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I’m almost done with my opus, The Groovy Guide to Financial Independence. If all goes as planned, it should be available on September 10. So please bear with me. I had no idea readying a book for Kindle Direct Publishing would be so difficult—and so time-consuming. Between now and the launch date, then, content on Freedom is Groovy is going to get pretty flimsy. Mrs. Groovy and I plan on doing a brief Groovy Ranch update every Wednesday and a brief Talking Trash every Friday. We just don’t have the bandwidth for anything more than that. And here’s the really disturbing part about our time crunch: we’re freakin’ retired! How do people with full-time jobs and children find the time to accomplish anything major?

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. Have a great weekend. Peace.

P.S. In the Talking Trash episode below, Mrs. Groovy and I mentioned all the bloggers we’ve met personally and we neglected to mention The Budget Epicurean. Sorry B.E. We still love you, but glaring omissions are unavoidable when you do things extemporaneously. [Mrs. Groovy here. If there’s anyone else we’ve forgotten please don’t hold it against us. We’re having senior moments.]

31 thoughts on “The Groovy Opus Is Almost Done

    1. Yeah, it’s incredible. There’s got to be a name for it. I’m freakin’ retired and I should have more time than I know what to do with, and, yet, there’s never enough time. Sigh.

  1. Wow. Congrats on the upcoming release of your book. That is a big accomplishment. I have aspirations to write one someday but probably wait will life slows down a bit. Nurturing a new blog on top of raising a 12 yr girl and full time job does leave little bandwidth for anything else

    1. Thank you, Xrayvsn. And I hear ya about the bandwidth issue. If I had a full-time job and a child, there’s no way I would have written my opus. Heck, I had a tough time writing with no job and no kids. Hope you enjoy what’s left of the weekend. Cheers.

  2. Yes, Talking Trash is back! I knew I had been missing something in my life, but I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Well, now I know what it was. My weeks will now be complete with some TT action on Fridays. Oh and can’t wait for the book launch!

    1. Haha! We’re hoping to get on a bunch of podcasts to promote the book. I guess you can say we’re going on a virtual book tour.

    1. Thanks, Steve. We’re going with Fiverr for the creation of the mobi file. It’s the only way we’ll be able to publish in September.

  3. I must have missed that you’re writing a book. Looking forward to it – both you and I are late bloomers in the FI world. I look forward to reading your perspectives.
    Ps. The guest room in Melbourne is still free…

    1. Thank you, Frogdancer. Appreciate it. We’re thinking of heading down under in March or April. Is that a good time to visit the great state of Australia?

      1. Which ‘great state’ are you talking about? We have a few!! 🙂
        If you’re thinking about Victoria… then yes. It’s in autumn… not too hot, not too cold. Also, the end of March/beginning of April is school holiday time… and I’m a teacher. (Just sayin’…)

    1. Hey, Mrs. PP. Yeah, I was really panicking until a few days ago. We decided to contract out the creation of the mobi file to someone over at Fiverr. The Groovy Guide is just too big for us to even attempt doing it ourselves. We’ll try to do it ourselves on the next book. Thanks for stopping by, Mrs. PP. Hope the Texas heat is being kind to you. Cheers.

  4. Great to see Mrs. G carrying 50% of the Talkin’ Trash episode, you two make a great pair! Trashin’ Mr. G hiding upstairs behind his keyboard while everyone else is doing dishes. And “futzin’ around”? Had me LOL at that one! Excited for The Book, good luck with the Sept 10 launch!

    Fun to see The Groovy Ranch, exciting times. Thanks for the shoutout, Jackie and I consider you true friends, too!!

    1. Yeah, I’ve been milking the book for a while now. My “futzing” around days are rapidly coming to a close.

    1. Yeah, these really cool cats on the west coast gave us a gentle nudge when it came TT. We owe them big-time.

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