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The best police are no police.

And I’m not saying that from the perspective of a blue-haired SJW. I’m saying that from the perspective of someone who understands that police are a response to moral decay. If our society were infinitely more virtuous—and the foulness of murder, rape, assault, and robbery were exceedingly rare—we wouldn’t need nearly as many police as we employ today. Moreover, the skeleton police force that did remain in virtuous America wouldn’t have to be manned by Dirty Harry types. It could safely be manned by Barney Fife types.

So how do we make America more virtuous and defund the police responsibly?

Well, for starters, you don’t look to our vaunted politicians for answers. Never in the annals of human history has there been a group of people so full of themselves and so impotent when it comes to fixing serious problems. Here, then, are five things you can do to make the police less needed.

Stop Having Kids Out of Wedlock

Check out this chart from an earlier Groovy post. What does it tell you? Well, I don’t know about you, but it tells me that single moms have a really difficult time turning uncivilized children into civilized teens and adults.

Race/EthnicityPercentage of Births to Unmarried WomenAverage SAT ScoreArrests Per Million of PopulationMedian Household Income

Never mind the school-to-prison pipeline distraction pushed by our woke overlords. Focus your attention instead on the bastard-to-prison pipeline if you want to do your part to make America a more virtuous country. Don’t have kids out of wedlock.

Pleas to behave will not civilize children. The swift rebuke of shameful behavior by a physically dominant adult, however, will. When it comes to boys—the sex most difficult to civilize—moms lose their physical dominance over their sons just when their sons need it the most—hello, junior high. Dads don’t lose their physical dominance over their sons until long after their sons have finished junior high. It thus pays to have dads around when the morals of adolescent boys are being forged.

Stop Consuming Illegal Drugs

Most of the shootings and murders in this country are drug-related. Rival gangs are warring amongst themselves to see who controls the local drug trade.

But if people stopped consuming illegal drugs, there would be no local drug trade to war over. Shootings and murders would drop precipitously if we would all just get our highs legally. After all, we don’t see rival 7-11 owners shooting each other to see who controls late-night beer sales.

Make Yourself a Hard Target

Who is more likely to be mugged or chosen for the knock-out game? A nerdy-looking guy who’s walking down the street, totally transfixed by the screen on his iPhone? Or a muscle-bound guy with neck tattoos who’s walking down the street with a get-the-f*ck-out-of-my-way scowl firmly attached to his face?

Criminals feed off of weakness. If you want fewer of them, lift weights, learn a martial art, or arm yourself.

Our woke overlords have done a magnificent job of emasculating law enforcement. The state deterrence to crime is now in the shitter. If we want the lazy and morally bankrupt to choose honest work over crime, we have to effect that choice ourselves. And that won’t be done by being soft. Once we pose a credible risk to the life and limb of the criminally-inclined, the criminally-inclined will see the light and resign themselves to the drudgery of lawful employment.

Embrace Minimalism and Ordinaryism

What I dislike most about my 2016 Honda CRV is its appearance. It looks too good. It gives strangers the impression that I’m solidly middle class—that I have my share of valuable stuff. My previous car, a 2004 Toyota Camry, had the opposite effect. It was so forlorn and dented, it gave strangers the impression that I was a working-class loser who had little material wealth worth coveting.

Criminals aren’t stupid. They prefer rich targets over poor targets. So if you don’t want a bullseye on yourself and your property, embrace minimalism and ordinaryism. Living in a trailer or tiny home, eschewing jewelry, and driving a crummy car will not arouse the larcenous impulses of the criminal class nearly as much as living in a McMansion, sporting a Rolex on your wrist, and driving a BMW.

Be Wary of Young Men

When I was living in the dorms at Buffalo University (1979-81), and I hopped on the elevator with several of my male roommates or floormates to venture forth to class, the dining hall, or the campus bars, it was not uncommon for a lone female student on a lower floor to retrieve the elevator, and then refuse to enter the elevator once she saw it was teeming with testosterone.

Neither I nor my buddies ever frowned on this behavior. We instinctively understood that female strangers weren’t X-Men. They couldn’t peer into our souls and instantly determine if we were men of honor or despicable louts. And it’s not as if despicable louts were an anomaly on campus back then. Thanks to movies such as Blazing Saddles, Slap Shot, and Animal House, despicable louts were far too common. So females were wise to be wary of young men they didn’t know. Better to hurt male feelings than to place their physical and mental health in jeopardy.

