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The title of this post is rather harsh. But is it true? Consider the following videos:

1. A U.S. Representative hits the town.

A winner doesn’t go to a public event with her boobs hanging out and then behave like a jackass. Only a loser does that.

2. A CEO discusses the strike against her company.

A winner understands the following: People have an innate fairness gene, and if people believe they’re being grossly taken advantage of, they’ll gladly hurt themselves in order to hurt their abuser. A winner CEO, therefore, wouldn’t allow him or herself to be paid 362 times more than his or her average worker. Such a gargantuan pay discrepancy only imbues the average worker with anger, distrust, and a primal urge to avenge the compensatory serfdom he or she has been subjected to. In other words, compensatory serfs aren’t likely to give a rat’s ass about the long-term prospects of the firm employing them. If they can strike their firm into oblivion, and bring the suits down with them, they will. But apparently, Mary Barra doesn’t understand this fundamental aspect of human nature. She isn’t a winner CEO. She’s just another loser CEO.

3. Young scholars go for a drive.

Winners don’t steal a car and then use that car to willfully run over and kill a cyclist minding his own business. Only losers do that—evil losers. Oh, and here’s another thing winners don’t do: Winners don’t give any evildoer a pass because they have an affinity for the evildoer’s skin color. But our woke media are the biggest losers of them all. So a story of a thug of color filming his thug of color friend slaughtering an innocent white person isn’t really a story. It’s a nothing-burger. If you cover it at all, you use weasel words such as “teens,” “reckless driving,” and “bike crash.” And you never, never, never consider the possibility that the heinous crime perpetrated by these thugs of color might be a hate crime. The narrative of “systemic racism” and “white supremacy” must be protected at all costs.

Final Thoughts

It’s a lot easier to destroy than build. It’s a lot easier to be lazy than industrious. And it’s a lot easier to be selfish than selfless. And that’s the rub. A society is only as good as its loser-to-winner ratio. A society with a loser-to-winner ratio of 1/1000 or better will be a highly functional, highly ethical society. A society with a loser-to-winner ratio of 1/10 or worse will be a highly dysfunctional, highly unethical society. The bad of the loser class will overwhelm the good of the winner class.

I’m afraid our loser-to-winner ratio is worse than 1/10, especially when I consider our leadership class. That’s why I contend we’re a nation of losers being led by losers. I know there are plenty of winners in this country. But there are just too many losers. We’ve reached a tipping point and crossed the Idiocracy rubicon. The losers have the numbers and power to thwart any law, policy, or cultural norm that might turn things around. Our loser-to-winner ratio will thus continue to slide until we inevitably collapse like the Soviet Union.

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Peace.

4 thoughts on “We’re a Nation of Losers Being Led by Losers

  1. The examples are too numerous. We could go on all day with even worse examples of losers. We have a president who took bribes from foreign interests and currently does not know who the president is. (how many others are doing the same and we just haven’t found out yet). A U.S. representative had a Chinese spy fundraising for his campaign. A senator has a Chinese spy as a driver. All the worst COVID tyrants were re-elected. CEOs and politicians push EVs and windmills as “green” when the truth is anything but.

    The real losers are the voters and consumers who continue to put up with this nonsense. Bud Lite and Target show that there is hope, but every election seems to dash that hope.

    1. Nailed it, EG. I couldn’t agree more. The typical American has fornicated, slothed, partyed, and spent his way into dependency on the government and he wonders why everything is going to crap. Weak people only vote for even weaker politicians. Got to keep the welfare train rolling along. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. It’s always a pleasure hearing from you. Peace.

  2. Most people in this world have been losers. They don’t understand how they have been coerced into working for the man for a pittance of what they should be getting.

    Also, a lot of people in this country are losers because they have voted for the lesser of two evils over and over again in presidential elections. You don’t vote for any evil. Evil steals and destroys, always. That is the reason why this country is headed downhill.

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