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“Phobic” used to mean an irrational fear of something. You had a panic attack whenever you saw a spider or got in an elevator, for instance. Now “phobic” means you refuse to bend the knee to our woke overlords.

You don’t think black Americans are oppressed? You’re not just wrong. You hate black people. You’re “black-phobic.”

You’re against open borders because you don’t think a country with a national debt of $31 trillion and a very generous welfare system should be welcoming unvetted foreigners with no visible means of support? You’re not just a fiscal scold. You hate illegals. You’re “migrant-phobic.”

You don’t submit to a transgender person’s fantasy? You’re not just a rational soul who sees no scientific evidence that sex is transmutable—that a person born with a penis can one day get pregnant or that a person born with a vagina can one day impregnate a “birthing person.” You hate transgender people. You’re “transphobic.”

You take a pass on “celebrating” gay pride? You’re not just someone who thinks it’s silly to exalt anyone’s sexual preference, be it gay or straight. You hate gay people. You’re “homophobic.”

You don’t find fat attractive? You’re not just a normal schlub who’s been hardwired to equate thinness with aesthetic beauty. You hate fat people. You’re “fatphobic.”

Never in my life have I panicked around black people and run away in fear. And the same goes for “migrants,” trannies, gays, and fatties. In fact, I can’t remember a time in my adult life I ever had an uncivil or untoward encounter with a person from any of these “marginalized” groups. I’m a “content of character” type of guy all the way. I pride myself on being a bastion of amity and brotherly love.

But it doesn’t matter. I don’t bow to THE NARRATIVE that’s pushed on behalf of these groups by our woke overlords. So I’m awash in “phobias.”

With cultural hegemony comes privilege. Our woke overlords get to define what words mean, and our woke overlords get to groom—via education, news, entertainment, and social media—the NPCs (i.e., anti-fascist fascists) needed to enforce their definitions. Heretics beware! Once a Scarlet P is attached to your pathetic form, no penalty is beyond the pale. The legion of unthinking NPCs in this country will now have license to spit in your frappuccino and crush you socially, professionally, and financially.

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. What say you? Are you awash in “phobias?” Or do you bow to THE NARRATIVE with unflinching devotion like a good little NPC? Let me know when you get a chance. Peace.

6 thoughts on “I Admit It. I’m One Phobic Mofo.

  1. Hey Mr. Groovy,

    I enjoy reading your articles and this one was no different. I too am awash in ‘phobias’. Keep up the great work!

  2. 100% phobic here! It’s also the way they’ve gotten us to not speak out. We’ve got to learn how to deal with these bullies.

    1. Amen, Debbie. I couldn’t agree more. Our woke overlords use slander as an electric cattle prod. The moment anyone challenges the received narrative, he or she is zapped as “phobic” or “racist.” And so far, that strategy is working. Very few of us are willing to stray outside the herd—even the ones who know the herd is being marched toward slavery. How pathetic. Our forefathers stood up to bullets to secure their liberty. All we have to do is stand up to words.

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