Most of us today should heed the actions of female elevator users at Buffalo Unversity back in the day. The most violent and senseless crime in America today is mainly the province of young men between the ages of 16 and 24. If you want to lower your chances of being a crime victim, mitigate your contact with strange young men—especially late at night, and especially in environments where alcohol and drugs are being consumed profusely. And if being in the presence of strange young men isn’t avoidable, be very, very alert.

Final Thoughts

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. What say you? Are these five good ways to defund the police responsibly? Or are they just five more examples of Groovy-inspired pabulum? Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Cheers.

15 thoughts on “Five Ways to Defund the Police Responsibly

  1. I am a retired NYC police officer and have been saying the same thing for years. In my case the audience is one person, my Wife. The police should be limited to the investigative part, like detectives. The cop culture is quite scary. I noticed that my only friends were other cops. The pay and benefit packages are also ridiculously way more than they should be. The fire department is a lot smaller and serves a greater service.

    1. Haha! One of my best friends is a firefighter in New York City, so I know all about firefighters playing second fiddle to police officers when it comes to pay and benefits.

      What’s your opinion of stop and frisk? As a layperson, it strikes me as a great tool for cops to be proactive toward crime rather than reactive. I understand the potential for abuse and suggested a way to safeguard against that in an earlier post. Here’s the link:

      Understanding Constitutional Rights as a Form of Property Would Make America a More Perfect Union

      Thanks for stopping by, JC. I really appreciate your contribution to our conversation. Cheers.

  2. 1. Yes, people should have kids responsibly. And, there should be both parents in their lives. However, monogamous marriage is a waste of time:

    He also has several other articles on his site showing why traditional marriage is a waste of time that turns men into beta chodes.

    Society tells men to get married and be a good provider. It’s all crap. A lot of the time, their wives don’t respect them.

    2. The police aren’t necessary at all. The founding fathers warned us about letting standing armies (the police are one) form among us:

    They are some of the biggest criminals out there:

    The biggest problem out there is the fact that morals aren’t taught. The schools teach post-modernist crap, and a lot of parents just tell their kids to get a job that will pay them the most money. They don’t teach right and wrong.

    1. Hey, JB. Thanks for the thought-provoking response and the links. You gave me a lot of homework and I appreciate it. For now, though, here are my initial thoughts.

      1. Marriage in today’s environment is a risky proposition. But that’s mainly because fourth-wave feminist propaganda has convinced far too many women that men are their natural competitors rather than their natural partners. Marriage works for me and Mrs. Groovy because we’re not competing against each other. I don’t view her as the enemy, and she doesn’t view me as the enemy. We both want each other to win, and our behavior toward each other affirms that sentiment. Marriage without the poison of fourth-wave feminism can be a very fruitful endeavor. It’s also a great way to accomplish things that would be impossible or near impossible to accomplish alone–think procreation, raising children to be competent and law-abiding adults, and achieving financial independence in your 40s or 50s.

      2. I got to do some research on our Founding Fathers’ fear of standing armies. Thankfully, I have a book in my library that contains all the federalist and anti-federalist contributions to the debate preceding the ratification of our Constitution. I will say this, though, our ancestors, who had far more regard for our Founding Fathers and Constitution than we do today, had no problem having standing armies nearby when they were settling the great expanse of land west of the Appalachian Mountains.

      3. In 2020, NYPD officers shot a total of 12 civilians. Civilian New Yorkers, on the other hand, shot over 1,500 of their peers in 2020. Are cops really “some of the biggest criminals out there”? Cops are far from perfect, of course, but their shortcomings are nowhere near as troublesome as the typical American supposes. Never forget: Our woke overlords despise the police, and they use their cultural hegemony to make sure every cop’s misdeed is thrust into our country’s memory loop and every cop’s good deed is chucked down our country’s memory hole.

      Again, thanks for the very thoughtful comment, JB. Even though I’m pushing back, I believe we’re kindred spirits and I hope to hear from you again. Cheers, my friend.

      1. 1. Competent and law-abiding adults? That’s not anything to be proud of. The people in Nazi Germany who looked the other way when the Jews were getting slaughtered were also law-abiding.

        The laws are made up at man’s whim, and it is moral relativist. It is BS. Something like alcohol can be illegal in 1920, and not in 1950? That is garbage.

        2. That is nice that you are in a solid marriage, but are you really happy, or do you feel safe?

        I am not just coming after you, but I want people to think. People just believe in a lot of garbage that they are told by the mainstream media, and that’s why we are heading into tyranny. That’s why I am an anarchist/egalitarianist that doesn’t believe in voting.

        Oh, and BTW, here is the latest vid from Larken Rose, an an anarchist:

        1. “The people in Nazi Germany who looked the other way when the Jews were getting slaughtered were also law-abiding.”

