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Here’s a list of womanly things that trans-women can’t do:

  • Produce estrogen on their own
  • Produce their own flora to protect their man-made vaginas (if they have them) from infection
  • Ovulate
  • Menstruate
  • Produce their own lubricants upon arousal
  • Grow a baby
  • Feed a baby with their own breasts

Yep, women 2.0 can’t do anything women 1.0 could do—especially when to comes to the critical task of propagation. If some monstrous virus wiped out all of mankind save one million dudes and one million trans-women, the human race would be over. But if you fail to submit to the fantasy that womanhood is defined by feelings and not biology, our woke overlords will call you a “transphobe” and do everything in their power to ruin you socially, professionally, and financially.

The Cavalcade of Ineptitude

My point here is not to pick on trans-women. My point here is to pick on our woke overlords—the “progressive” democratic socialists who have run every major institution in this country for decades.

Trans-women are a perfect symbol for our age of woke rule. Everything our woke overlords touch turns to crap. Our woke overlords are inept at defining what a woman is, and our woke overlords are inept at running our country. And if you think I’m being overwrought, here’s a glimpse of the cavalcade of ineptitude our woke overlords have graced us with:


Ever since the Coleman Report was released in 1966, our woke overlords have been lamenting the achievement gap between black and white students.

And there’s a good reason for our woke overlords’ 50-plus years of lamentation: Nothing our woke overlords have done to eliminate that gap has worked. In fact, it has gotten worse. Today, there’s not just a black-white achievement gap, there’s a black-Hispanic achievement gap, and there’s a gargantuan black-Asian achievement gap.

Race/EthnicityAverage Total SAT Score in 2018

But what if our woke overlords were able to eliminate the black-white achievement gap? Would American education be awesome?

Far from it.

American education would still suck because the ROI on American education is dismal.

First, what percentage of kids emerge from 13 years of K-12 education with a concrete skill that can garner more than the minimum wage in the labor market? In other words, how many kids are graduated from high school with, say, an LPN certification or an electrician license? The answer, of course, is near zero.

Second, what percentage of young adults emerge from four years of college with a degree that can 1) get them a job in the field they studied, and 2) get them a job that pays them enough to comfortably pay back their student loans? The percentage isn’t zero, thankfully. But the percentage isn’t anywhere near 50 percent. If it were, we wouldn’t have so many degreed bartenders and Uber drivers, and we wouldn’t have a student loan crisis.

But maybe I’m being too hard on our education-industrial complex? If we judged our schools on their ability to suck up tax dollars and turn our young people into socialist NPCs who hate America and white people, our schools are the best in the world.


The number one cause of poverty in America is people having kids they can’t afford. So if our woke overlords were on their game, the number of out-of-wedlock births—a prime indicator of people having kids they can’t afford—would be going down over time. But that’s not the case, of course. Here are the percentage of out-of-wedlock births for black and white Americans in 1963 and in 2019:


Nice job woke overlords! All that “sex education” we had to have in our public schools has done diddly squat to spur impulse control and make Americans more responsible on the procreation front.

But anyone with a shred of critical-thinking skills could see why our woke overlords failed so miserably at minimizing irresponsible child-bearing and thus poverty: woke “sex education” is no match for a woke “culture” that ridicules modesty and glorifies promiscuity.


America used to be a MAR nation: we used to manufacture, assemble, and repair things. Check out this YouTube video about Willow Run during WWII:

There were no “supply chain issues” back in the early 40s, even though all of the industrialized world outside of the United States was getting bombed into oblivion. And there were no “supply chain issues” because we made the machines that built the parts for everything we assembled and consumed. The Willow Run assembly plant wasn’t waiting on bomber parts from China or Mexico. The Willow Run assembly plant got its bomber parts from the Willow Run manufacturing plant right next door.

For nearly all of my adult life our woke overlords have been wringing their hands over the withering of American manufacturing. And all the while their efforts to halt the decline have been utterly futile. The once-great manufacturing hubs of Detroit, Milwaukee, Gary, Akron, Cleveland, Pittsburg, and Buffalo are all pathetic shells of their former selves—and today they’re viewed as morbid oddities, places to go and explore the rotting factories of America’s rotting empire.

And the truly sad part is that the means to revive American manufacturing aren’t complicated. Get rid of taxes on businesses (providing workers get a suitable share of the revenues and shareholders get a suitable share of profits), ease environmental regulations, and tariff the shit out of imported goods and services.*

But our woke overlords are congenitally opposed to eliminating business taxes, easing environmental regulations, and instituting protective tariffs. So nothing will change. American manufacturing will continue to wither. Foreign labor, mostly in Asia, will continue to make an ever-greater share of what we consume. And our woke overlords will continue to mollify the restless masses with ever-greater amounts of welfare: “You don’t want to work in dirty, smelly factories. Making things is so undignified, so gauche. Besides, there’s no joy in making things. You’re much better off working in retail or fast food and collecting UBI.”

* Tariffs should be considered a part of our safety net—part of the safety net that backstops the working and middle classes. But like all forms of welfare, it shouldn’t be unlimited. Tariffs should be large enough to maintain a robust manufacturing base, but not large enough to turn those in the manufacturing sector into economic royalty. I think a 25 percent tariff on all imported goods and services is a good starting point. A 25 percent tariff coupled with no business taxes and less stringent environmental laws should give our manufacturing sector a fighting chance. And if it isn’t enough for a particular industry, that particular industry could exchange a higher tariff for higher income and capital gain taxes on the people employed or invested in that particular industry.


When I was born in 1961, my mother and I spent the customary three days in the hospital. The combined bill for the doctor and hospital was $120 ($1,100 in today’s dollars). My father, who was uninsured, paid $10 a month until the bill was satisfied.

