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I’m not a fan of socialism. I’ve seen it up close and personal for 21 years while working for a highway department on Long Island. And what I saw wasn’t pretty. My fellow public servants and I cared far more about our comfort and well-being than the comfort and well-being of the taxpayers. If I were forced to estimate the drag of our selfishness on our output, I would say we gave the taxpayers about 50 cents worth of service for every dollar they surrendered to us in taxes.

But why? Why did we provide such shoddy service? Were we bad people?

No, we weren’t bad people. But we weren’t saints either. We were just normal people with a normal amount of pride, industry, and virtue.

So again, why did we provide such shoddy service? Shouldn’t normal people with a normal amount of pride, industry, and virtue be able to provide more than 50 cents worth of service for every dollar they get in tribute? Wouldn’t 70 or 80 cents worth of service be a more reasonable expectation?

Sadly no. And the reason for this was simple: we lacked competition. The taxpayers couldn’t turn to another municipality for road maintenance and repair. We got their money regardless of how shoddy our service became. This lack of competition, in turn, saddled our workplace with another unhealthy feature: a decided lack of accountability. Since our revenue wasn’t predicated on the quality of our service, we could painlessly prioritize our selfish goals ahead of the selfless goals of competency and efficiency. For management, selfishness meant prioritizing the donation and vote-getting needs of the Republican Party. For labor, selfishness meant prioritizing the dodge—that is, it meant prioritizing the sordid goal of maximizing pay and minimizing work. The absence of accountability thus reduced our municipality to a citadel of ineptitude and sloth. Every year, management managed poorly. Every year, labor labored poorly. And every year, much to the chagrin of the taxpayers, raises, bonuses, and promotions were doled out like candy.

Human beings don’t do well when there’s an absence of competition and accountability. And since wherever socialism treads, competition and accountability go bye-bye, a sane society would have as little socialism as possible.

But that’s not the direction we’re headed, of course. Americans love socialism, especially young people, people of color, and migrants. So America in the not-too-distant future will be a full-blown socialist country.

Winning in a Full-Blown Socialist Country

Now a question. How does one “win” in a full-blown socialist country? In other words, how does the average Joe or Josephine secure happiness when the state frees our most important institutions from the rigors of competition and accountability and our woke overlords prioritize diversity and equity over such trivial things as competency, efficiency, paycheck freedom,* and equal protection of the law?

Simply put, the winners in socialist America will be those who master things that are 1) highly valuable, and 2) can’t be redistributed or made “equitable.” Here are five such things:


You can’t redistribute push-ups and sit-ups. You can’t redistribute dietary discipline. And you can’t redistribute sobriety. Master your health—be thin, fit, and strong—and you’ll not only stand out from the crowd but you’ll also shield yourself from the abject buffoonery that will characterize our Medicare-For-All healthcare system.


Cuddling on the couch with Mrs. Groovy while watching Schitt’s Creek, having lunch with mom and dad and Aunt Joan, getting together with the gang at Jim and Theresa’s for game night—these are just some of the everyday interactions that bring joy and meaning to my life. They are also great examples of another thing our woke overlords won’t be able to redistribute: loving, healthy relationships. So if you manage to master relationships—that is, you have a loving spouse, a bevy of loving kids, and a top-notch core of family and friends—your full-blown socialist future won’t be nearly as bleak. Your relationships will be a harbor of tranquility in a roiling sea of societal dysfunction. In them, you’ll find camaraderie, amusement, and the best DIY safety net under the sun.

Technical Skills

Under full-blown socialism, organizational incompetency will be the norm. HR departments will be far more concerned with the diversity of the workforce than with the competency of the workforce. In order to get anything done, then, organizations will be highly dependent on outside contractors. So if you want to “win” on the income front, master a skill that is valued by society and is very suited to independent contracting (think welding, plumbing, landscaping, engineering, programming, etc.). You’ll have no shortage of well-compensated work, and you won’t have to deal with all the woke nonsense that will surely be transporting the workplace to either the clown zone or the Twilight Zone. (“Yes, boss man…er…I mean, non-binary authority unit. I’m extremely sorry for being born with white skin. How can I sufficiently prostrate myself before management and my co-workers of color and keep my soul-sucking job that barely pays the bills?”)


When I was a young man, I sought happiness through things. All I had to do, my pedestrian brain reasoned, was wear the “right” clothes, drive the “right” car, and dwell in the “right” zip code and I would have no trouble finding happiness, respect, and love.

That strategy didn’t work out too well—for my happiness, my finances, and my love life. Mr. Groovy 1.0 was a fairly wretched soul.

But then something miraculous happened. By day, in my highway job, I picked up dead animals and shoveled asphalt. At night, however, I began to dabble in databases and programming. And after a while, I got pretty good at databases and programming. And not long after that, that hobby turned into a career. And not long after my IT career began, my happiness, finances, and love life began to soar.

