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Whew! What a busy week. Groovy Ranch, my book, and life—those things required far more hours than the 168 hours the week allotted me. But, hey, no one ever said retirement was going to be easy. Anyway, I apologize for this very lame post, groovy freedomist. It could be my lamest post of all time. I do have a Talking Trash episode, though. Check out Groovy Ranch and have a great weekend. Cheers.

22 thoughts on “I Got Nothing, Again!

    1. You know, I’ve been thinking it’s a small kitchen but when my sister-in-law and mother-in-law came out with us Sunday, they remarked about how large it is.

      Our layout in Indian Trail was a bit different (as you know first hand, LOL!)

    1. Mr. G usually prefaces initial conversations with “I’m from New York but I bet you couldn’t tell”. When we lived near Charlotte and even here in Wake Forest, there are many residents from all parts of the country. Out in Louisburg we mainly find folks whose families have lived there a long time. So they’re a bit bemused by the accent. But their southern accents are a bit thick to our ears too.

  1. Wow, thanks Wow’s for inspiring the walk around video. It is fun to live vicariously and watch your place take shape. Count me in with Tonya — separate rooms? Ha ha. I guess that would be an office unless we need to hear more “trash” about you both.

    Your vaulted ceiling in the kitchen looks great. You guys have made good choices to keep it reasonably smallish and still big in many ways. Nice!

    1. Separate rooms work best for us with Mr. G’s snoring. He was tested for sleep apnea and doesn’t have it. There’s an operation that might help, but I don’t want him undergoing the knife unless it’s medically necessary.

  2. This made my Friday.

    Not so much on the piss and vinegar, but good to see the progress on the house!!

    Can’t wait to come visit!!

    1. Thank you, sir. Mrs. Groovy and I can’t say enough about you and Mrs. WoW. In fact, we lobbied hard with the Plutus Committee to have a Blogging Couple of the Year Award. We’d thought you guys were tailor-made for such an award. But, alas, the vile Plutus Committee balked at such a reward. Perhaps next year, my friend. Have a great weekend.

  3. I Have a idea on possible post, a Detailed interview with “the Boss” Mrs. G. about her take on the Project to Date!!!

    Well just a thought…….Peace!

  4. I can’t wait to see more talking trash walkthroughs as the house develops. Wait, did I miss the post of you talking about why you have separate bedrooms? The views are pretty! Are you going to have any animals?

    1. LOL! I guess we have some explaining to do. Yes, Mrs. Groovy and I sleep in separate bedrooms. I have a serious snoring problem. I would go so far as to say my snoring isn’t human. And if Mrs. Groovy and I shared a bed, there’s no way she would be able to get a restful night of sleep. Why the heck did God invent snoring? What purpose does it serve?

  5. I just got back at it (blogging) for the first time in a MONTH! So technically, “I’ve had NOTHING” for over 30 days!

    No worries though, that just means when you do drop content, it’s a HOME RUN!

    And believe me…Your content is ALWAYS beneficial!

    1. Thanks, Sean. I really appreciate your kind words. Hey, quick question. Do you feel guilty about having nothing for the last month? I definitely feel guilty whenever I got nothing, and I don’t know why. Is it a sickness? Or is it a normal occupational hazard of being a blogger? Have a great weekend, my friend.

  6. A new talking trash, this just made my day! Glad to be the impetus to get these going again. I’ve missed them dearly! And the house looks lovely! Keep up with the updates please

    1. Thanks, Mrs. W. We love you guys, so when you guys mentioned our humble YouTube channel, we knew it was time to get our butts in gear. Thanks for the gentle kick in the pants. We needed that.

  7. Thanks for the tour! They are moving right along. So nice to get an idea of the flow – looks wonderful. The fireplace & TV set up at eye-level sounds great and great natural light coming with those windows. I look forward to sipping drinks on that porch someday. Happy Weekend Mr. & Mrs. G!

    1. Hey, Amy. For some reason I’m really concerned about the tv’s position. I don’t want to be sitting on my couch and feeling like I’m in the first row of a movie theater. Although, that we be a natural brake on my tv consumption if the tv were up high. Have a great weekend, Amy.

    1. Haha! I’ve heard of MTV show Cribs. But I never saw it. I’ve been out of the loop for at least two decades now.

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