We know how to subdue prices. Minimal entry barriers, price transparency, and unfettered competition. But for the past 50 years, our woke overlords have done everything they can to remove these price-subduing practices from the healthcare sector. Doctors have to go hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt in order to practice medicine, it’s damn near impossible for the typical healthcare consumer to unearth what any medical procedure will cost, and in most towns, there’s only one hospital system and one or two health insurers.

The end result of all this woke mismanagement is outrageously expensive healthcare and a public clamoring for “single-payer, Medicare for all.” And I really can’t blame the Amerian people for turning their backs on “capitalism.” When a relatively minor ailment such as a broken arm can bankrupt you, socialized medicine looks pretty damn appealing.

So over the next decade or so, America will get “single-payer, Medicare for all.” Basic healthcare will be “free” but shoddy. And that’s okay. Only the sorry people will have to deal with long waits, forlorn hospitals, and rude staff. The cool people, of which our woke overlords will certainly be included, won’t have to deal with the public system. They’ll have their own parallel private system that will be characterized by short waits, upscale hospitals, and courteous staff.

Public Finances

In 1961, our inflation-adjusted national debt was $2.65 trillion. Today, our national debt is $28.91 trillion. Back in 1961, our national debt was 52 percent of GDP. Today, our national debt is 126 percent of GDP.

This isn’t the first time, of course, that our national debt has surpassed our GDP. At the end of WWII, our national debt was 119 percent of GDP. So things aren’t that bleak, right? All we have to do is tighten our belts like the WWII generation did, right?


Back in 1945, the last year of WWII, defense spending was 90 percent of the federal budget. So it was easy to cut spending when the war ended and get our national debt under control. We no longer needed over 12 million active-duty soldiers and sailors, and we no longer needed to produce a bomber every hour, a tank every two hours, and an aircraft carrier every three months. Consequently, our national debt as a percentage of our GDP declined steadily for the next 30 years.

Today, however, defense spending is a much smaller portion of the federal budget. In 2019, the last pre-Covid budget, defense spending was just 15.4 percent of the federal budget. Roughly 50 percent of the budget went to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. And in the rest of the budget that wasn’t dedicated to debt and defense (some $1.3 trillion), there was plenty of welfare and subsidies (hello food stamps, TANF, Obamacare, Section 8 housing, farm subsidies, corporate subsidies, student loan subsidies, etc., etc.). In other words, our federal government today is no longer the “arsenal of democracy,” it’s the supreme pimp of transfer payments.

There’s no way our woke overlords will be able to get our national debt under control. First, our woke overlords are utterly impotent when it comes to “honest graft” (i.e., crony capitalism and crony socialism). The donor class wants bloated, wasteful government, and our woke overlords have little choice but to abjectly surrender to that twisted want (thank you woke judges for obliterating the Tenth Amendment). Second, our woke overlords have spent the last 50 years grooming Americans for dependency and division. Americans thus have neither the cultural and financial strength necessary to endure deep budget cuts nor the social cohesion necessary to mount a great national undertaking—and believe me, because of the decrepit state of the typical American, righting our public finances would indeed represent a great national undertaking. We’re a nation of fat, half-assed patriots who—despite all the government “investments” in human capital—mostly live paycheck-to-paycheck, and who—despite all the calls for “tolerance” and “inclusion”—neither like nor trust each other.

Final Thoughts

I could go on, of course, but I’m too disgusted to even broach the woke handling of war, crime, news, Covid, homelessness, immigration, entertainment, and race relations. Our woke overlords are the worst elites in the history of mankind. To paraphrase Winston Churchill: “Never have so few, destroyed so much, and thought so highly of themselves.”

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. What say you? Are our woke overlords as bad as I say? Or are they just peachy keen? Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Peace.


4 thoughts on “Trans-Women Are the Perfect Symbol for Our Age

  1. DITTO’s !!!!!! Yup, “woke”, trans-gender-ism”, “equitable equality”, etc. etc. etc… All phantom ideology of the socialist leftist that want to dismantle this nation, the USA, and bring it down as low as every other “poop”-hole in the rest of the world, not to mention, dictate and control EVERY person that lives on this side of the rock floating in space orbiting the sun. Should people believe these things, frankly, they’re the idiot mass that really thinks they will receive the “free” bits and pieces that the leftists claim they will give to them. Just like “Slow” Joe mentioned, that the 5 Trillion original desired spending bill was “already paid for”. Wow, if that isn’t some kind of G. Orwell think-speak, then I don’t know what. Shame that people fall into lock step with this, and I hope that they’ll wake the heck up and turn the tide BACK to sanity. However, I don’t hold much hope for that?!?!?!?! Ciaozers, and be well, Cuzn SC

    1. Nailed it, my friend. America is in the throes of a fierce battle between reality-phobes and reality-philes and the reality-philes are extremely outnumbered. Hope all is well on Long Island. Talk to you soon. Peace.

  2. I find it ironic that the people who put signs in their yards pledging allegiance to “science” are so quick to deny/denounce the biological significance of the XY vs XX chromosome distinction. I can’t take anyone seriously after that.

    Consider this definition of “stupidity” here:

    It looks at whether one’s actions hurt oneself and hurt others. If you take help/hurt as axes you can define four quadrants within which people fall: smart, bandit, stupid, and helpless.

    You may consider the political parties to be filled with bandits, but the woke crowd seem insistent upon a much more dangerous path that hurts themselves and hurts society in general. Don’t be stupid.
    steve poling recently posted…Dave Ramsey HeresyMy Profile

    1. Well put, my friend. And your link to the definition of stupidity couldn’t be more relevant. The perfect video to explain the mass stupidity unfolding in America today. Bravo, good sir.

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