handle freedom of thought, and actually contemplate suicide when confronted with “wrong-think,” is rock-solid proof that they are mentally ill.

Final Thoughts

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. What say you? Are trans people mentally ill? Or are trans people really trapped in the wrong body? Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Peace.

14 thoughts on “Five Reasons Why I Think Trans People Are Mentally Ill

  1. “There are more things on heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

    My 29-year-old child came out as trans last year.
    They’ve started oestrogen patches and have put in the paperwork to change their name and gender from male to female legally.
    I love and support my daughter and honestly? They’ve never been happier.
    They say that a parent is only as unhappy as their unhappiest child. This means that I’m pretty bloody happy right now.

    1. What’s wrong with just being gay? Why do people have to cosplay the opposite sex? Who really benefits from “transitioning”? Maybe I’m just too cynical, and maybe I’m just an asshole, but the only people I see benefiting from trans-mania are Big Psychiatry, Big Pharma, Big Surgery, and totalitarians who now have another slur to browbeat those who prefer freedom to tyranny (you fascist transphobe!). I have a tremendous amount of respect for you FDJ. You’re incredibly kind, charming, and learned, and you made my Australia visit truly memorable. So I want the best for you and your family. But I’m afraid you and your son have been horribly manipulated by our woke overlords. Only time will tell, of course, and if I’m wrong, I’ll proudly admit it. Thanks for joining our conversation and eloquently presenting an opposing view. You’re the best, FDJ. Peace.

      1. No worries, Mr Groovy. I really enjoyed our time together. (I’ll be in Alaska and Canada in a few weeks!)
        The biggest thing about my child’s transition is when they said to me, “I don’t loathe myself anymore.”
        That cut like a knife. She truly feels like she was born in the wrong body. Imagine how awful that must be?
        So yeah. The whole family is supporting her transition. Who knows what the future holds for her, as it’s early days yet, but whatever happens, we’ll stick together. 🙂

        1. You are awesome, FDJ. Thank you for respecting my views and not marginalizing me with slurs. I know the die is cast, and my pleas are meaningless, but I can’t help my wretched self. I implore your son to seek out de-transitioners and trans-mania heretics before he embraces the most drastic transitioning procedures available to him. There’s a lot of rah-rah group-think in the trans world, especially from the mouths of Big Pharma and Big Surgery, and trans-people aren’t being told the ugly side of transitioning. Here are some YouTube videos I think your son needs to see:

          Trans Vaginoplasty: Regret and Phantom Pain

          Lost in Trans Nation The Horrible Truth with Dr Miriam Grossman

          The WPATH To Hell… | with Mia Hughes

          Again, I know the die is cast, and I’m crossing the line here. But I think your son is making a terrible mistake. Stay well, FDJ. And enjoy your trip to Alaska and Canada. Peace.
          Mr. Groovy recently posted…Five Reasons Why I Think Trans People Are Mentally IllMy Profile

  2. I am in total agreement with almost everything you wrote. The heathens are the ones that are wrong about our Lord. Our God is no fantasy and God is above having to constantly perform miracles to make us have faith he is there. I think it is in Matthew that it is written that the path is wide and the entry narrow to get in Heaven. When this ends it will be like the Titanic, just worse. Nowhere near enough lifeboats.

    1. I love the cut of your jib, Joe. I just started another journey through the New Testament yesterday. I’ll be looking for the that passage in Matthew. Peace, my friend.

  3. I completely agree with you that the Trans community have mental health issues, and I am also quite over their narcissistic insistence that everyone humor their madness. I used to have a let and live attitude but no longer. Even worse within this movement is the targeting of children. The parents and doctors who are giving puberty blockers and “gender-affirming” surgeries to minors are truly evil. Hopefully the average American is starting to wake up and push back. Your post will certainly help in this fight. Thank you.

    1. Imagine if those suffering from anorexia became the mascots of the woke and the woke started demanding that we play along with their delusion? “Yes, eating 400 calories a day is way too much for you. Look at the size of you. You’re huge.” Our woke overlords are the worst elites in the history of mankind. And if we don’t discard them soon, as you correctly surmise, hundreds of thousands of children are going to be grotesquely mutilated by “gender affirming care.” Thanks for stopping by, my friend. I really appreciate what you had to say. Cheers.

  4. The current mania for sterilizing one’s own children is driven by AWFLs – Affluent White Female Liberals. You don’t see Asian, Black, or Hispanic women giddy over sterilizing their pre-pubescent children. You don’t see fathers promoting it either. It is a form of racial and cultural suicide.

    1. Talk about the woke mind virus! Yes, there is something definitely wrong with affluent white liberal women. How sick do you have to be to enthusiastically sacrifice the well-being of your children in order to gain social clout? The woke mind virus is also big on our college campuses. Have you ever seen those videos where they ask heterosexual college students if they would date a trans-person (i.e., a fake man or woman)? Well, the college students invariably answers “yes.” Trans-women are women, for instance, so why wouldn’t a heterosexual man date a trans-woman? But when they ask the same question to heterosexuals in the hood, everyone answers “no.” They know that a man dating a trans-woman and a woman dating a trans-man is gay as hell, and they aren’t afraid to say it. Thanks for stopping by, Ishabaka. Great comment.

      Here’s one of those videos I alluded to:

      Would you date a trans?

  5. We have to follow the science. An XY person will always be a biological male no matter what surgery or medical intervention they elect to have. They can live as a transwoman but a transwoman is not the same as a natural woman. Same goes for an XX
    biologically female person who wants to live life as s transman. Society has to acknowledge the differences and stop trying to equate a trans person with a naturally biological person of that gender. Why do they insist on dropping the “trans” label? Maybe it’s because they can’t accept that they aren’t really what they think they are. That’s why things like sports should group people only by biological sex, not chosen gender. By the way, no matter what people think of this, we should always be respectful of others, even when we disagree, need mental health care or think they are living a lie.

    1. Love your reply, Pat. Excellent. And you make a very valid point at the end of your comment. We should always be respectful of each other. But to tell the truth, my “give a damn is busted.” Am I respected by our woke overlords and their Red Guard mob when I respectfully disagree with the woke narrative? Hell no. I’m a “fascist,” a “transphobe,” a “white supremacist,” etc., etc., ad nauseam. And I’m sick of it. I’ve been respectful to my ideological foes my entire life, and all it’s gotten me is a healthy serving of libel and slander. So until our woke overlords and their Red Guard mob start treating me with respect, I’m going to say exactly what I believe, without filter, and without regard to their sensibilities. Fuck’em.
      Mr. Groovy recently posted…Five Reasons Why I Think Trans People Are Mentally IllMy Profile

  6. The Dem Commy agenda is a religion just like Christianity. It is constantly reinforced via education, media and the political uni party. It takes real effort to break free of it even if you want to.
    Thanks for the sane voice.

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