You are far more likely to win the things that matter most in life by mastering a hobby than by securing things with debt. And as an added bonus, hobbies are also another thing that our woke overlords won’t be able to redistribute. I may be reviled by the SJWs in the FIRE community, but regardless of how much they loathe me, they can’t take away the renown I’ve achieved in Franklin County by painting Old Glory on the side of my garage. And next year, they won’t be able to take away the renown I’ll get in Franklin County by planting a life-sized scrap-metal bison in my front yard.

Peace of Mind

I haven’t worried about money in at least 15 years. I go to bed every night and my biggest concern is the handful of lousy welds I performed on Billy Bob earlier in the day. And the reason for my unbelievably long streak of mental calm can be summed up in two words: financial security. Since 2006, I’ve been completely debt-free, and I’ve had at least a year of living expenses parked in a savings account.

Our woke overloads can’t redistribute an emergency fund and an absence of debt. Nor can our woke overlords redistribute the peace of mind that comes with a robust emergency fund and an absence of debt. So if you want as much serenity as possible under full-blown socialism, master your finances. Work, humble your appetite, and save. The future belongs to the mentally unburdened.

Final Thoughts

Okay, groovy freedomist, that’s all I got. What say you? Are my fears of full-blown socialism legit? Is my secret to “winning” in a full-blown socialist country legit? Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Peace.

* For those unfamiliar with this blog, paycheck freedom is defined as an income earner keeping 75 percent or more of his or her income. Once the combined cost of all levels of government exceeds more than 25 percent of a person’s income, that person no longer has paycheck freedom and is being subjected to paycheck slavery. Government doesn’t own the governed. That would be a gross violation of the 14th Amendment. It just owns the paychecks of the governed.

21 thoughts on “How to Win in Socialist America

  1. Remember that even in a socialist country, the Golden Rule still holds. Those who have enough gold can make loopholes for themselves and their associates.

  2. Important thing to remember about expertise is that it is not directly taxed. (You must first work to have an income to tax.) It’s as portable as your ability to emigrate.

    Don’t forget the Federales believe they own a share of any income of its serf’s working overseas.
    steve poling recently posted…Dave Ramsey HeresyMy Profile

  3. That fact checks with me, Mr. G. Having mad technical skills and an amazing spouse and kids had given me a life I wouldn’t trade for anyone’s. Society may be sliding downhill but my life is still trending up.

    1. “Society may be sliding downhill but my life is still trending up.”

      I love it! We can all be our own bridge over trouble waters if try.

    1. Thank you, sir. When I was writing about hobbies I couldn’t help but think of you and Jackie. Freedom for Fido is the epitome of a hobby or avocation that not only can’t be redistributed away but also makes this world a little less nasty and brutish. Hope all is well at World Headquarters. Cheers.

    1. Thanks, Laurie. Appreciate it.

      P.S. I’m up to page 1200 in the Patriot’s Bible. Great freaking read. I dedicated myself this year to finally reading the Bible, and I have you to thanks. Cheers.

      1. I’m so glad you like it!!!! Besides the main content, I love, love, love the little history lessons throughout!

    1. Excellent point. I should have said they aren’t confiscating emergency funds as of now. But the odds of them reaching that level of covetousness against the middle-class and working-class are small. I hope! Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Love the way your mind works. Cheers.

      1. Here’s how they reach the middle and working class:
        1. legislate a wealth tax “for the rich only”
        2. leave the wealth brackets the same for decades
        3. with time and inflation, the middle and working class are now “rich”, and have their wealth taxed.
        – this has been done time and time again, for example – income limits at which Social Security benefits become taxable.

        1. Yep. Just after I finished my reply I thought about inflation–the tried and true way all tyrannical governments confiscate money and wealth. I’m going to have to modify the peace-of mind point. They can’t redistribute an absence of debt, right?

          1. Agree 100% – the absence of debt is not taxed anywhere I know of. ANYTHING you own can potentially be taxed. Yesterday I got an $803 bill for a local “occupational license” fee – tax on the knowledge I own in my head.

      2. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. Yes your fears of full blown socialism are legit. The transformation of our country to Socialism is spiraling out of control. Our public education system has poisoned the minds of most of our youth. They are completely sold on Socialism and think it’s the greatest thing in the world. Control the minds of the youth and you control a country! Unfortunately I have experienced this first hand with our daughter graduating from a major public university. She is so brainwashed it makes me sick! I totally regret paying for her degree to be brainwashed!
        Your secrets to winning in a full blown socialist country are legit. I would like to add the following: 1. Look poor on your tax return and avoid earned income like the plague. 2. Spend all of your hard earned money, savings, investments etc. before you die and don’t leave a dime.

        1. Well said, my friend. And I definitely feel your pain. If one wanted his or her child to hate our Founding Fathers, hate our country, and hate freedom, one couldn’t find a more worthy accomplice than our public schools. It’s a freakin’ disgrace.

    2. Do not forget that even in a Socialist country the Golden Rule still applies. Those with sufficient gold can carve out loopholes for themselves & cronies.

      Do not forget that an inflationary monetary policy IS a wealth tax.

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