Five Things Geoarbitrage Can Do to Improve Your Life

Anyone familiar with this blog knows I’m a big fan of geoarbitrage. Aside from marrying Mrs. Groovy, geoarbitrage is the primary reason I achieved financial independence well before I was eligible for Social Security benefits. With that said, here are five reasons why those in a high-cost-of-living state should consider moving to a low-cost-of-living state. Five Reasons …

Ten Reasons Why You Can’t Save Money – Part One

Americans are a confounding lot. On one hand, they’ve never had more opportunities to make money and save than they do right now. There were no app developers, YouTube personalities, Uber drivers, direct deposits, and Roth IRAs when I was growing up. On the other hand, however, they’ve never been more racked by financial insecurity …

Life In Rural America

Mrs. Groovy and I are big proponents of geoarbitrage. When done with a nice chunk of home equity, it’s a great way to radically change your financial fortunes for the better. By using geoarbitrage, we went from Baby Step 0 (i.e., awash in debt and living paycheck to paycheck) to Baby Step 7 (i.e., no …