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Hello, groovy freedomist, I got some questions for you:

What would you say are the most influential thought-shaping and culture-shaping institutions in our country?

Just off the top of my head, I would nominate the following:

Social Media (i.e., Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc.)
Big Business
Big Bureaucracy

Now, assuming for the moment that these nominees are valid, how many are dominated by the Woke-Left, and how many are dominated by the Base-Right?

In my estimation, all six are not only dominated by the Woke-Left but all six have also been dominated by the Woke-Left for at least two generations now. And if you think this is hyperbole, consider the following: In the past few years, the Woke-Left has decided that a woman is no longer an adult human who was born with a vagina, a uterus, and two ovaries. An adult human who was born with a penis and two testicles can be a woman too. And it doesn’t matter if this penis-endowed person is 6-foot-4 and has a hairy back. As long as he takes estrogen shots and wears a dress, he’s a woman. And all the elites running the above six institutions immediately fell into line and embraced the insane notion that sex is a “social construct.” That’s why libraries and elementary schools now sponsor drag-queen reading hours. That’s why every major news outlet referred to Lia Thomas, the male Penn State swimmer who cosplayed a woman during this year’s NCAA championship meet, as “her.” And that’s why the questionnaire the UNC Healthcare System had me answer prior to my annual wellness exam last week asked, not if I was male or female, but if I “identified” as male or female. We are living in a “non-binary” world and marginalizing pronoun “reactionaries” precisely because the Base-Right is so impotent when it comes to institutional power.

Okay, now we’re down to one final question:

The Woke-Left dominates the most influential thought-shaping and culture-shaping institutions in this country, and it has done so for at least two generations now. The Woke-Left is also the smartest and most morally enlightened people this planet has ever witnessed (according to itself, anyway). Why is it, then, that so many critical things in America suck? Education sucks. Journalism sucks. Healthcare sucks. Housing sucks. Infrastructure sucks. Our entertainment is increasingly coarse, vulgar, and propagandist. Our manufacturing prowess continues to wither. Our public finances continue to worsen. Our anti-poverty programs couldn’t be a greater exercise in futility. The typical politician “ain’t worth a warm bucket of spit.” And the typical American isn’t exactly a model of propriety—he or she has never been more fat, broke, incompetent, lawless, sloven, and rude. Aside from military firepower, national parks, and STEM programs at elite universities, I’d be hard-pressed to name another key economic or cultural good that we do better than anybody else. America is rapidly becoming a failed state. So again I ask: How is this possible—especially when you consider that the great and powerful Woke-Left is running the show?

Welcome to Glorious Ineptitude

The sad truth is that the Woke-Left isn’t nearly as smart and morally enlightened as it congratulates itself for being. It has embraced a “religion” (i.e., Wokeism) that can’t solve our most pressing problems because the primary bogeymen of its “religion”—insufficient government and white racism—aren’t the cause of our most pressing problems. And rather than renounce its current “religion” and embrace a more constructive one, it has decided to protect its ego and redefine the meaning of success. Efficiency, competency, amity, the absence of bad and the presence of good—these things are no longer relevant when it comes to measuring success. Success is now defined by “diversity.” As long as the people in charge aren’t cis-gender white conservative males, and as long as the non-cis-gender white conservative males in charge focus on “equity,” you have success—the actual success of the things run by non-cis-gender white conservative males is immaterial.

Welcome to the world of glorious ineptitude—where nothing of importance works well, but the people running the show have all the traits, qualities, and prejudices that make the Woke-Left coo with delight.

Final Thoughts

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. What say you? I say America has entered the realm of glorious ineptitude. Am I right? Or am I overwrought with cynicism? Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Cheers.

12 thoughts on “Glorious Ineptitude

  1. Aloha Mr. Groovy.
    I think you are correct in the perceptions that are too well in abundance, due to those major topics you profess as the top 5 in the US. Unfortunately, the traits of the “Woke-Left” are “hop” and in vogue at the moment,. It didn’t happen all at once, yet, it built over time, I feel much longer than just 2 generations of this crap. It seeped in through cracks in our society, and became mainstream. For now anyhow. The Woke Religion, like any subversive anti-American, socialist agenda is a way for those “progressives” to try and sway some to their way of thinking. They’re good at the bullshit they spew out. And unfortunately, many ( I still think the major majority ) are too cowardly to oppose these laughable-idiots, and buy into the thinking that the woke-lefties, are the one’s in charge. They really aren’t in charge of anything except poor window-cladding. They can’t run anything ( as we see in politics at the moment ), they twist “Science fact” into fiction only to follow their narrative of the way “things” they want to be true ( which never will be ), and when you seriously look at their logic and reasoning, you find none exists.
    I say this because although times seem dark now, with the constant feed through all forms of communication, we are constantly blasted with these LIES and FOOLs thoughts, people become somewhat beaten down, and then it becomes to feel that these idiots are in charge. I still feel and maintain that MORE honest and true American’s are out there. Although quiet, and would prefer to go to work, rather than spend a day in text/email battling these boobs, because they know what is important and what their responsibilities are in life, which is NOT to bother to take on such fools, but to provide for their families and to better themselves in life. Time is short in life, to a degree, and trying to engage with absent minded jerks really is just a waste of time. So, those battles are just not cool or sexy enough to make headlines as does the one’s about “Take your 5 year old to a Trans Pole Dance Day”……. urghhh. !!!
    So, I HOPE that come the November Mid-Term Elections, the voices of these ( who I still feel are the majority of Rational/Normal thinking Americans ) will prove my thoughts correct. That is IF the elections are honest one’s. Unlike the 2020 election where many strange happenings before, during and after occurred. Don’t believe that one, watch “2000 Mules” by D’nesh D’susa ( pardon crap spelling )….
    I think, and hope, that that pendulum will begin swinging the opposite direction, and pull back on the reins of stupidity.
    Yes, there are many out there that are Libtards, and will always stay with the Dumbocrats, in part I think, as you stated, they can NOT admit to being wrong, and will feel always “Orange Hair Guy sucks”. They are lost, and no one will talk them out of their belief system, which many subsist on. I think though, that those who haven’t picked a particular side, and are willing to look at things objecvtively, as well as, those true right leaning persons ( me being one of those right-wing nuts ) should see by now the comparis of the previous administration to the current one. If you line item it, it becomes pretty clear which works, and which is full of “poop”.
    Well, at least I think so. But hey, I’m just one of those semi-nazi, white-supremacist, MAGA Jan 6 civil war activist, wanna take over the world crazies, so what do I know anyhow?????
    Guess we’ll find out in about three months time . . . . . OR will we????? HHmmm……?
    Later gator! Be well, and enjoy the holiday weekend.