          Excellent point. I was trying to convey the opinion that two parents might be better than one at raising children to be morally-upright adults and I failed miserably. Thank you for pointing out a serious flaw in my logic. Damn it! No one ever said being a renowned blogger was going to be easy.

          And you make a fair point about happiness and marriage. Does my happiness now have more to do with safety rather than self-actualization? After all, I do appreciate the safety that my marriage has produced. I no longer have to compete for a mate, and I’m more financially secure now than I ever was when single. But does this improved safety mask a tragic loss of self-actualization? I don’t think so. I’m still doing everything I want to do. But then again, I may be the exception. For most men, marriage may mean a crippling end to self-actualization. I got to think about this some more.

          Finally, don’t worry about hurting my feelings. You come at me as hard as you want. We’re all friends here, and I want my friends to be very vigilant when it comes to pointing out my screw-ups. It’s the only way I’m going to improve as a blogger and a person.

          Thanks for the very constructive reply and the additional YouTube clips. I look forward to watching them. Cheers.

          1. Well, different strokes for different folks. Some people don’t have bad marriages, but some do (in my life, I have seen a few).

            And, yeah, I don’t want to come too hard at one person. It is society that is screwed up as a whole. And, I believe that the main problem is that people believe in human authority (i.e. government).

      2. I’m sorry but I don’t get your kindness in regards to JB’s comments. I guess that in the blog world you have to treat all comments with some modicum of respect.
        I do not believe you failed in trying to convey that two parents are better than one. And no, he did not make a good point about marriage. Please don’t wimp out when facing that kind of person.
        By the way, the people in Nazi Germany who looked the other way were not “law-abiding”. They were basically “accomplices” to the crime they were observing. I totally understand why they acted that way, however – mostly fear of reprisal. But many did not look the other way, history has many stories about the resistors and the people who fought back. Please keep up the hard work. You give me hope that there is intelligent life out there!

        1. Correct. The wording I used to state that it’s hard raising uncivilized children to be productive, morally-upright teens and adults was a bit ham-fisted. “Law-abiding adults” gave JB an opening since laws aren’t always moral. My first instinct, of course, was to push back and tell JB that he was making hay over a trivial mistake. But I take blogging seriously and the words and arguments I use matter. So I conceded the point on “law-abiding adults.” I don’t concede the point that 1) raising uncivilized children to be productive, morally-upright teens and adults is hard, and 2) man-woman married couples are much better at tackling that hard job than a single mom. Thanks for stepping in, my friend. I really appreciate your support. Cheers.

  3. We also need to create an environment where crime doesn’t pay. Entry level, minimum wage jobs have to pay better and have better working conditions. Having regular, reliable hours is a start, especially in retail. Yes price of some goods will go up but is it really bad if fast food costs more? Fast food does not promote good health and its cheap availability has contributed to the obesity epidemic. That in turn has caused a dramatic increase in disease and the resulting increase in health care costs. People who respect and take care of themselves and others are less likely to use drugs, commit crimes, etc. Cops who respect and take care of themselves and others are less likely to abuse their positions and are more physically able to do their jobs without having to use a weapon. It all starts with respect of self and for others. Community policing where police and citizens have a good relationship is what we want and need. A citizenry that values fair treatment, personal responsibility and respect for others is crucial. The old adage “the hell with you, hurray for me” has to stop.

      1. While I know I could help that way, I’ve never had any patience for the a$$ kissing that is an absolute necessity in government. I wouldn’t do that when I worked in corporate America. It cost me opportunities but I worked and retired with a clean conscience. I try to contribute by writing to elected officials and online posting that can get others to think. If I ever wanted to go back to work, I would look into a political think tank. Thanks for the thought!

        1. Agreed. You have to be a sociopath to covet a position that entails so much a$$ kissing. And you’re definitely not a sociopath.

  4. I would love to live in a town with Sheriff Barney Fife and where the town drunk locks himself into jail as the occasion arises.

    “Blending in” is a big priority for us. But it gets difficult when you need to replace vehicles, as the reliable ones are usually the pricier ones.

    Drugs are a big problem in our region and trying to be a hard target against that is what baffles us to some extent. When you live in a rural area, they can do a lot of damage before help arrives.
    Josh recently posted…Protecting Your Personal Information to Protect Your Personal FinancesMy Profile

    1. I hear ya, Josh. It may be impossible to harden yourself enough when the number of drug addicts in a particular area reaches a certain percentage of the population. There’s only so much locks and bars on windows can do. Stay safe, my friend.

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