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Growing up, I was blessed with universal education. All of my K-12 schooling was paid for by the taxpayers. But despite this wonderful example of systemic kindness engineered by America’s leaders, I didn’t leave high school with a world-class education. My math skills were okay, my English skills were dismal, I couldn’t speak a foreign language, I had only a half-assed understanding of liberty, and I didn’t have one worthwhile skill to bring to the labor market.

Another blessing I grew up with was patriarchy. Males were the chosen sex, and I was a male. So one would think that my life was a breeze growing up, especially when it came to dating. But for some reason, the females I came across never got the memo that my genitals made me a supreme catch. Before I met the fabulous Mrs. Groovy, getting and keeping girlfriends was always a struggle. And this struggle increased in direct proportion to the intensity of my desire. The more I liked a girl, the more she preferred loneliness to my company.

Finally, the biggest blessing I grew up with was white supremacy. I was a white person in a white-centric country. White people in general and white males in particular were the official heroes of Big Education, Big Journalism, and Big Entertainment. Fortune 500 companies weren’t obsessed with hiring and promoting non-whites and exorcising the evil of whiteness from their employees. It was actually okay to be white. But despite all this, I floundered financially. When my 40th birthday arrived, I was nothing more than a glorified welfare recipient. I had a crappy government job that provided crappy pay and crappy opportunities for advancement. And I had nothing saved for retirement. And I had a negative net worth.

So what’s the point of this confessional? Privilege doesn’t guarantee success. It can turbocharge success, but not guarantee it. The only thing that comes close to guaranteeing success is the adoption of a prime culture. Work hard, spend less than you earn, and be kind to yourself and others. Do this over many decades and you will likely find success—whether you have privilege or not.

Keep this in mind when considering the new privileges that have been instituted or will soon be instituted by our woke overlords.

Universal healthcare won’t make you healthy if you subject your body to years of inactivity, tobacco, alcohol, sugar, and processed food.

Free college won’t make you smart and arm you with a valuable credential if you have a pedestrian IQ or have no stomach for rigorous academic work.

The matriarchy won’t help you if you’re a woman who fornicates like a strumpet and has three different children from three different baby daddies.

And, finally, anti-white Jim Crow isn’t going to help you if you’re a POC who has adopted a subprime culture. Anti-black Jim Crow didn’t help loser whites, and anti-white Jim Crow won’t help loser blacks and browns.

2 thoughts on “Anti-Black Jim Crow Didn’t Help White Drunks

    1. Thanks for the link. The article was spot on. And it’s something I’ve been pointing out for some time now. Our woke overlords find a “crime” or “offence” that we all suffer, and they only come to the defense of the groups they like. So “underrepresentation” is never a problem when whites, conservatives, Christians, males, and heterosexuals are underrepresented. “Underrepresentation” is only problem when blacks, liberals, atheists, females, and gays are underrepresented. It’s just another form of Jim Crow–call it Woke Crow–and people are just too brainwashed or cowardly to fight it. Thanks for stopping by, Joe. Awesome contribution.

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