    1. Nailed it, my friend. It did start more than two generations ago. The quest for Woke hegemony began in the 60s, and the Republicans were AWOL. Now the Woke-Left completely dominates the top three most influential thought-shaping and culture-shaping institutions in the game: education, journalism, and entertainment. And the diversity-loving Woke-Left will never allow diversity of thought to seep into the institutions they control (see Project Veritas’s latest undercover work for proof of this). The only way to escape Woke indoctrination, and make sure there’s an ample supply of freedomists in the future, is to abandon mainstream education, journalism, and entertainment en masse. But I don’t think Americans are culturally, financially, and mentally strong enough to do that. They have been groomed to be weak, dependent, and compliant, and they don’t even realize it. I got to give the Woke-Left credit. They played the long game brilliantly. Thanks for stopping by, Mr. S. Awesome comment.

      1. I agree with you again, but on one point, I still feel that it’s a pendulum. When pushed far enough, too far, there will be change, BUT, as the woke morons have done it, the opposite must be done as well. Hopefully folks WILL awake! Look at all those REAL voting Trump supporters. Tens of thousands at every gathering speech. You can;;t say absolutely that people WANT change from this crap. I think it will, just need some more time. 🙂 Later! S

        1. I hope you’re right, my friend. I just have a sinking feeling that we’ve reached a tipping point. The typical American can’t even define liberty, and the Republican Party is all talk and no action. The next ten to twenty years should be interesting. Again, I hope you’re right and the spirit of freedom hasn’t been completely extinguished from the American heart. Stay safe, Mr. S. Peace.

          1. Unfortunately I agree with Mr. Groovy here. I used to believe that we (US citizens) would push back en masse once we’ve been pushed too far to the left, but I don’t see any evidence this is happening or that it will happen. We (collectively) have been conditioned to be passive or face the wrath of the establishment (at work, in social media, perhaps through targeted IRS audits, etc. etc.). I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit it, but I struggle sometimes with getting all worked up (or not) about the direction our country is taking. Do I fight it and deal with the blowback, or do I just go about my business and just refuse to accede when confronted directly. I recall an earlier post by Mr. Groovy about controlling what we can as individuals (get and stay fit, financial independence, and so forth) and don’t let the rest bother me. As ‎Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn advised as he was resisting Soviet communism…while we may not be able to take on the State directly, we can choose as individuals not to perpetuate or go along with things we know to be lies. That’s the approach I try to take at this time.

            I do admire this blog, as Mr. Groovy has the backbone to speak (publicly via this site) the unvarnished truth. This is so rare and refreshing to see. A very big THANK YOU for this blog.

            1. Thank you, Ken. Your kind words really mean a lot to me. And I sincerely hope you and I are both wrong. But I’m afraid several decades of grooming has made the typical American very soft and very compliant. The typical American is now cowed by words and stigma and gladly surrenders his or her freedom in order to avoid being called a “fascist” or a “bigot” and being booted from some prized social media platform. Sigh. The American Experiment, sadly, will not go out in fierce battle; it will go out in a whimper. In the meantime, I’ll continue tilting at windmills. Thanks again for your very gracious comment, my friend. Cheers.

      2. You believe someone who calls himself a semi-nazi and a white supremacist is entitled to your praise that he makes an awesome comment? I am disappointed to read this. Comparing oneself to a nazi ( semi or otherwise) is not to be taken lightly and I’m sorry to think you are ok with that.

        1. Why is someone facetiously calling himself a “Nazi” or a “white supremacist” something I need to take seriously? Do you understand sarcasm?

          1. There’s is no way anyone who doesn’t know this person ( who refers to himself as a right wing nut…or was that also sarcastic?) would realize those statements are sarcasm. Easy to walk back words by saying you were being sarcastic. Reminds me of Donald Trump suggesting people try ingesting bleach to kill covid and then later stating he was being sarcastic.

            Invoking the idea of being a nazi as a joke or to raise eyebrows is inexcusable, sarcastically or not.

            1. I disagree with your take, but I salute you for challenging me and SammyC. All’s fair in love, war, and blogging, and I will never be able to improve as a blogger and a person if I’m never raked over the coals from time to time. Keep pushing back, my friend. Hope to hear from you again. Cheers.

  2. I would add faith/religious organizations and the influence of your fellow townspeople and local politics. These can sometimes have a bigger impact than some things on your list. True science should influence people but too much of science today has been polluted by political ideologies.

    1. Fair point, Pat. I don’t know if I agree, though, that the local can out-influence the national. I got to think about that one. Take, for instance, a major problem like obesity. Who has more influence over the average American’s waistline? Local churches and townsfolk? Or Big Business and Big Bureaucracy? I do agree, however, with your take on science. Too much science today is agenda-driven rather than truth-driven. Hope all is well on your end. Have a great Labor Day weekend. Cheers.

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